Also, I don't know where you live!, but check employment laws. Your supervisor may be violating your confidentiality by ratting you out to your dad, especially if he took any disciplinary action – even a verbal warning.
You've had 2 years experience waiting tables. Maybe find a new job where your dad has no connections?
I always advocate for a barrier + hormone method. It may seem overkill, but if you aren’t willing to abort and don’t want an accident then it’s not overkill. Plus, generally speaking, he’ll last longer for you.
You’re husband is at fault and you should be upset with him for his constant lying.
You're 19.
Also, I don't know where you live!, but check employment laws. Your supervisor may be violating your confidentiality by ratting you out to your dad, especially if he took any disciplinary action – even a verbal warning.
You've had 2 years experience waiting tables. Maybe find a new job where your dad has no connections?
I always advocate for a barrier + hormone method. It may seem overkill, but if you aren’t willing to abort and don’t want an accident then it’s not overkill. Plus, generally speaking, he’ll last longer for you.
Hes from West philadelphia born and raised…