Sweetmariam live! webcams for YOU!

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52 thoughts on “Sweetmariam live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It's a litmus test for sure. I wouldn't bother advocating, if they're not doing it naturally they most likely don't care so just move on. Great way of identifying who's worth staying with

  2. It's a litmus test for sure. I wouldn't bother advocating, if they're not doing it naturally they most likely don't care so just move on. Great way of identifying who's worth staying with

  3. The only one it was awkward to, was you OP. The girl obviously didn't give 2 sheets about you being there, so do the same. Not everyone is gonna fall head over heels for you or be stuck on you. She clearly wasn't bothered by your presence, so why was you bothered by hers?

  4. There is only one case where your girl should see her ex. If her ex is in an AA program that requires you to go through different kind of exercises, one of each is making amends to the people you hurt.

    It MIGHT be this, and I emphasize on MIGHT, but this should be considered.

  5. Not knowing anything beyond what you've shared it's naked to say definitively.

    For me (44m), I've fallen asleep twice (as the non-active participant) and slept through 3 (later) known uses of my man-hood.

    In all instances, it was truly because I was tired. For a large swath of my working career, I have worked 14-16 hour days. Factor in spending time with family, eating, showering and traveling for work, I'm awake 20-22 hour's a day 6 days a week with a set 2:00am start time at work. You can only function in any capacity for so long like that. In the last year I can no longer function on less than 4 hour's of sleep a night and have had to cut back to 5 days a week of work to catch up on sleep.

    It is possible even if he is getting 8 hour's of sleep at night, it might not be enough. If his work is physically demanding, it could be he is extremely tired. Alcohol in excess can cause people to pass out; combined lack of sleep and alcohol makes his excuse plausible.

  6. Thank you!! I have a weird question- if I edit this post in the morning after I’ve broken up with him, will it be moved to the top of the new posts section? I want him to see it 🙂

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  8. You're being incredibly cruel just by leading her on for so long and you're making it worse the longer you wait. Tell her. You should've told her from the start. Poor girl.

  9. Sorry I wasn’t clear. He has those things and told me that initially.

    It is like blocking. But just means they remain friends on fb and can remove her from the list if they want to chat.

  10. As someone who's a lesbian and also currently pursuing her PhD (currently 23), I'd advise you to put a little less pressure on this relationship.

    You Uhauled pretty quickly which unfortunately is a red flag and you recognize that. I know your connection likely feels incredible but it's still new and I'm not sure it's the healthiest thing but you're together now so all you can do is make it work!

    You guys are on a different trajectory. My girlfriend is in PA school and it's great being with someone who is still in school. I think it's naked being with someone who has a 9-5 while being a student bc it's just a different way to go about life.

    I think it's natural to bring these things up because I think you're right in that you might not be on the same page. I had to tell my gf like hey imma be a student until I'm 27/28 so I'm not looking for marriage or anything until then. If that timeline didn't work for her then we wouldn't be together. It's a really important conversation to have! And whatever happens will be for the best 🙂 good luck!

  11. She didn't say she needs him to spend 1k on her, that's the issue. No one said he needs to pay her bills and that's what people are assuming for some reason. After 1 year in a relationship it's simply CRUEL to turn a blind eye to someone's SO struggling to get by. He could help out by paying for her groceries or pay for her gas once in a while. But he's additionally financially stable enough to spend 1k on someone's gift and does not care to help his own girlfriend out. It's plain wrong.

  12. Mhm. I really don't care how you perceive what I'm saying. Considering you're not that bright at perceiving things LMAO ayyeeeeee 2 points to me

  13. Your husband is a shitty hypocrite. The reason he doesn’t want you to have guy friends is because he doesn’t want you to behave the way he does. It’s called projection.

  14. It's frustrating when a relationship goes south and the other party won't tell you why.

    I think it's time to accept that if she hasn't had an honest conversation with you about it for the past 10 years she never will.

    It's natural to want answers but it's time to accept you never will get them.

    It's time to end it, get your ducks in a row get a lawyer and have an ironclad custody agreement in it. It's important, she's shown that she will happily disappear with your son you need to make sure she doesn't do that.

    I'd suggest talking to friends and family before you mention the divorce thing and ask if she's given any indication as to what's going on as you're struggling to hold on to the relationship when she wants nothing to do with you. Better yet send them a link to this post and ask for advice and honesty.

    It means that everyone knows your side, because I suspect when it comes to custody she will start lying to people.

    Make sure you speak to your son too, talk about how it's got nothing to do with him.

  15. Idk man is she a nazi cause the type of worldview can be so bad that it should make a difference. As for issues like family differences, they can count: if one wants kids and the other doesn’t if you want a long relationship. But yea you should date people your attracted to and expose yourself to different kind of people and situations.

  16. OH fuck off. The cat is the problem. It is attacking OPs bfs cats. So it’s fine for OP to want to keep her cat, but not fine for her bf to want to keep his cats safe?

  17. It sure reads like fiction, and most of the responses are based on hilariously subjective takes. OP sounds like a trashbag if real.

  18. Consenting adults can sleep with who they want. While protecting children and minors is very important, the internet tends to go overboard on situations like this.

    20 year olds are adults and definitely deserve their own agency when it comes to who they want to sleep with.

  19. Your concept of atheism is heavily informed by the dominant religion of the culture you were raised in.

    OP’s bf sounds like a very typical Jewish atheist. Atheism is an orthodoxic label, describing religious belief (or lack therof), but Judaism is an orthopraxic religion and is based on shared practices and not shared beliefs.

    He is Jewish and wants to raise his kids as Jewish, and this doesn’t at all contradict his atheism. (Other people have mentioned the Reform movement, which allows patrilineal descent if the children are raised Jewish.)

    If this is the first time they have discussed how they want their children raised – rather than OP assuming that his Jewish atheism was the same as her secular atheism and him assuming her atheism meant she didn’t have strong opinions on raising her own children as Jewish or that simply stating he was Jewish implied she knew he wanted this – then he’s no more in the wrong for not mentioning it earlier than she is. They each have an equal responsibility to check for compatibility.

    If this isn’t the first time, then he’s in the wrong because he either lied or changed his mind – and it’s just not okay to spring an ultimatum on someone after a period of questioning you didn’t even make your partner aware of.

  20. People who say this is learned/adaptive behavior are wrong!!! How could you even put it out there with so little information??? I’ve never ever thrown up easily, I hate throwing up even if I’m sick at my stomach. Yet, as an adult when I met a man I instantly started to throw up when he started to argue with me. It never happened in my relationships before. He was super abusive emotionally and also physically.

    After that I had a boyfriend on and off for five year, man did we fight! Yet I not once threw up! He left me so many times, and my emotions where off the charts.

    Guess what, I met a man after that last boyfriend, and I started to throw up whenever he argued with me. Even though I had gotten signals that he was emotionally abusive towards me, I didn’t believe it. I thought he was the best, kindest man alive. Until he wasn’t, and the bubble Id been in burst. My friends, three different psychologist and my family told me straight up: It’s morally wrong to keep watching you being with this man who treats you this way, it’s abuse and we’re on the verge of what’s legal to ignore now without interfering (said the psychologist).

    So, for me it was a sign of being abused without knowing it. I don’t think none of those exes realized it either (that’s how abusive they where!). And my proof is that with my boyfriend in between these two, who wasn’t a good relationship either but it was equal and non-threatening (even if he had cptsd and would be crazy at times), I never once threw up!

    So, OP, you might be emotionally, mentally or in other ways abusive towards your girlfriend. Even your question if she is MANIPULATING you with physical reactions, screams in me that you’re not that great person you try to convince yourself to be.

  21. Regarding the potential for diabetes: my step mom has MODI (adult onset type 1), and her symptoms were kind of similar—ammonia-ish smell and sickly sweet breath. Once she was diagnosed and properly treated, those symptoms disappeared. All this to say, it might not be type 2.

  22. You are directing righteous rage too narrowly. You are willing to try to hurt this person yet showing grace and acceptance to your bf.

    This makes you arbitrary and likely just enables you to keep some relationship going that you know should be ended.

  23. Ground ball. Dump her and move on. You already wasted two years on this person that you should’ve dumped six months in. Keep forgiving her cheating and keep getting cheated on.

  24. Why are you still in a relationship with this person, much less planning on moving in with him. He thinks it's acceptable to pressure someone for sex. He is impossible to please. He sounds insufferable.

    Stop stressing out about making someone incapable of happiness happy.

  25. Honestly wish they had taught this in school, I learned a few of these lessons a bit later than idve liked to

  26. it's called negging. he's trying to devalue you and mess with your head. It's a power play and further down the road he's just going to get more and more abusive.

  27. This was one option, and you’re only 7 months in…. But if you’re so torn and heartbroken why wouldn’t you at least try long distance? How long is a Masters? Couple years? Don’t break up but keep some slim hope that “if it’s meant to be”. It’ll sour every relationship you have until you let it go. But if it was me, I’d at least try the long distance if you feel so strongly.

  28. Thanks!

    Yeah the berating part is tough because I know he wants to be heard and listened to, but at the same time it just feels like he’s saying the same stuff on repeat and it’s not going anywhere. If I don’t say anything back he says I’m not engaging, but I don’t know what to say besides “what can I do moving forward?”

    Maybe he’s not feeling a change from me – I made a comment about buying a bin to organize an area in our home and that set him off – I shouldn’t have brought it up buying it – so maybe that’s the change he’s looking for. So I’m going to be mindful about what comes out of my mouth.

    I think he wants to see action, so next time I get a payment from a client, I’m going to put it in a spreadsheet and show me splitting into money going back into my biz/taxes, savings and bills.

    He’s okay with living here as long as we both hit a certain income goal.

    He’s a great partner and does so much, I know where I need to step up.

    One thing that helps/motivates me is to listen to a book about whatever subject I’m focusing on, so that’s something I’m going to do today.

  29. I think you're just misunderstanding my actual point to project your own rage at your own assumption.

    I literally just said some of us prefer blowjobs and sex with actual people, not sex toys.

    Your response to me telling OP she can do better was that you prefer women who can stick up for themselves. That's you implying OP can't…even though she finally is about to…

    I never once defended OPs poor excuse for a partner. I simply made a joke towards your nonsensical reply. If you don't understand why your reply is nonsensical, that's on you. But I'm willing to help. (1) you don't get blowjobs from sex dolls, OPs partner obviously enjoys her getting him off without him having to do literally anything (2) your response was literally more inherently invalidating towards the OP despite your attempt to virtue signal.

    Please check your assumptions and self righteousness next time.

  30. Leave. And get evidence to try for full custody. Abusers tend to lash out on other ppl when they don’t get their way


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