Hanna-Kisten online sex cams for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “Hanna-Kisten online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Personally I find it questionable at the ages you mention in comments but where I live it's very common. I am from northern europe though so the age of consent is 15 and most people think of it as a phase thing.

    It's very common especially with the girl being younger than the boy. Boys mature slower is the general idea. Oh well yeah I always found it a bit icky myself but different cultures.

  2. Most women are delusional when it comes to this. And that's just the cold nude truth. You all think you are 10s. Men were told since we were young that we aint shit, but women were told from a young age that they are perfect.

    6/7 is good! It's literally above average. Stop thinking that you are a perfect little 10 in all areas of life and then getting offended when someone tells you the truth

  3. If your husband is old enough to reproduce, he’s old enough to learn some basic GD respect for you.

    Stop making excuses for him!

    Seriously. Stop trying to play off his gross lack of consideration for you as charming ignorance. It’s not. It’s selfish, entitled, and really just disgusting.

    Is he lacking arms? Lacking hands? He can take care of himself.

  4. It might have something to do with the mom refusing to not bring a violent, dangerous dog to her daughter's house.

  5. Do you think she's unfit to be a mother? I'm really just trying to hear a full explanation of your thought process.

  6. Hello /u/violetloops,

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  7. Get a divorce and stay single for a few years and work on yourself before dating again. There is a reason most people say to wait until after 25 at minimum to get married.

  8. So, you do understand that people may get crushes on people they're not in a relationship with, right? Doesn't mean they'll act on it. Doesn't mean they'll cheat.

    By what you wrote, your (probably soon to be ex-) wife did everything a good partner would do. She saw the signs, recognized them, came to you and did all the legal stuff to extract herself from the situation. Yet you punish her for doing the right thing?

    You've effectively nuked your relationship by asking for the seperation because of your own insecurities. Get your ass in therapy. You've got anger issues you need to work out with a professional.

    I'm not saying your feelings are invalid. But there's a big difference between acting like a regular grownup and what you're doing right now.

  9. Stop going after a married man. He doesn’t want you. He is his own person and honestly you sound unhealthily obsessed. Time to get on with your own life and stop this pity party.

  10. Meaning, he grabs the next one? Why not leave it where he drinks it? If I drink coffee or tee trough day I keep using the same cup which stays on my desk or wherever I drop myself.

  11. I took your advice and sent her an email pretty much saying I refuse to meet you in the fourth, I got my closure the say you ended it. I know you mom and sis will be sad to hear they arent gonna say bye to me as ai go contract overseas but I’m choosing me.

  12. If you are worried about her temper , then move on.

    Why live in a state of tension , with a person who can’t control their emotions?

    It doesn’t matter how good the good times are, it’s how bad the bad time are.

  13. OP, you need to look at why you’re feeling so insecure about this. If you can’t trust your partner to not cheat on you, you shouldn’t be in a relationship- period. If it’s an insecurity you’d have regardless of the girlfriend and how long you’ve been dating, imo you’d be well served by going to individual therapy. If it’s specific to your relationship because she’s given you prior reasons not to trust her, why are you still in that? You’re being awfully controlling and maybe your concerns are somewhat valid, maybe it’s pure insecurity- difficult to tell- but regardless it’s not okay to tell her what she can and cannot do and who she can and cannot interact with.

  14. If you can't trust your girlfriend to have dinner with a guy. Then maybe you shouldn't be in that relationship.

    Face-to-face talks about nude subjects can be better.

    Though the question here is not should she do it. Is do you trust her to not sleep with someone when she goes to dinner. If you don't then you have bigger issues than who she has dinner wiht.

  15. Pretty sure there's a series on Netflix (sex/life or something like that) that was pretty much this. Didn't end too well for anyone. To outright answer your question, yes it sounds like you might be. Also, after getting my “one that got away” back from college, it didn't end well. I can just see so much going downhill from here

  16. I'm sorry this is happening to you and I can 100% relate. Know that the most boring people on the planet are runners and food jocks. My partner also does monologues regarding food and running and sends me articles on wellness crap which I don't need because I am 100 times more grounded than my partner. You need to stop being the audience and your partner needs to understand that you aren't there to be his audience. If you want to get brutal. Time his monologues and then tell him you would like 30 minutes to talk about something you care about. I'm going to guess once that baby comes its going to get better. Just make sure he does his fair share on baby duty. He is going to be to tired to monolgue as much.

  17. Why would you ever agree to having unprotected sex without a condom when you’re 20 and you don’t want a baby. You have to stand your ground and make good choices.

  18. If moneys not an issue take an Uber , also putting your dog under at age 10 isn’t the best especially if he has all these underlying health issues , he could die . So I think the neutering boat has passed . Your main focus should be getting her cherry eye fixed and finding out if her lump is cancerous or not . Take an Uber to the vet , spend the money for them to run tests and then you’ll get some answers .

  19. Seems like a nice guy except maybe a bit on the jealous side, but take it slow, and don't expose yourself to becoming “babymama” no 3.

    He's not a pornstar or something is he ?

  20. Mate this guy is rude! I don’t get why so many people are saying you’re overreacting?? Don’t get me wrong, I like frogs, but if someone said I looked like one I’d think I had bulbous eyes or a weird wide mouth or something.

    Aside from that, you were clearly upset about it and he had a go at you for being sensitive?? And he got you to apologise??? And this isn’t the first time he’s made a strange little comment to belittle you?!?

    Girl, run.

  21. He is obviously manipulative and abusive, you should never feel like your partner hates you in a relationship and if you do the relationship isn’t worth keeping, leave him

  22. In the moment he tells me only positive, which is why this was so confusing for me. And even when it's only positive I still ask for feedback because I know there's things I could be doing better. We've both expressed communication is important for us, but I think the time and place wasn't right for this.

  23. Maybe let him go that way you both have time alone. Trust me once the baby comes you’ll only wish you had a chance to be alone before the baby is born. My pregnancy was a high risk pregnancy and I was fine. Check with your ob see if it’s ok. Let him go so he doesn’t resent you for not going. Have him have his phone on the whole time. That way you both have time to yourselfs


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