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28 thoughts on “Ariiana-conor live sex cams for YOU!

  1. She ‘s rude to you because he vents to her when he’s mad so he alks against you amd she’s siding with him ansd she’s all nice to him.

    Eventhough he was drunk when he said this i’d take this as you’re second best. Probably would drop you if she broke up with her bf. Don’t accept this be with someone who thinks you’re the only one.

  2. Emotional

    If you make a tiny mistake (you threw away chips then offered to get new ones)

    And he has such a big fit that it makes you feel terrible

    That’s emotional abuse

    Sorry to break it to you

    Does this stuff happen normally!? Or is this a one off?

  3. I had a friend that was like your wife. Although Im seeing the whole thing went down as a bystandard that she vents to, I feel for her husbamd after reading your post.

    For people like that, they stay with you and doesnt want to end the marriage because their new prospect isnt secure yet. In my friend's case, her new prospect is a rich older man that already has a girlfriend. She knows he is just playing with her, enjoying the moment and would never make her official.

    She constantly complains about her husband of 10 years and compairs him to the rich guy, even though her husband is moderately successful as well and pays the bills for them to on-line in LA. Even then, she will never leave him, not when he is so useful & secure.

    I dont know about your particular situation, but imo your wife have similar reasons for not wanting you to leave. You sound pretty upset with the current situations, so imo you should just leave for the sakenof yourself rather than waiting for her to tell you shes done.

  4. “I dIDnT WaNt to hUrT hiM”

    Y’know it’s not nude to break up first then hook up with some other dude. It really isn’t naked

  5. He definitely fucked up. But maybe it was just for this time. I think you should give him another chance. Next time he does shit like this you can pack him and send him to his ex.

  6. Yeah…. 3 months later he taught his toddler to call her momma and she's convinced to ignore everyone that's telling her that this is way too fast and is instead talking about not using birth control to have 3 babies because “24 is so old” and she has to do it now.

    This is what happens when you give manipulative people a chance.

  7. Stop calling her his best female friend. She's his affair partner. You won't be able to properly deal with this situation until you understand that.

    Your husband cheated on his pregnant wife with an affair partner he told you not to worry about while his betrayed wife was at home taking care of his child.

    There are no combination of qualities he could have that would make up for that. He's just a bad person. You can't fix that.

  8. Steve Ryan (he is on the news here in Toronto lol), Anderson Cooper, Anthony Kiedis, Keanu Reeves, and Charlie Hunnam.

    My gf and I discuss nude people on tv/movies all the time. One of my biggest girl crushes from the 90’s Leisha Hailey from the band The Murmurs and Uh Huh Her and the L Word is on the L Word Gen Q and she has just gotten so much cuter/hotter over time. Same with Kate Moennig.

  9. Hello /u/MyTomatoSoup,

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  10. yeah, this is something you have to think long and nude for yourself

    1) You said he “might” have to relocate in the future. When is this?

    1a) Do you want to date for long term or casual? Because if its casual, then dont hold any strings attached. But if you want long term, I doubt this is going to work

    2) Sure, you can be careful so you dont get hurt but putting limits on hanging out with someone who you supposedly enjoy's company? so weird.

  11. Do you have Netflix?

    Watch the first season of You. Maybe follow that up with Dahmer. Order a copy of The Gift of Fear while you’re at it. Also please tell at least 3 people what’s going on.

    The most dangerous times in these relationships are when you try to leave or after a relationship milestone. The reason behind the later is that they feel you’re invested enough and the barriers to leaving are high enough that they feel comfortable dropping the mask a little. If you choose to stay, you should expect more unpleasant surprises once you announce your engagement and after the wedding. There is a reason why homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women.

  12. This doesn't add up. You gave him perfect ammo to lie and say he didn't create it too. It would be so dumb to just straight up admit that I'm wondering if that makes it seem more true? It's just weird. Ask him to see the profile and any messages he sent. If he refuses you got your answer, and if he does then maybe he actually believes the BS? Maybe someone fed him that line and he bought it. Is your husband kind of gullible?

  13. She isn’t valuing his feelings, either. Frankly I don’t find this at all unusual. Mixed-gender bachelor/ette parties are becoming more and more common. He’s essentially going on vacation with his closest friends for a few days, and if he hasn’t done anything to earn her distrust, then OP needs to let him go. She’s valid in her feelings, but not valid in how she’s expressing them.

  14. My SO had a coworker who had a breakdown years ago (he thought he was JC), and they let him come back after some medical intervention. If the behaviour was out of character enough, there might be a way back.

  15. I genuinely think your roommate is going to have this issue with any roommate she has and I don’t think there’s really anything you can do. She is going to have to work through that stuff on her own. The best you can do I think is just show that you are not that person and probably try to not to force any sort of friendship. Honestly you might even try to avoid her for her own comfort if it makes her feel safer. I would argue if she has to have a roommate it’s probably better she have you than someone else like that. Clearly she has severe trauma from that which you personally are not able to fix.

  16. Hell, I'm married and have been with my husband for 11 years, and I still don't drag him to high drama family events. which, in my case, is almost all events. He didn't grow up having to read the double meaning of every interaction. He didn't grow up having to not trust family members because they will stab you in the back and pick at your bones like vultures. I grew up being brought up how to protect your vulnerable and not let anyone be able to use it against you, hence why I keep my husband safe from the evil banshees.

  17. He’s hiding more from you. Once he got caught, and then continued to lie, that was the answer you needed. Leave now before you waste more years tied down to someone like that. He’s not the perfect guy, he’s really good at lying. And over 6 years he never felt guilty about it, and just continued. I know it hurts to hear that but it’s the truth. I took my ex wife back after I found out she had been cheating for our entire 10 year marriage. Within 6 months she was cheating again. Filed for divorce the next day and moved on with my life.

  18. Thailand is KNOWN for its sex tourism. That dude is riddled with who knows what, please tested and get out of this relationship. Would he be as forgiving had you fucked another man?

  19. “It seems like he knows I’ll stick around no matter what so what is the point in changing,” that really hit home.

    First, do what makes you feel most safe, nothing is worth being put in a dangerous situation even mentally. Secondly, you don’t ‘owe’ him an explanation, but I think it may still be useful in this case so he doesn’t chew at your ankle asking you back to prove himself or prove you wrong about his character.

    My suggestion is unless you think he could really use the feedback & will do something with it, sometimes it best to just say something along the lines of, “I realize I am not in a place to be in a relationship right now & I hope you can understand.” This way he won’t get defensive & get into an unproductive, spiraling back & fourth fight because he is ashamed of his behavior… he wants you to stay so he can prove himself to you that he will change but you have seen that’s been falling short & it sounds like you may be starting to resent him which isn’t fair to either of you; he is holding onto what he -claims- he can control, but if you say it’s because you need this & he cannot control you or how you feel/need, he may be less inclined to plead he’s a changed man since the spotlight is taken off of his actions & your taking accountability for your feelings/actions.

    I hope that makes sense, I wish you all the best.

  20. It’s not a bad idea, sometimes I do spend the night if I’m too tired to go home, but the most I’ve stayed is a night, because I don’t have any of my stuff there. I don’t like leaving my stuff outside of my house


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