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27 thoughts on “Rihanna Abiodun online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Replacing an entire wardrobe isn’t “haha” material. Shit’s expensive. She’s asking you what property of your own you want back? All of it. Why would she keep your property?

  2. Dont let guys like this steal the best years of your life.

    He better get with the program or move along. Nobody has time for this and you should absolutely call him on his bs.

    Ive dated a lot of stand up amazing men and some serious frogs and if i wouldve skipped making excuses for idiots, i wouldve saved myself “trauma” i had to work through after it inevitable ended. So this is where im speaking from.

    Guys who want you, will pursue and they will make it a point to ensure you are aware of their feelings. This wishy washy nonsense ive only seen in dudes whove wasted my time.

  3. Okay then I feel thats pretty important info. If she doesn’t care you slept with her sister right before dating I cannot see her caring that you slept with her just so happen to be coworker.

  4. I guess I’m confused about the issue here. I don’t understand what’s wrong with what she said. She basically asked why you were using thyme and then, when she found out, said that she would prefer sage. If she’d come in, asked what you were using and then immediately demanded you use sage, that would be unacceptable. She gave you an opportunity to tell her why you think thyme would be better – you may have a viewpoint that she hadn’t realized yet. When she knew your thoughts, she still thought sage would be better.

    Perhaps you should see a counselor or communication expert a few times to get yourselves on the same page about what words and phrases mean what to each of you.

    Good luck.

  5. He’s your dad and the only one you have. You can choose to cut them out but not everybody is going to feel the same way. Don’t make OP feel bad for contacting her dad. She’s not taking sides. It’s OK to have your dad in your life. No matter what he’s done. Even if he’s in prison. She gets to decide if she wants to have a relationship or not.

  6. Why are you just letting him cheat on you? Stand up for yourself. I'm bi and have never been with a woman. I love my fiance and only him. Since I only love him, I have no desire to sleep with anyone else.

  7. Info; you say in a comment that your girlfriend contributes a lot. What exactly does she contribute?

    She doesn’t pay bills. She doesn’t help around the house. She doesn’t cook your meals. SHE DOESN’T LIKE IT WHEN YOU SLEEP! She uses sex as an ultimatum to get you to do what she wants. She uses the silent treatment to punish you for sleeping! You have no idea what she does with her time during the day, but you know for sure it’s not doing anything to make your life easier. She is happy to sit back and watch you work yourself to exhaustion so you can continue maintaining her lifestyle, while she makes no effort to help you live a healthy lifestyle! She uses guilt tripping and emotional manipulation.

    You seem to have very low expectations for yourself. You also seem to have very little self respect to allow someone to treat you so poorly. You need a partner in life, someone to share the load. Someone who gives and takes. You seem to be living with taker…. So give yourself permission to move on and look for someone better!

  8. Set hot boundaries and don’t coddle him or give into those insecurities, either he can enjoy your relationship under what is healthiest for both of you, or he can be gone. Do not sacrifice your health for him.

  9. He's never used condoms for that. We talked and he says I must've missed it cleaning or it fell out from between one of the books stacked under there. It is a brand we used to use before, but definitely not one I bought the last time we needed them as I still have the box. The sheets don't have any fluids, the only evidence I have is the wrapper

  10. sigh…. you have no self-love, no self-respect, and no self-worth. This is why he could manipulate you into doing all the things that you don’t want to do. Please leave him. Don’t expect others to love you when you have so little love for yourself. Learn to love yourself first before going into any relationship from now on.

  11. Mine was 30k yearly as of 2020. Lives with parents plus maybe another 20-25 in upkeep. 100k makes me cry. My total on graduation was 107.

  12. Listen if you were over 25, this wouldn’t be a big deal. At that point a 25 or older person can relate better to someone at 35 because you both would be past certain milestones that comes with being closer in age.

    It’s a big deal because you are in two VERY different life stages.

    This guy is looking for an adult relationship, where a person has life experience, ready to settle down in the next few years. Someone who is ready to buy a home or get engaged.

    You gotta ask yourself why a guy that old is wanting to hang around someone as young as you?

    Is he incapable of being compatible in maturity with woman his age?

    If not, that’s a red flag and you should definitely not put all your eggs into this guys basket so to speak.

    I’m 35, started dating someone whose 28, 29 next month. Even though it’s an eight year age gap, he is at a similar life stage as me cause he’s almost 30. So it’s why it’s not an issue. Plus I look 21 for my age, so people think he’s dating someone far younger than him ?

    Anyway, Op, this guy may be good for a fun time, but not for a long time since he is 35.

  13. Dude, the only one who is being hurt by all your rage and anger is you. Even if you find some sort of petty revenge, you’ll still find this eating you up. Find a way to let it go.

  14. I would divorce, and go see a counselor…This is beyond disgusting. Go to an attorney, and get a divorce. I am so sorry you are going through this. It is rape, and I would go an attorney, then the police.

  15. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Heyy, im just kind of proud of myself for getting out of a relationship where i swore everything was okay until now that i realize hes never changed, hes never treated me with the love and respect i deserve bc i was always the one giving and on top of that, i recently found a text between him and some girl and he was complimenting her constantly, calling her luv and hun. Im still processing if this counts as cheating ?? Soo lmk lol. But um yea im sad, mad, hurt, but im also relieved and happy that i stood up for myself.

    Just want some words of encouragement 🙂

    Edit: YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME CRYYY, thank you so much for the kind comments and making me feel very supported

  16. Yes op red flags everywhere! I would end the relationship after finding that out.

    Ok so this is a little off topic but not really bc it's same kind of question. What do y'all think of a 23 year old female dating a 34 year old male. And he's known her his entire life bc it's a family friend?

  17. Honestly, I don’t know how to answer it. I tried in another comment, so I just copied that here.

    I don’t want to share my baby with anyone, and only see him once in a while or whatever. I don’t want my infant son to have to see his dad, and leave me for hours. I have absolutely no clue how to date or find love again as a young single mom. And I don’t want to have children with multiple men and have ex’es stuck in my life.

    I really thought he was the guy, and just got cold feet. Which is terrible enough might I add, I am very much aware that you don’t just up and leave your pregnant girlfriend.

    All the rest came after and honestly shook me to the core. He had always seemed so in love with me, cheating never crossed my mind untill after he left

    It might be pregnancy hormones too idk

  18. He's actually not “a great boyfriend”, not for you anyway. He's someone who still worries about a person he spent part of his life with – you know, like a decent human being. But when backed into a corner about it he flailed around, pulled out the “toxic” card then finally settled on her being suicidal just to get you to back off. If you demand a blank slate and total obeisance in a relationship you need to find someone who's never had a romantic partner before. This way there'll be no exes and you can train this person to create a socal media shrine to you in exactly the way you want it done. You and this guy aren't a good fit.


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