Keyla-alx live! sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Keyla-alx live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think so. It's hot finding an asexual man. I wish there was a man similar to me, that like what I like and not too much into sex.

  2. baby I love you and I know they might not love every aspect about you, but as soon as they see how much I love and vice versa they will warm up to you. even if they don't ever grow to adore you, I always will❤️

  3. It’s not your problem anymore, and it might be tough but figure out different living circumstances asap. You aren’t her partner, parent, or protector. You will never move on while under the same roof.

  4. oh wow spot on, that was initially the main issue actually. i wanted him to call me both pretty and attractive more often because he barely did. so i told him that i felt like he didn’t compliment me very often, so it made me feel like he doesnt find me attractive. so i didn’t explicitly say “i want u to call me hot more,” but i did mention explicitly that i did wish he called me pretty more bc it was easier of the two to say. i admit i did beat around the bush w the “it makes me feel like u dont find me attractive” bc it was nude for me to say straight out

  5. He's just looking for excuses. He checked out the moment he stopped inviting you places and was hiding the fact he was hanging out with other women.

  6. He's the primary acct holder on the bank account and he's removed me/in the process of removing my access. I only have a credit card on me, but I just learned that it was cancelled as well!

  7. Knowing she's monogamous and wanting to keep her AND find someone else to use for literally just sex, is selfish. He's only thinking about himself and getting his dick wet.



    my ex used to downplay hitting me in the arm all the time and eventually one day when he'd been drinking he lost it and tried to kill me


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