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39 thoughts on “Dakota-lee online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You might say you're happy to be a friendly acquaintance, but that you can't commit to the full obligations of a friendship.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with being friends with an ex, but usually that friendship doesn’t just happen overnight. It’s fine to have a few weeks or longer of minimal contact so you can get over romantic feelings.

  3. That's the bitch of it. I know that I can't get through to her and I'm scared to death she may self-destruct or worse before she'll listen. I hate her for what she's done to me but don't want to see her do anything terrible to herself.

  4. It sounds like he has serious commitment issues. You could suggest couples therapy. If he r3fuses that, break up with him. It's not going to move forwards.

  5. Did he spend much time with her?

    She seems to have a bad track record with choosing men. It sounds like she’s seeking something and often bad guys use that vulnerability.

  6. Hi there, sorry to hear you are going through this, and I can really empathize with you as I went through this exact thing for the past four years.

    GF and I went to high school together, were together for 1 year before long distance started due to college. At first we were 4hrs apart for the first year then 2.5 in the following years. My GF also did not like calling/texting/social media too much, so I understand that you are feeling your needs are not being met. We did have a breakup for a couple of months in the third year, not entirely due to the long distance but just in general expectations, communication, and on my part lying. I, like you did a lot of crying, distance can really hurt. If I had to go back and do it over again, I maybe would say that it’s better to not have to go through this, especially during college. If you break things off on good terms, there is potential to get back together when your lives are more aligned. It will hurt at first but it will give you room to on-line your life and hopefully be hurting less. I can’t tell you how many times I missed out on things with friends because I was driving back to my hometown to see my GF. Or how many times I was on the phone with my GF the night before a final, fighting/crying when I should have been preparing. We got back together after our breakup so I am not really a good example of what I am saying you should do here. But, I will say a break/ breakup can help put things into perspective for both of you. It sounds like you may have some unhealthy boundaries by saying your life revolves around him. I understand this sentiment because I also used to have this outlook on the relationship. But, it’s this type of thinking that causes more problems/ stress. You need to be your own person, and have your own activities to fill your time. This will reduce the stress that is put on the relationship. Long distance relationships inherently feel disconnected. There may be instances where both parties are very active, FaceTime daily, text frequently etc, but these are not necessary for the LDR to work. It’s obviously nice if you had those things, but what’s necessary to have a functioning LDR is an understanding or agreement between the two of you. If you’re saying your needs are not being met that probably means you’re unhappy, and if you’re unhappy your partner probably does not feel very good about themselves or your relationship either. So, you either should reevaluate what your needs are, I.e. learn how to function without him (so when you DO get contact you are happy and engaged) or leave the relationship because it is not suiting your needs. This happened plenty of times to me where since my expectations were not being met, even when I did have contact with her I was upset because of all the pent up feelings I had been having. LDRs are messy and it really takes a certain kind of people to do it. You have to have good enough communication, understanding and trust or it will go to shit, and you may lose them altogether because of a failed LDR. Earlier I said that I would suggest to breakup first because this is essentially a whole other “assignment” on top of what other school or work that you may have. LDR forces you to think and talk about things that you would normally not have to and this will either make or break the relationship. My GF and I made it through our 4yrs and are now living in the same city, and we are doing great. I don’t think we ever “got the hang of it”. We never wanted to be apart and really never learned to be okay with that. After our breakup though I learned how to deal with it. I figured out that going a day or two when she is busy without talking much is really not a big deal when the alternative is not having her at all. Everything I have said also does not even consider cheating emotionally or physically. This is a whole other ballpark that is potentially more likely as you are not getting as much attention from your SO. I hope this helps some, you’re not alone.

  7. Hi there, sorry to hear you are going through this, and I can really empathize with you as I went through this exact thing for the past four years.

    GF and I went to high school together, were together for 1 year before long distance started due to college. At first we were 4hrs apart for the first year then 2.5 in the following years. My GF also did not like calling/texting/social media too much, so I understand that you are feeling your needs are not being met. We did have a breakup for a couple of months in the third year, not entirely due to the long distance but just in general expectations, communication, and on my part lying. I, like you did a lot of crying, distance can really hurt. If I had to go back and do it over again, I maybe would say that it’s better to not have to go through this, especially during college. If you break things off on good terms, there is potential to get back together when your lives are more aligned. It will hurt at first but it will give you room to on-line your life and hopefully be hurting less. I can’t tell you how many times I missed out on things with friends because I was driving back to my hometown to see my GF. Or how many times I was on the phone with my GF the night before a final, fighting/crying when I should have been preparing. We got back together after our breakup so I am not really a good example of what I am saying you should do here. But, I will say a break/ breakup can help put things into perspective for both of you. It sounds like you may have some unhealthy boundaries by saying your life revolves around him. I understand this sentiment because I also used to have this outlook on the relationship. But, it’s this type of thinking that causes more problems/ stress. You need to be your own person, and have your own activities to fill your time. This will reduce the stress that is put on the relationship. Long distance relationships inherently feel disconnected. There may be instances where both parties are very active, FaceTime daily, text frequently etc, but these are not necessary for the LDR to work. It’s obviously nice if you had those things, but what’s necessary to have a functioning LDR is an understanding or agreement between the two of you. If you’re saying your needs are not being met that probably means you’re unhappy, and if you’re unhappy your partner probably does not feel very good about themselves or your relationship either. So, you either should reevaluate what your needs are, I.e. learn how to function without him (so when you DO get contact you are happy and engaged) or leave the relationship because it is not suiting your needs. This happened plenty of times to me where since my expectations were not being met, even when I did have contact with her I was upset because of all the pent up feelings I had been having. LDRs are messy and it really takes a certain kind of people to do it. You have to have good enough communication, understanding and trust or it will go to shit, and you may lose them altogether because of a failed LDR. Earlier I said that I would suggest to breakup first because this is essentially a whole other “assignment” on top of what other school or work that you may have. LDR forces you to think and talk about things that you would normally not have to and this will either make or break the relationship. My GF and I made it through our 4yrs and are now living in the same city, and we are doing great. I don’t think we ever “got the hang of it”. We never wanted to be apart and really never learned to be okay with that. After our breakup though I learned how to deal with it. I figured out that going a day or two when she is busy without talking much is really not a big deal when the alternative is not having her at all. Everything I have said also does not even consider cheating emotionally or physically. This is a whole other ballpark that is potentially more likely as you are not getting as much attention from your SO. I hope this helps some, you’re not alone.

  8. Hello /u/Just-Fill-5417,

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  9. Hello /u/ThrowRAddic,

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  10. Hello /u/NoMilk6465,

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  11. This is also what I'm worried of, I have no clue how she'll take the breakup. We've not had sex for 2 months (it's difficult when you both on-line with parents), I'm worried that when we next have sex, and I breakup after, she may pull a card in the mix to beg me to stay

  12. So? Walk away? What's the problem here man. You already know what to do lol. It seems the only reason why you've created this post, is because you're secretly hoping for one of us to say “oh dude go after her, yeah she wants you” etc

  13. How about be single for a while? You’ve been in a bad relationship for your entire adult life.

    After a 6 year relationship, you need time to get over your ex and not fall back into the same dynamics. Learn what you want out of life, make your own lifestyle, find out what you enjoy doing, and find a guy who fits into that.

  14. I remember as a kid when the treatments didn’t work having a tub of coconut conditioner (a really thick one) to put in my hair before combing it through every 4 days for 16 days. It shouldn’t need doing more regularly as this is enough to catch them at the right point in the cycle. Coconut also repels them. I think there’s other scents but that’s the one I knew about. Apparently leaving coconut oil on overnight can kill them too.

    Ask her to start putting her hair into a tight ponytail and then plaiting it or putting it in a secure bun at work to prevent getting them. By making the hair tightly bound, it can prevent lice finding a way in or a place to cross. They can’t fly or jump. They have to crawl across.

    But also has she tried a proper treatment. Your post sounds like she only tried combing. If you both did a treatment twice during those 16 days with the combing that should clear them. Then with proper precautions (tying the hair, not putting her head to the childrens) she should remain clear. It’s irresponsible to on-line with it because she’s perpetuating the outbreak, the kids will re catch them from her as well. I’d be fuming if my childcare provider didn’t take these steps to remain clear as I’d be doing what I could as well to keep my family clear.

    I’m getting itchy writing this!

  15. You didn't answer my question.

    PeopIe don't have to announce they're not into dating you. If they are interested, they ask you out, and leave out the DTF part. That's reserved for people they only want to F. To avoid confusion. Again, you know that.

  16. Emotional blackmail. It's a red flag of red flags. It's not your problem if she does it. That's on her. How else are you supposed to be happy? Be stuck with her or she kills herself? Messed up. If she does go through with it, take the time you need, you're not at fault when it comes down to it.

    Best of luck. Don't be with her.

  17. It sounds like he might be unhappy with the amount of sex you two have. This means he wants to have sex with you more. So that means he does want you sexually. It slipped out as a joke. For whatever reason he chose not to talk to you about this. I can see why he would be uncomfortable talking to you about this issue based on how you reacted to his joke.

    Couples having different sex drives is common. It's important to talk about this honestly in order to make sure the relationship is working for both people. Making him from guilty for expressing himself is a bad idea.

  18. You've given her the most advice you can about this issue. Honestly, I don't see that you have to cut her off, but you do need to stop talking about this aspect of her life. Don't hear it, don't let her tell you about it.

    Setting a boundary can be difficult, but the initial conversation is pretty similar to the break up you're already contemplating. “I have told you what I think of your dating choices, and you've never taken my advice. I'm sick of being your shoulder to cry on and I don't want to hear it anymore if you're not going to change your choices.” The more difficult part about setting this boundary is enforcing it when she comes crying to you again, tries to show you matches, or asks for advice. Keep it simple “you've heard what I think before. Let's talk about [something else.]” Even if you find that there isn't a lot else to this relationship, I think it will be rewarding for you to practice setting boundaries like this.

    Also, just for the record, her problem isn't that she's being promiscuous. Her problem is that she's crossing sexual bridges with untrustworthy men, and only doing so in hopes of securing relationships, when the men she's picking simply aren't looking for relationships. If she were more of a ho, she'd be happier with these encounters for their own sakes.

  19. Your husband is being a bad father and a bad partner. Of course you're not attracted to him- he's shown himself to be indifferent to your needs, and that is the opposite of sexy.

    You don't necessarily need to take irreversible actions right now, but know that (regardless of what your family says) his behavior is wrong. And absolutely do not feel pressured into sex.

    Right now, focus on what you can do to get more support. Can your family or friends help? Can you hire someone? Give yourself a chance to breathe and finish school. Then you can figure out what to do about ol' useless hubby.

  20. Its prettty normal for people in relationships to have sex to distract them from life stuff. As long as you didn't force her into it there's no issue.

  21. It’s more that I don’t like the idea of another single female being around my man and thinking she can talk to him whenever and however she wants

  22. So you’re not allowed to talk to people of the opposite sex? That’s not breaking trust, that’s trying to on-line up to unrealistic expectations. And the fact he was stalking you any way shows the behaviour was never normal. Also, given how early it is in your relationship it is bound to get worse. Soon your skirt will be too short or you’ll be looking at a man a few seconds too long. Save yourself the trouble and find someone less insecure and controlling.

  23. No. Dates are deep as I get into it. But, I gave the info right there to you. He's an older guy, she's a younger woman, and he offered her a trip with him. Fits the MO.

  24. He sounds a lot like me. I don't think you have anything to worry about. We're just weirdly private when it comes to displaying our romantic lives. I would bet his ex “forced” him to put that pic up.

  25. Hope you kept the moving boxes. He has shown you clearly who he is. Is this how you want to be treated for the next 40-50 years? It’s unlikely he’ll change if he doesn’t see anything wrong with his own behaviour.


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