AliceWils live! sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “AliceWils live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. First off I’m not a really big fan of couples or one partner spending time with somebody she could actually date. And the reason is because of blurred boundaries infidelity and in this case possible criminal problems. It takes the intimacy out of your relationship emotionally also. I’m also not a big fan of people that jump from one relationship to another without processing or healing. The criminal aspect would bother me alone and I would have to set some sort of boundaries with her in your position. It concerns me that she even wants to spend a lot of time with this person. I definitely think you have reason to be concerned.

  2. Ok 1- you need to date other people. You do not have a relationship with this guy and its obviously imbalanced and inconsistent to ever progress into anything serious. Its not serious now.

    2- no offense but you sound a little needy/clingy/ possibly having a fear of abandonment..This is really common, actually, I used to have this same problem myself- and definitely something you might want to address ASAP. Get some hobbies, date around, and have social interactions that are guaranteed like a book club or volunteer work etc.. you have put all of your emotional eggs in this guys basket and its just disappointing anyways. Hes not worth this much energy. If you get stuck, see a therapist. I did and it helped immensely..

    3- You need to write these man shopping ingredients down and stick em on your fridge: Balance, Consistency, Progression, Commitment, Intimacy. Remind yourself that when one ingredient is missing or lacking, the whole relationship wont be healthy. These are the ingredients everyone needs for a healthy relationship..

    Start approaching men you think are attractive, even with a big friendly Hi! Open the door for them to ask you out by simply suggesting spending more time together. Dont ask them out. Just show them they dont need to be afraid of rejection. And suggesting you hang out sometime, is a great way to help a man to follow that up with a dinner or coffee invite.

    Remember, dont date only one man.. its not serious yet and you need to be keeping your options open, to reduce disappointment and ensure the person you do end up choosing to have a relationship with is the right one.. You can be up front with everyone “Im dating casually right now. I date lots of people, but my goal is to have a serious committed relationship ending in marriage.” Its not as scary to them if you are honest and up front about your intetions. You can also either disclose or not disclose whether you fool around with your dating acquaintances. Just dont lie about it. If you dont, you wont. If you do, you might lol so its better to be honest.

    Good luck.

  3. YOU want to get engaged. He clearly does not. You have to make your choices from there, but he clearly values buying cars and shit over proposing.


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