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65 thoughts on “Violett-queenn live sex cams for YOU!

  1. You have to figure out the real reasons why you don’t want her to go. I think it’s more than you’re staying here.

  2. Anyone who else read the ‘didn’t have sex for a long time’ as the husband saying he barely stuck it in ? I was over her dieing laughing my ass off thinking ‘dude it doesn’t matter if you have sex for a long or short time’. At least I got a laugh I guess.

  3. You’d be renovating and taking over taxes etc for a home and land you don’t own. Which sounds like it could get incredibly messy if the relationship if his mom isn’t stellar. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

    So unless she’s giving you the title and ownership of the whole property, I’d pass.

    You know what best for your family now but it’s next to impossible to know what will be good for your family 10 yrs from now. You can move again in decade if that’s necessary and will have built equity in the home you want to buy. I’d live in the now.

  4. Not yet. Our social media handles may be trickier. He was messaging all my friends and family on there last year telling them my wife cheated so not sure how we can get him to leave them alone. I feel like he will get desperate if he can't reach us. I think maybe my wife and I should just leave IG all together.

  5. Okay aside from that. You’re only three months into this relationship and already talking about babies, with no contexts it already sounds like you both were moving pretty fast. Also she says she likes to have back up friends in case of a breakup, and she misses her single life. Buddy that’s a lot of red flags she’s waving around.

  6. Is it not like – most of the time that couples decide to walk away from each other… You know… They go through thoughts like, “Maybe it's time to let it go and get free” ?

  7. I am a pregnant woman. Unless her pregnancy is high risk, there is no reason she can't work until at least her 7th month of pregnancy.

  8. Yes, 2 years is huge. I'd suggest breaking up and leaving the door open to reconnecting when you're back, if both of you are interested.

  9. Absolutely. There’s just some things that you don’t say. Out of love for your partner who’s doing their best. To vocalize that is selfish, knowing that it’s impossible to be a completely different person.

  10. I wouldn’t totally ditch her…..just find other interests and people to spend time with. Invite her out from time to time. Accept her invites if it sounds like a good time.

    I don’t know if I think bringing it up is “worth it.” If you’ve had other meaningful conversations with her, you could try. I’m usually all about communicating… this case, though, it seems like the things you’ve said above have always been issues.

    “Hey friend, I’ve realized lately that it seems like we only do things you plan out. Does that sound right to you, too?”

    So…I don’t know. Sorry. Ugh.

  11. Women have been murdered by their partners over a lot less. It’s not worth the risk, not to mention it’s her body and no one else’s business

  12. He isnt that much of a gift giver/receiver but he did mention that when it comes to his birthday and his best friends birthday they don’t celebrate it on the day but they still give each other gifts.. so thats why im asking for other people’s opinion as ive never been with someone who didnt give out/like receiving gifts

  13. I used to tell my mother in law that the thing was actually an hour earlier than it was. One night I told them that dinner was at 6, booking was actually 7, and they were pissed off when they arrived at 8 and we had eaten already. So disrespectful of other peoples time.

  14. “I don't feel comfortable moving forward with our relationship without having a really serious discussion about our intimacy.”

  15. Hello /u/giveitawaynow644,

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  16. I have already recommended therapy for your insecurity. I don't know if it will help you, but you are clearly unable to evaluate what is and what is not reasonable behaviour.

  17. From your comments it seems like he’s using you. He has financial troubles and can’t afford rent without you? You work from home in a 1 bedroom apartment and he wants to leave the kids with you? He had no problem moving six hours away from his kids to move in with you but now can’t do the same because they moved to your city and you guys are breaking up? You guys aren’t compatible and he already cries to manipulate you when you bring up loving separately. It doesn’t sound like a good situation for you at all so I would try to leave ASAP. Best of luck

  18. Hello /u/Lucky_Cycle1081,

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  19. This sounds like classic vaginismus, and if you go to your doctor, they will be able to help you with graduated dilators. You can even order the graduated dilators yourself from the internet, if you'd rather. They start small, and the idea is that you start getting used to inserting them, until you're comfortable with each size increase. I did it myself, and it worked. It takes patience, and you will want to buy a lot of high quality lube. Even when you yourself get wet, it will always help to add more lube

  20. Even if it’s something that mattered, why does everything turn into a debate? You could have said to Mary, thanks, I wasn’t sure because I never heard of that. Then drop it with Mary so it doesn’t turn into you trying to get the final word in. Later, you research it on your own (like you did). But you skip the part where you imply Mary is wrong because you hadn’t heard of it. There’s no need to say something to make someone feel “less than”.

    If it’s NOT something that affects your life or the lives of people close to you, don’t make such a big deal of having to debate if someone is correct or not. Let some things go, who cares if someone says something that may be slightly wrong if it’s some little thing. Don’t embarrass or make them feel pressured to “prove” their statement just so you can be sure it’s ?correct.

  21. I wish. I honestly just don't trust anyone enough to have my hot pictures on a device. I've seen toooo many horror stories

  22. Thank you, i described him as a narcissistic because of his personality he doesn’t care if your emotions are getting hurt as long as its not his he always talk about himself like the superior one and i should do whatever pleases him

  23. That's not what i said. Of course they can be monogamous, this has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

    I'm saying i would never feel enough to satisfy them completely. I know if i were in an homosexual relationship, i would end up missing having sex with a man in the long run. I would not act on it, because my relationship would trump those desires, but the feelings would be there.

    With a bi partner i would expect the same. I could satisfy every desire as a woman, but there are things i could never be to them, and it would make me feel too insecure knowing i could never be enough. So i'd rather not date a bisexual person rather than going through that and having someone feel like their desires are wrong. Their desires isn't, it's my own insecurities about being enough for them

  24. Age gap for a reason…. he swept you off your feet because he's done this before. Now he's controlling…. he's done it before. Drop him

  25. I’m not saying it’s not toxic or messed up. I def feel like I’m being strung along at times. She has never said she doesn’t love me anymore.she just tried to explain that although she will always love me she needs space right now. The answer I would get to asking for a relationship would be no. If I press her for an answer she says if you need to know now then the answer is no,but eludes to the fact that with time and space she will come back. We held hands last night after dinner and she is coming back to hang out with me this evening. I am also aware that I can end it myself.I was really trying to filter through her actions to see if other people thought she was done.thanks for advice.

  26. the 14 year old girl was confronted by him, she likely just lied, I know most girls would in that situation. She obviously feels uncomfortable or the mother does or they both do. the mother is just looking out for her 14 year old daughter.

  27. yeah I agree with that. if they pushed him it would probably be different. they've convinced him an apartment is a waste of money and he should stay home until he has money for a down payment on a house. I dont think they ever want him to leave

  28. Consensus says between 10,000 and 30,000 years ago so yeah Domestic dogs for thousands of years have survived in worse conditions than a warm vet clinic with processed food and clean drinking water….

  29. Those are some pretty minor reasons. He'll just waste more of your life. You're not going to get it back by staying with him, and he's already shown you who he is.

  30. How to make it right? Have you apologized? If not, then apologize, tell her that you regret everything, ADMIT YOUR FAULT (since you guys have already set a boundary for porn and you agreed to it then you broke your promise), and tell her it was very selfish of you and it's at your moment of weakness and that you will not do it anymore. Grovel in fact, if you want them back. Buy her flowers, buy her the diapers she needs, if she's breastfeeding, try to find out what will make things easier for her, if you haven't already. If you don't want to do those, that's fine, just a suggestion.

    16 days with a set of twins = very tough. Her body is still recovering. I remember myself after giving birth…and I only have the one baby, and it was very hot. Despite us both being healthy. Idk if you even make life easier for her a new mother with twins… I'd suggest you go over there to her mom's house, although she may not want to see you right now. You need to still bond with the babies even if she's mad at you. You're still a father, stop focusing on the penis for a little while here. C'mon man, you just become a father and your focus is on getting off?

    I also want to suggest that you may need to masturbate more discreetly (just do it in the shower) and possibly not use p0rn for it.

  31. Totally agree, but that's my partner for life and these things effect my household so I really do need to pick up the slack. I've been his business manager for about our entire relationship so that's luckily not something I've had to pick up as extra work it just feels like more emotional labor I guess? It's also hot to fault him because I've lived here my whole life and at 26 do not have a doctor because how very hot it is to find one accepting patients. You basically have to keep calling all doctors offices every 3 to 5 months for when some patients die and they are willing to take you on. So I know he really is trying but I'm so disheartened it was forgotten at his most recent doctors appt when we were there for Christmas. Granted this was at the 3 month mark without Adderall and I stayed with his family instead of accompanying him to the doctor so I couldn't be there to remind him. Again, not at all my responsibility but the kind of thing you want to do for someone you care about that's struggling, ya know? But unfortunately I didn't accompany him, and he wasn't able to remember on his own and his doctors like yeah no problem we can switch you just have to have you come into the office like the office isn't in California and we're in NY ? again this is the sweetest most caring man I've ever known in my life I just never realized how truly bad his adhd is until the past 6 months not being able to get his meds

  32. This would be an instant deal breaker for me. I wouldn't even consider moving forward with this relationship. Your friends saying this isn't a big deal are either dumb or naive. I could never trust this girl 100% ever again. If you could lie to me before, what's to stop you from doing it again? Nope. Loyalty and trust are necessary to have a healthy relationship. It doesn't matter if it was early on in the relationship and you've been together for 6 years now. In some ways that makes it worse in my opinion, you lied to me for 6 years?! Hell no. Her actions were completely selfish, first the cheating and then not confessing it right away because she “couldn't bear to lose you” or whatever. If she really didn't wanna lose you, she shouldn't have fucking cheated. ?

  33. What should you do? Leave him. He cheats on you. Why would you stay?

    “I’ve given up my whole life for him” you’re 18. This isn’t to say that your problems aren’t real and emotions aren’t valid (because they are) but you’re only 18. Leave this loser. You’ll get over it.

    And when you leave, he’s going to say that he’ll change. He’ll promise to be better. He’ll swear on EVERYTHING that things are going to be different this time. He might beg, he may even cry. Don’t fall for any of it.

    Leave, delete and block when he inevitably gets hateful/hurtful/toxic, and go no contact.

  34. Wow definitely wrong. This changes everything so her “morals” or whatever go out the window if the guy is hot lol ?

  35. That’s tough, being live in partners is so many relationships rolled into one, best friend, sex partner, emotional partner, financial partner and roommate.

    I guess my advice is lean on the parts that are going well to push him on the one that isn’t. I don’t know if assigning is going to help, I would think he needs to understand that the level of cleanliness you want or need is something he can do to be a better overall partner.

  36. He is full of sh1t. I know people are: it's harmless, a guy thing, etc, but really it's disrespectful, especially doing it next to you. Honestly, he isn't going to stop, he will just hide it better.

  37. What to do next is end this. You’re not responsible for his mental health. He’s a dangerous and violent . He’s an alcoholic. You can’t save him.

  38. I very much doubt he wants to be responsible for keeping the house spik and span and looking after the baby all day.

    That's a woman's job ?

  39. It does, but I don't think it's major decisions, it's petty everyday matters that take time away from more interesting exchange we can have 🙂

  40. I think a good rule to have in a relationship is one strike for any kind of name calling or insults.

    If your relationship comes to a point where either of you have no issue using those kinds of words towards the other, the relationship has lost all respect and love.

    If my partner called me a r*** I'd start packing his bags.

    And to add: he's a gaslighting pos, don't fall for his crap and don't let him make you feel like he's the saint and you're the devil.

  41. I think a good rule to have in a relationship is one strike for any kind of name calling or insults.

    If your relationship comes to a point where either of you have no issue using those kinds of words towards the other, the relationship has lost all respect and love.

    If my partner called me a r*** I'd start packing his bags.

    And to add: he's a gaslighting pos, don't fall for his crap and don't let him make you feel like he's the saint and you're the devil.

  42. This is a shame. Have you asked her why no sex? Painful? Not feeling it ever? What you can to get her in the mood? At 24 years old this is not normal. Has she seen her ob gyn?

  43. You dump her obviously, but there's no need to be an asshole about it, unless she starts acting up. Give her a week or two to get her shit together and find another place. Hell, tell her to go stay with the guy she cheated with.

    Also, I can tell she fed you a line about being super stressed about the grandfather situation and the stress causing her to kiss this dude. It should never ever have reached that point. She put herself in that situation—twice—by inviting him over—twice. Her violating your boundaries lead directly to her cheating. Once might be forgivable. Twice is an insta-dump.

  44. I communicate a lot, it’s very one sided. I try and voice my feelings and hear out his feelings too.

  45. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    It started a like 8-9 months ago, for context, her boss is a really nice guy all around. But he treats my girl differently, like she called in sick, so he drove a long way to get her favourite ice cream. When he is in some work party, he texts her ” you are being missed here”. I was clear about it being very weird for me, and we talked. And she agreed with me because she found it weird as well. On his birthday, both of them went out for a few drinks, but my gf told me that it was a office party and everybody was there, then she told me she reached home but i caught her in her lie. We had a huge fight about it, she told me it was harmless. Things got well, we both forgot about it, i thought she enforced some boundaries. A month ago it was my girl's bday, she was in office all day as i was told. We celebrated at night, the next morning i was going for my usual run, and i found a recipt for a fine dining place. She didnt tell me about it, but i faced her and she started crying telling me it was harmless and she knew i would flip if she told me. I have been broken af about it, but she insists its just friendly and they have a dynamic. I want to believe her but i somehow have a gut feeling that something is wrong also. Kindly help. Edit: SHE IS 26F, it was a typo in the title.

  46. Cut your losses man, too much has gone on. If you tried again, it would never be the same as it was before.


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