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4 thoughts on “Lulumei on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. She can withhold herself no matter what but you’re still looking at it from what she can do to punish you. You shouldn’t care if she withholds herself, you need to stop being scared of what she does. You’ll be ok if worst case she leaves you. You need to break the hold she has and get back in contact with those who support you.

  2. I think about my son every day. I don't care if some of you say I didn't because at the end of the day, many of you know I did, saying otherwise is just a flat-out lie. Did I make the best decisions? No, I didn't, but not a single day has gone by in his life where I haven't thought about him. I messed up, and I always follow this up with accountability. If he asks, I'm going to tell him the truth.

  3. So, a child needs to know the sex the parents are having? Did you grow up with your father high fiving you over the breakfast table and telling you about the cumshot he just gave your mother? Did your mother sit you down and talk about the dildo she enjoys the most?

    You got a kid? You tell them about you getting a blowjob?

    No. There are adult things that adults do that are not the business of the children. flat out. otherwise, how young is too young to tell them about rawdogging in the park?

    The parents probably kept it quiet for this exact judgy shitty comments.

    The issue is the neglect. It doesn't take that long to have wild random sex, it doesn't take much to plan a “date night” or a weekend trip when it wouldn't impact the kid.

  4. 10% to 20% yes on kids is a no. Only 100% yes is a yes.

    Kids are not things that end. Like a trip or project. It gets harder and harder and harder before it gets better. It's NOT something you do when you don't really want to and hope it works out.

    You need to have a serious conversation bc it's clear to all of us she doesn't want kids, but you seem to still be confused


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