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50 thoughts on “Camy Powergirl online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Oh, I'm reading the other comments. So you are bi and enjoy going and looking at the other women.

    I think my point still stands though. If you're serious about monogamy, it isn't even worth toeing the line of going to strip clubs for “just look, don't touch.” That can be torture for guys with high sex drive and end up with nightmare situations like this.

    The most obvious advice would be to lay off strip clubs and other events that allow temptations moving forward.

  2. Yeah, it sounds like you did a lot for him because you think he's out of your league.

    Take some time off relationships, get your bearings, find a new hobby, just breathe.

  3. It’s strange how a lot of people in this sub seem to not even understand how relationships work. It’s all one-sided, selfish nonsense that does more harm. Relationships need communication and most of the problems in this sub would be remedied with a decent talk and some honesty

  4. So now it was complimenting instead of flirting? Which is it?

    I don’t think you realize that people in relationships flirt with other people. That is common sense.

    This isn’t isn’t your girlfriends clothes. It’s your friends are acting like she’s a piece of meat.

  5. 3 or 4. I don't mind posting often if you having something to show, but if I see over 1k followers I probably won't take you very seriously

  6. I live! with my boyfriend, we have a dog together. It took me a long time and a lot of failed relationships that I wasn't ready for to get to this point. I'm speaking from a place of experience, not hatred like you continue to infer from literally nothing of the sort.

  7. The thing is, his sexuality is about him, not you and him. This means that he owns it, and his choices there are his own. Your constraints on him seem very controlling, in the same way that it would seem controlling to say “if you think about other women when you masturbate, that's a betrayal of me”. That said, you're allowed to feel how you feel, as is he.

    I think betrayals tend to be actions, not thoughts. If he was sneaking off during time with you to masturbate, or sneaking off to go have sex with social media models, those would be really material betrayals. But the idea that when he masturbates he thinks of someone else sometimes is… not unusual at all. Only you can decide whether it's a betrayal or not.

    I'm more concerned about the lying about it. But if he feels you're being too controlling of what he's allowed to think about, he might feel like you're asking him to lie.

  8. Don't neglect yourself, put yourself first and don't chase. Not that he has to prove anything to you but letting things happen organically and without pressure will help

  9. Don't fucking shoot your shot, that's terrible advice and is awful for any 3 of you to have to deal with. You play it smart.

    Sit him down, tell him you have serious feelings for him, but respect him and his relationship too much to act on them. You tell him you need some distance because you can't deal with being around them.

    If it was meant to be, he'll drop her and come to you. If It wasn't, you have your answer and can heal, leaving them behind as you do better for yourself.

  10. Lol you can't really be “friends” when you have feelings. Honestly man, just move on. She has understandable trauma to deal with and accept. You are just waiting on a chance. Never wait for someone. Life is too short and you'll get your feelings squashed.

  11. She said her fiancé has never acted jealous of her male friends before, how would she “know her partner is insecure” if he’s given her no prior signs that this would be an issue?

  12. I didn’t have my mom talk to him. My mom came to knew about me getting therapy and medications due to the credit card charges and she thinks he was responsible for it. I also had dealt with other personal issues and she blamed them on him.

  13. I would argue that both genders have a tremendous amount of pressure to conform – albeit in very different ways.

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  15. Nah ship has sailed and her new hubby to be saw what you didn't so he gets the prize. Move on. Sorry you haven't found someone, but let's be real you only remember the good times, you have this perfect view of her, and that's not who she is, if it was you would of gone in a heart beat.

  16. It’s a tough pill to swallow. We think everyone is stable and genuine, like us, but sometimes we come across people that are seemingly genuine and affectionate, but are in fact unstable, egotistical, self centered and troubled, searching for something they can’t define.

    We can love them completely, without complete understanding, and often become collateral damage to their erratic behavior, whether they are lovers or friends.

    For your own mental health, it’s best to understand you did everything you could for them, but in the end, it’s them, not you, as the blame for this behavior. It’s best to cut ties and move on with your life. Move on to someone else who truly appreciates who you are and what you have to offer.

    Best of luck.

  17. Hello /u/maiasturniolo,

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  18. No man. This kind of shit drives me up the wall. I don’t think I would be paranoid unless I thought she was cheating but asking 20 damn questions when one will do is insane to me. Especially if the topic is this mundane. What I do when I encounter this nonsense is ask them a question back instead of answering. Eventually they will ask what they want to or give up the game.

  19. To friends – no explanation is needed. To enemies – no explanation is possible.

    People who know you and love you will trust you. If she doesn’t, it doesn’t matter baby.

  20. You deserve better. You need to leave and not go back. No more accepting half hearted promises. You deserve way better!

  21. love how you never actually acknowledged the fact that you cheated, and your fiancée did “nothing wrong”, save for the time she had an affair with a married man, i guess.

    anyway, go to therapy. you don’t love your ex-wife: you cheated on her with the bouncy younger girl that popped up in your life.

    being single is not a curse, man. how do you expect your relationships to last/be healthy when you don’t know what you want?

    i know everyone’s dogging you already, but it bears repeating: you and your fiancée are bad people. try to be better in the future.

  22. Do you have romantic feelings for her? If so shoot your shot bro; otherwise set some very hot boundaries so she gets the message that you’re only interested in being friends

  23. Break up with her. Make it crystal clear that you will not support her to do nothing while she neglects a child. Also in future – if you want to break up with a lazy slob – don't fuck them.

  24. It makes me think that OPs gf thinks it's sexual because she (OPs gf) is finding the situation sexual. Like maybe she shouldn't be given the opportunity to be around disabled people

  25. You need to break up with her and co-parent. Whether or not she’s actually a shitty person or you just have zero respect for her, for your future child’s sake you need to end this romantic relationship

  26. My question is if you're already at the point of ghosting her, why not just put it out in the open and if she wants to cut you off that's her choice? I understand you might not want to lose her but it already sounds like you've lost a lot of what this relationship used to be for you anyway. At the very least you spare yourself and your boyfriend from having to pretend to like the guy.

    You don't have to be mean either, just to kindly explain that he's not the kind of company you prefer to keep and that your boyfriend is fully capable of making his own grown up friends would be enough to set the boundary.

  27. Yeah she's overreacting. You're a 35 year old man who has 20 years between you and your ex. That's 2/3 of your current girlfriends life.. So it's not like she's a threat.

    Now when it comes to what you should or could of said.. Loving someone and being in love with someone are two separate things. I say I love you to my ex wife and my current girlfriend says I love you to her daughters father. Because it's true we care! And did love those people. Time doesn't just deteriorate love either I still love a lot of people I haven't communicated with and it's a symbol of maturity to be able to understand the importance of that.

    Your current girlfriend not only got upset which she has ever right to.. But also showed her hand that she is not totally committed, is pretty immature, and views shit like loving someone as a threat.

    Here's the very hot pill to swallow: it's okay to love people. It's okay to love exes. It's okay to normalize mutual breakups and not being resentful.

    Your ex sounds mature. You sound mature. Your girlfriend sounds like a child.

    Do with that information what you will.

  28. For sure – yeah, I originally bought the place while I was with my ex husband but before we were married. I specifically bought one I could afford alone and put only in my name since it was all my money in down payments, closing costs, and I paid most of the bills every month, and I wanted it to be very clear that this was MY house regardless of what happened to our relationship. He didn't notice and was pretty salty in the divorce that his equity in my house worked out to less than my equity in his car, but that's just how math works. One person buying for both to live! in is definitely something I'd recommend for mismatched assets, but definitely be sure your partner understands what you buying the house means for asset division if you split up and make sure that you're familiar with what stake in your assets various arrangements give her – a legal agreement never hurts if there are concerns.

  29. He has a lot of growing up to do. Your bf is jealous of your sex toys. Is he also not aloud to masterbate? If you can’t have toys then he Santa watch porn and masterbate.

  30. So honestly the relationship is done especially when he stopped communication. Even if he messaged you a few days from now that doesn’t fix the problems.

    You are in residency. You can’t have a meaningful relationship unless both sides are fully prepared to understand the limitations. I do think you are trying but what he wants and needs is something you can’t provide. He needs that time in your relationship and your can’t rightfully commit to it. There is nothing wrong about that. You two are just in different places.

    What concerns me is the mental toll you are taking. I have family that are doctors and nurses. Even in residency you need to be able to properly vent. You stated you have lost some friends and such over this. Even though you realize that is part of things I am sure it still hurts. Combined with daily stress of job I am hoping you are getting regular individual therapy.

    Your off time should be put towards that. Relationships can only succeed if you are in right state of mind and I don’t believe by what I read you should commit to one.

  31. This is so disrespectful. How are you any different than his hand or a flesh light if he isn’t even watching you do him? What happens when he goes down on you? Do you have his attention then? Wth. My heart hurts for you.

  32. Yes it’s his weight. This is my preference get mad all you want to. I am 100lbs and he always tells me how attractive I am. He tells me he loves how small I am aswell. You guys always want women to just accept a guy for “who he is”. But when it comes to women we’re always expected to look our best… and how am I leading him on. I was honest and open about what I was looking for. He made his decision.

  33. Talk to an attorney about the deposit there may be ways around it. Make sure you have screenshots of all the evidence. Don’t wait your time with a cheater. There are plenty of cats to adopt

  34. Office dating may or may not be terrible.

    It really depends on the office culture, and the maturities of the people involved. To the former, that's the pretty basic “What would our co-workers think” (as well as any legalistic, HR type stuff about inter-office dating). You've both been there for three years … if you can't determine what the office culture around dating is after three years, you are both super ignorant of what is around you.

    The latter bit is … much more subjective. Will you both be able to continue normal office professionalism while dating? Will you be able to continue that during any rough patches or after even the worst break up? Will you be able to keep your private and work lives separate? (That goes both ways: don't bring any relationship squabble into work, and don't spend your private time together gossiping about work.)

    If you both cannot, without a second of thought, say yes to all the above and any related questions about being grown ups in a work relationship, stop now before you make work a shitty place for you, her and your co-workers and potentially fuck up someone's career. But if you know you can be cool both during the relationship and after the break up, and it's not running afoul of any HR regs, go for it.

    But seriously, keep your work and private lives separate.

  35. stay with her for a few days when she has the abortion and cook and clean for her, run her baths, bring her very hot water bottles etc etc?

  36. Tell him to not come. I’ve been to so many kids parties and never saw alcohol served nor would I expect there to be any

  37. We spent one night there and then he decided to tell me that its his birthday and that he is deciding to leave because his bbirthday is his trump card, despite that i have paid for another night.

    Why did he leave?

    To answer your question, no, it isn't normal. Its very reasonable that you would want a partner capable of living with you and who wants to sleep next to you in bed. And who is appreciative of you when you spend lots of money on a birthday surprise for them.

  38. Even though I consider myself stupid, I still don't want to be a dick to my child. So I need to figure that out, and then follow your advice if it isn't mine


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