Fernanda live! sex chats for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Fernanda live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. It doesn't sound as if leaving would get down to the root cause of the issue which is maybe your insecurity. Let her go be happy . Keep in mind the older you get the more likely you will be dating people with sexual past so probably best to get over that. Therapy maybe would be a start.

  2. It depends on how important sex is to you. Some people are asexual and sex just isn't important to them, whatsoever. I don't think I would personally stay in a relationship that was sexless, but I know plenty of people would have no issue with it. I would say if she isn't bothered by going two years without sex while she is in a relationship, meanwhile, you *do* take issue with not having it, this might prompt me to hypothesize that our sex drives aren't compatible. Long term, this is only going to cause problems and resentment on both sides. Even if she has sex with you to make you happy, are you really going to enjoy it knowing she is only doing it to please you and not because she actually wants to be having sex?

  3. I have. Her rationale is as follows

    She thinks her mom would say I'm tooooo young for her

    She thinks her mom would question her character. We tried to solve it by having her cousin reach out to her mom so that she doesn't think my gf is of bad character. Which I don't think would be the case since her mom has always told her that she'll only marry her to someone to whom my gf says yes to

  4. now if she is going around telling lies to her friends or her family, or even worse your family and friends, then a Facebook Post with the Truth should be posted & possibly even with her tagged in it (so everyone that follows either of you will get notified and see the post).

    again, something short and simple with clear Facts only:

    Myself and “Ex Wife Name” are getting a divorce..

    the paternity test has been done on “Child Name” and concluded that I am Not the father.

  5. THIS. This screams gossip police. Stop. It’s none of OP’s business. You’re not her manager. Mind your business and your behavior only. Never others.

  6. Sounds like interest is there.

    He has never avoided or dodged plans you've made, right?

    Kind of sucks that you've fallen into the initiator role, but that can be corrected.

    To me, his level of interest will be shown if you seek an adjustment and his reaction to it.

    If he sees is as work and reluctant to hear your side vs hears you and adapts to it.

  7. Idk how someone can make “subtle homophobic/transphobic and racist comments” but still be “kind in the ways that matter,” but I guess…to each their own?

    I’m unsure why you’re forcing yourself to continue trying to make this relationship work when it’s obviously not doing it for you. I would not try to move someplace else with this guy, because what then? You have slightly more space, but you’re in a new city with less money (moving is expensive) & having just gone through one of the most stressful events humans willingly undergo? AND you will probably still feel the same way. No thank you, I’d be out way before that. You’re not doing either of you any favors here, sorry.


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