Violet_Joyce live! sex chats for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Violet_Joyce live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I wasn’t looking for anything? We were having an open and honest conversation one night. I know I have small boobs but i didn’t think about it CONSTANTLY. and now – it won’t get out of my head. I was happy with them for the most part just need some more volume lmao

  2. So I’ve brought it up to her a few times in the past and last night I left the room after 20 minutes of the call. Once it ended after another 25mins I went through and raised my voice saying “we’ve spoke about this before and it’s just so fucking rude”. I’d literally only seen her for about 30mins that day before the call began.

  3. He's lying because he only wants you to stop.

    Would you feel guilty for taking a long, hot bubble bath?

    Brushing your hair?

    Eating a cupcake?

    Those are all self care and so is masturbation.

    Show him this post.

  4. I just kinda want to know what other information you need…. He admitted to it. You saw the flower receipt, you talked to the affair partner…what else do you need? The proof is literally in the pudding. I'm not trying to be mean because I completely understand this must be absolutely earth shattering, especially when you feel like that man is your whole world..but girl. Come on. You don't need anymore info!

    He slept with a 19 year old. NineTEEN. Like, a teenager. That he is the teacher of. Then he treats you like dirt when you're sick, and throws you some sort of sorry “it's not you, it's me” in the form of that “you're endgame material” nonsense (I'm sure you're awesome but that is just such a f-boy comment I had a little hiccup when I read it). If you were endgame to him, he wouldn't jeopardize your future together by sleeping with a kid he teaches. Heck, not even just the relationship's future, but your future livelihood as well. Since, yanno, he can't keep himself from sleeping with his students, and that's a fireable offense. Now he wants to sit you down and finally “act” (in quotes because this will be an act) like a real partner just to cover his icky behind. Don't let him.

    3 years seems like a long time, but trust me, you will get past it, and find someone who treats you how you actually deserve to be treated if you set yourself free! Don't make the mistake of letting him talk you out of it and then spend the next however many years in constant doubt. This wasn't a one time, maybe he made a horrible mistake type thing. He was buying her expensive gifts, he was more worried about her health then yours when you were sick, and he was ready to keep it going if you didn't find out. So take care of yourself, ok? And definitely report him.

  5. Then respect that? She feels awful. This isn’t about him. I would bet she wants zero touch because she can’t trust him not to turn it into him trying to have sex with her.

  6. woah your name is loopzoop, thats my usual username and what i name all my Dark Souls characters, i know my relationship is really bad but thats so cool that there is another loopzoop

  7. Tell her you don't mind she's not pretty, that you're mainly interested in her sweet rack and pounding her delightful cooch

  8. “Willfully conceal”???

    I’m sorry, but if my grown, adult SO forces me to gender my friends when I tell SO I’m dropping them off on my way home, that’s 100% SO’s issue.

    It’s not “fucking weird” that OP took his time leaving the get together. People take their time leaving parties all the time. Adults understand this.

    And it isn’t OP’s problem if SO jumps to conclusions because she doesn’t know the friend. That’s an extremely childish, emotionally stunted approach.

    It also weirds me out that you keep calling this an “offense” perpetrated by OP. I’ll say it loud for the folks in back: OP didn’t do anything wrong and your insinuations are pretty unfair.

  9. Mate, she doesnt need a doctor, she needs a psychologist. She could have PTSD, PPA, PPD, Psychosis or any combination from the pregnancy or birth. Getting laid should be so far down your list of concerns – this is your wife, the mother of your child.

    Worst case, you do divorce – do you really want to be coparenting with someone who has obvious need for help for the next 18 years? Help her get some help, she might need to see a few different psychologists before she finds one who she is comfortable with.

    Just because she looks like she hasnt got a kid doesnt mean she physically/mentally has 'healed' from birth, this shit takes time for many women.

  10. Because you come off needy and insecure when you constantly communicate with him. It’s what kills most relationships.

  11. Ofc he is apologizing after he knows you aren't in the mood to go anymore. That's a classic move from someone who gaslight and manipulates a person into doing what they want.

    If your bf can have his freedom doing what he wants, so should you. He has been around girls etc but you are okay with it and not tear him a new one. And if he often accuses you for cheating, it's time to look into what he actually does.

    OP you are young and shouldn't be shackled to a person like this. He isn't worth it.

  12. Wow. Of course you have contempt for her. What she did was absolutely not okay, and grounds for divorce if you ask me. That’s assault. I’m so sorry OP

  13. yeah, it was definitely a shock to find her name in my blocklist when I never did it in the first place. I changed my phone password after this so that he can't get through my phone, but at the same time it feels like I'm hiding something..? I guess..?

  14. Um…she raped your dad…instead of people wondering if she was raped, maybe she raped OPs biological dad too.

  15. It does not mean she was always unfaithful and looking for a way out. It really if I’m honest means nothing. She could just be nice. You seem very bothered by it and have no trust in her, therefore breakup.

  16. Thank you. Suppose I’m just on edge right now that she’ll ask. It doesn’t feel right that there’s something she could ask that could cause a lot of hurt.

  17. There are many smaller houses in TO. That's huge. You need to compromise dreams to reality,

  18. Suuurrreeeeebitvwont be the kids. Until you damn them to hell while he is in heaven alone.

    Not compatible and in my experience with catholic men, it gets worse.

  19. She doesn’t trust that you are being honest with her.

    She won’t be honest and disclose who is telling her those things so that you can clear it up (and save your name against lies.

    Two acts of disrespect.

    She is either mentally I’ll, and these are symptoms of a larger problem.

    Or she’s a drama queen.

    Or someone in her life is a very convincing liar, who she chooses to believe over you.

    I’d have to bow out of this life and couldn’t make a legal or life commitment to her.

  20. OK that makes sense. But you did accuse her of cheating? How much time was between your accusation and her accusation?


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