Emilia-Florence live! webcams for YOU!

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29 thoughts on “Emilia-Florence live! webcams for YOU!

  1. This isn't a kid sending another kid porn, he's a grown ass man sending it to a barely teenager. This is grooming, this is illegal. At the very least cut off the brother from your son.

  2. Story time! At 20, I was the happiest I have ever been, in love with my college boyfriend, studying abroad. I was convinced that I had the rest of my life figured out and what it would look like, with him. By 26, my career was taking off and it meant moving 2000 miles away. I did it. He was supportive, came to visit, etc. T

    he distance made us realize… stuff. He called it, not me, and at the time I was devastated. He had met the woman who would be his wife. He didn't cheat, but within two weeks after 6.5 years, they will in a whirlwind romance and I was… not.

    Now, almost 20 years on, I wouldn't change a thing about how it went down. I would go through that break up all over again to end up with the husband and sons and wife that I have. It took time, work, boundaries, crying, more time, lots of patience, and we are friends. It's mostly Facebook, Christmas cards and birthday texts these days.

    I'm still close with some members of his family and saw him at his sister's wedding 12 years after we broke up. I spent the weekend with his family- the extended family I spent six Christmases with and was supposed to have for always- at the wedding B&B.

    He asked, “Is this weird?” and I said, “I was your college girlfriend. We have both been married for ten years to other people. I've got two boys. You have a daughter a few months older than my son, and you have a baby on the way. This is our story, the one we tell Cousin Jen if we asks. (She didn't.)

    I don't believe everything happens for a reason. I think if you handle everything in a reasonable way, sometimes reasons reveal themselves. You already know deep down what you must do. You have already made your choice.

    Love stories, God willing, are long. There are some hurts and struggles and stumbles along the way that require forgiveness over and over again. Over time, a relationship where you gave up a lifelong dream to be a doctor because he pressured you will be one where resentment grows. A partner who doesn't like to “share” you isn't going to be great when you have babies, by the way. They suck up all your time and energy.

    This is your permission slip from me and the Universe to choose yourself. Trust your instincts.

  3. You are the most important person to you and you should be! Boundaries are important and extremely underrated. You should feel loved, respected, and appreciated in your friendships with others and as for her turning others against you, if they are real friends they wouldn’t turn, and if they do turn, you don’t need them in your life anyway! All the best to you!

  4. Trust your gut! Don't tell her that you checked her sm, but casually ask her when you are discussing a related topic, if she has heard from him. Her answer will be very revealing. If the two of you have already established that this is a boundary for your relationship, I'd just block and ghost her. She's trash!

  5. I can understand that, but how do you see this working out? You stay together when you don't trust him. Everytime he is on his phone this will linger in the back of your mind. You deserve better.

  6. My dad got full custody of my sister and I, back in the early 90’s. My mom got absolutely nothing from the divorce- no house, vehicle, support money. It can be done but you need a good lawyer and a will to fight for it.

  7. I'm so sorry you're in this situation, but also glad for you that you are ready to get out and pursue having a safe and happy life again. You can do this; you deserve respect, safety, and love.

    First off, try googling “creating a safety plan in (your city)” or “domestic abuse resources in (your city) and you should be able to find some resources and tips for leaving, like collecting or making copies of any essential documents or shelters that will give you a safe place to live while you figure things out. Make sure you do this on an incognito browser while he is out. Often, an organization or the police will come with you to get your stuff out of the place while you leave, so that he can't harm you or your possessions without witnesses.

    DO NOT tell him you're leaving or where you are going. After you leave is statistically the most dangerous time for you. Do it when he is out of the home, take what you need, and run. Only come back to retrieve the rest of your things with police or someone else present. Do not tell him where you are going and instruct family members, work, and friends that they, under no circumstances, are to let him know any information about you, including passing on messages. Block him absolutely everywhere and change your phone number and email. If you have shared bank accounts, withdraw what you need before he knows what is happening.

    It may feel cruel, but you do not owe him a goodbye or an explanation. You deserve peace and safety and he will not let you have that if he knows you're leaving. Good luck, we are rooting for you.

  8. You can have an attraction to another person while in a relationship, where it becomes a problem is when you are so afraid of acting on that attraction that you tell your SO, switch branches and need to go to therapy. What the fuck type of shit is this. You need to avoid this person completely to keep from ripping off your clothes and throwing yourself at him/her? It's entirely the partners fault.

  9. I didn't read the whole thing because I honestly don't need to know the ins & outs of your emotional relationship with this dude to render a verdict. It's not really relevant to the question at hand. Yes, I think you should tell her. She deserves to make a huge life decision like marrying someone with all the facts on the table, & if he's not giving them to her, someone should. Just be prepared for her not to believe you. Like a few others here, I too have been in the position of having to break it to another woman that her man was stepping out (with me) & she did not believe me. He had pre-warned her about me, telling her that I was sad ex from years past (completely untrue, I had met him only about three months before he met her) who just couldn't get over him & he felt obligated to spend time with me out of pity. But all you can do is give people the information. What they choose to do with it is their own business.

  10. So counter it with this logic: each parent leaves behind for their child(ren) whatever fraction they earned of the family income. Doesn't matter where that money went (ie, you paid the mortgage but he invested, etc)

    Tell him very clearly that if he wants this to be a mathematical calculation then he gets the right math. Otherwise, you go the most common, equitable way: ⅓ for each child.

  11. Have you told him exactly what you told us? He might not realize how his actions are coming off/ are becoming a pattern.

    This might also mean that he is checking out of the relationship. While it might sting at first to hear that, it's way better than just going through the motions until it ends.

  12. You’re right. He knows I’m not coming back to him. I could never be in a relationship with someone I cant trust

  13. Using bluetooth and a few other things can definitely drain a battery dead. If there are a lot of things turned on, if your car isn’t in the correct auxiliary setting. It likely was the amount of time you were gone and all the power she was using. A lot of cars (Honda, Toyota, Hyundai), don’t have big powerful batteries. She probably doesn’t know much about these things. She doesn’t seem open to learning either. She sounds like a real treat but it also could’ve been your delivery.

  14. What?

    I’ve always insisted both of us take a shower together before sex, seems like the most obvious no brainer of all time

  15. Agreed, though if his ex is crazy, then I can see someone advising OP not to stick his foot in it. I would still send proof because the guy deserves to know, but I'd make sure I'd be prepared for the fallout incase she went postal.

  16. Take me instead! I got a house in Brasil you are totally welcome! Also got a sailboat in the US I can take you on a tour! ?

  17. I think that's reasonable. Essentially, you're starting over. You're now dating. You don't need to have an official title to show you've changed. Good luck.

  18. Nah, I can't even offer false platitudes to someone who refuses to show even basic common decency. I'm not sorry that I'm not sorry. Goodbye.

  19. There was a scary post a few months back about this guy who gained an inordinate amount of weight I'm a few months because his GF deliberately added extra calories to all his meals. I think he even developed health issues.

  20. It sounds like your aunt and uncle love each other. From OP’s post history her and her boyfriend don’t even like each other they are just doing that codependent teenager bullshit. Being together is making her miserable and he’s super jealous of her male coworkers (fairly it seems because when she complains about him being emotionally abusive she also thinks she might leave him because she’s developing feelings for one of those coworkers).

    They need to break up, not get fake married.

  21. Don’t compromise with someone who refuses to compromise. This is just a preview of what marriage is going to look like with this man. If he’s more concerned about what your name is going to because he wants to know you belong to him, girl run. Besides, having a hyphenated name IS something married couples do. Stand firm and don’t budge.

  22. In his defense he said that he thought I was around 21 – 22 but yeah I still am a little sad he won't be mad atleast I know other ppl would be upset


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