Loren-stone live! webcams for YOU!

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46 thoughts on “Loren-stone live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Communication is work. It's not easy or natural to talk about difficult subjects, or sensitive topics. Emotional intimacy isn't something that just happens, it has to be built. Active listening, empathy, full apologies, assuming good intentions, it all contributes to a pattern of good communication. A lot of us have learned unhealthy dynamics from our families, or have ideas about relationships from movies and TV. We have to unlearn all that in order to have a healthy relationship. You can't accurately “sense” another person's feelings. You have to ask. You have to talk. Nothing about getting to know another person intimately is innate. You have to put in the work.

  2. And yes, he definitely gets the money. This is what we agreed to, not saying it’s okay. It was more me putting my trust in him, and allowing him to fill that gender role of being “in charge” than anything else.

  3. It's foreplay if you do it to get him very hot and excited for sex. If you purely give oral to make him cum, sure it's sex. But if the goal is to get aroused before penetration, it's foreplay.

    I doubt foreplay is just kissing. Is a handjob considered sex if he climaxes? Since there's no word “sex” in handjob yet it's a sexual act.

  4. My first thought was your B response. Make living there a living hell for her. Have the boys over a few nights a week. Buy a set of drums and practice a lot when she's around. Develop a fondness for cooking exotic smelly dishes. Never wash a single dish or fork. Stop doing any chores. This is your chance to live! like an animal.

  5. My first thought was your B response. Make living there a living hell for her. Have the boys over a few nights a week. Buy a set of drums and practice a lot when she's around. Develop a fondness for cooking exotic smelly dishes. Never wash a single dish or fork. Stop doing any chores. This is your chance to live! like an animal.

  6. Totally agree there, but it seems like OP is playing a part in that too. “I have been trying to talk to him _or bring it up to him for the last 3 days_”.This is a tell that she either A) beat the hell around the bush or B) didn’t actually talk to him. Just “tried to” and we know that effort could look like nothing at all.

    Sorry if I’m coming off as combative, I hate how one-sided this sub can be sometimes. In a sub concerning literal relationships with people…

  7. Are you concerned about her going to any bar or are you concerned because she maybe over drank? I’m a straight person who went to gay bars with friends all the time. These same gay friends would go to sports bars with me. If the issue is her being bi then wouldn’t any bar be a problem?

    If it’s that she over drank everyone let’s loose sometimes if it’s not an everyday thing where her consumption is becoming a problem then let it go.

    Either way I think you are reading too much in to the situation.

  8. And you all sit around eating substandard takeout, feeling the cold comfort of a puritanical life where joy is sinful.

    lol, you put this so well, thanks for that perspective.

    It's just weird. OP says he thinks she solely and purely does it for validation. But even if we assume that hypothetical for a second: If nobody gets harmed (quite the contrary), why on earth does it bother him?

    Only things I could imagine is oíf OP somehow does cause “annoyance” with her nice gestures(?), to BF (or others that she doesn't pick up on?). Like, does OP get grumpy if nobody comments on her food, does she poke around all “so, y'all like the food??” too much?

    Or if her offering cooking for people is disturbing his plans/ideas, like when she invites his guy friends over to cook for everyone, maybe he doesn't want that (and this time with the friend's loss is only the tip of the iceberg of his built-up annoyance?

    If none of these are the case, I really don't understand where this comes from. (Maybe he is jealous of the nice feedback OP gets? Or he just has no tolerance for any kind of love-languange that is different from his own?)

    At any rate, if my BF suggested I was such a calculating snake that my nice gestures must be purely selfishly driven, I would question if this is really the person to be in a relationship with.

  9. my fear is that he thinks I'm breaking up because of his weight

    That's his problem, then, not yours.

    It sounds like “fatphobia!” is just his lazy response to being called out as a selfish asshole.

  10. Here's the thing.

    This isn't really about your cooking for friends or validation. Honestly, sis, this is about his poor self-esteem and his lack of relationship ethics. Look to his family. Is this an established pattern with his parents? His friendships?

    This is about how he negates your skills, your relationships and anything that brings you joy and good feelings.

    He wants you to himself, which includes your cooking skills. And to do that, he has to ensure you understand how selfish and shallow you are for sharing them with others. As well, he has to ensure you don't leave him, so he has to do everything in his power to make you feel smaller, less than and unhappy. He's going to continue to cut you down until he makes you realize how little you're worth so you never truly fight back, cheat on him or leave him.

    I'm sure there's a thousand little cuts, that have nothing to do with cooking that he's been slowly whitling you down.

    So my question is – why would you ever allow someone to make you feel bad about all the good things you are and enjoy?

  11. Thats the thing, we had threesomes from time to time so she could of asked me for one. Unless the person falls outside of the rules or she wanted to sleep with other people separately, witch im not down for.

  12. No, it’s just irritating because I want to swim for my physical and mental health and he’s annoying me into getting his way

  13. Yikes your post history.

    Learn to not be selfish and stop acting like you're entitled to a relationship while treating your SO like shit

  14. Your dad is supposed to protect you and I am so sorry he does not give you the support you need.

    Is there any sibling you can trust?? Raising a child alone is really very hot but raising a child with a POS is harder.

    Divorce him, choose yourself. And your baby. It doesn’t seem like it right now, but you’re gonna be okay.

  15. lease it up in a month, but he moved his pc over to his dads about a month ago when he was house sitting and he doesn’t think it’s worth the pain to bring back to our apartment since we’re moving back to our parents until we can find a home so he just goes over there every day.

  16. You guys are basically divorced with it being Offical. Just make it Offical she doesn’t love you anymore that’s what it seems like to me.

  17. If such a thing actually happened this kind of killer is called a family annihilator. It’s extreme narcissism and psychopathy that motivates it. He only views people as an extension of his own ego and cannot actually form real bonds with people. As red as a flag can get

  18. No, you are not wrong. Your father won't get vaccinated and travels constantly. Protect your son. He comes first.

  19. Thank you for including those things. I did have those thoughts/ concerns you listed out.

    I know she hasn’t physically cheated bc she doesn’t have a car (she ordered one a few months ago+ but production has been delayed) and I have cameras around my house and inside (not bc of that i installed these when I bought this house before I even met her – not secret cams she knows they’re there) and so I know she’s not sneaking off or anyone sneaking in.

    But idk if shes talking to anyone live! or something. Or even rekindling old flings idk, but I had those concerns too.

    And I’m sorry I agree it’s my fault and I take full responsibility. I don’t even know why I am the way I am. It’s frustrating and I hate myself bc of that.

    I just can’t envision breaking up, she gets her own place and then we try to date again. I know shes always going to think that history will repeat itself and maybe it will bc we apparently don’t have any sexual chemistry. She said that the sex w me – if we have any – is super boring and unsatisfying. I understand because I never try to ‘finish’ her and just care about my own finishing. I don’t know what to do. I mean I guess a lot of it is out of my hands anyway but it just feels like my world is falling apart which it is.

    She’s probably stayed with me as long as she has bc of the lifestyle (no I’m not rich but I’m comfortable, but I don’t give her money but she doesn’t pay any bills).

  20. I agree that it was a mistake at the time, and trust has never really recovered to what it was. If I hadn't made the choices I did I would not have my daughter however, and honestly she gives me drive to keep going. If nothing else she is worth the work.

  21. FWIW I do this in all my posts on Reddit — I tweak ages by a year or two, swap people’s genders (if it doesn’t matter), etc. in order to make it less likely someone somehow realizes a post is about them. I don’t do it for nefarious reasons or anything.

  22. It seems like from your posts you act more like her father than her husband. And no one wants to marry their parent.

    Please stop blaming other people for her behavior. If these girls were causing trouble, BUT she didn't like it, she would have stopped hanging out with them a while ago. But she likes the games they play. She's the one who made a commitment and if she's Snapchat other people, her friends aren't there when she's doing it. She's making those choices.

    She doesn't respect you. Wives who sext other men, don't respect their husbands. It's just a fact.

  23. Dude, this issue isn’t about ‘forgetting her ring’ and you fucking known it.

    I often take my ring off for cleaning or when I’m doing something that will damage it, and because of that it gets ‘forgotten’ at home.

    The ring is barely a side note in this much longer scribe about a deeply dysfunctional and manipulative relationship.

    She’s miserable and sneaky.

    You’re controlling and paranoid.

    I think this relationship has run its course and it’s time to move on.

    You feel like you’ve ‘helped raise her’ and now it sounds like she feels like you’re her bossy ‘dad’ and is making plans for when she can start her real life…the life that you don’t control and can’t micromanage.

    The unbalanced power dynamics here make it even worse.

    You cannot manage or supervise someone out of cheating, and any attempt to do so will just make them better at hiding.

    It’s done, move on.

  24. Only on Reddit would someone say a guy with an extreme porn addiction who jerks off to lolis is too good for someone

  25. Most abusers do not become abusive until pregnancy or after marriage, because you’re finally “trapped”.

    My advice would be to listen to others and seek help for DV

  26. is the fact that he mentioned that he’s afraid of what his Facebook friends would think of our relationship.

    Can you blame him? You're less than half his age, of course people in his life are going to comment and hudge.

    At nearly 50 and you barely in your 20's there's no way you two are on the same page in the slightest.

  27. All in all I think therapy would be a good idea and I mean this in a genuine sense. If you're hyper sexuality (with lack for other words ATM) is partially caused by trauma then you should probably dig that out with a therapist.

    Perhaps a sex therapist would help to create a stable environment for both. Communication is also important. As the low-libido partner in my relationship (with a boyfriend who's hyper sexual and needs more than once a week) I also have a very hot time keeping up.

    So when we communicated it back and forth, we opted for an open relationship, where I don't feel pushed to have sex with him always and he wouldn't feel bad about constantly asking me and bothering me with it.

    This might not work for you of course, but a therapist can help with finding middle routes and digging out some problems that might make this issue harder

  28. So, you admit that you would talk about these things with your female friends, but you find it strange that his friends share this with him.

    I think you know that the problem is in your head and your uncomfortability with platonic heterosexual relationships.

    You are indeed one of those “men and women can't be just friends” sort of people.

  29. Throw it in the trash, this has nothing to do with giving it back but you trying to reach out to him, but you need to move on.

  30. To be fair ask most guys and oversize top with leggings/yoga pants and a messy bun is right up there in our top 5 favourite looks for women.

    But yeah I hear what youre saying.

  31. Regardless of whether or not this is a shitty attempt to blackmail someone into getting back together, threats of suicide should always be taken seriously. Block him OP, but as suggested, definitely call the cops and have them perform a wellness check.

  32. I think you should listen to the advice that you put the wedding on hold until they tell you what's up. It's unacceptable that they're treating you like a child and not telling you what's going on when it obviously has something with you. And if it's between them, they hould still tell you because it's affecting you anyway since now your best friend no longer wants to speak to you. I'm thinking best friend is either in love with you or in love with your fiance. But you'll never know for sure unless owo them tells you.

  33. i had this problem w my ex. i was lucky cause he would fall asleep immediately and was dead to the world until seven thirty and i could wiggle out from under him, go downstairs and eat cake and he was none the wiser. the burrito idea is a good plan though if i ever find myself in a cuddling situation

  34. I actually don’t, I have really bad scars from an accident when I was a child. But I just always though that it was like a cream or something that people used for that but it’s actually a laser


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