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16 thoughts on “Anilulatiin live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Personally, sending it does make it feel a bit more on the wrong side, but you said it had a air of finality to it?

    He's not right in anyway for having sent it, but I would talk to him. Ngl I've sent letters or texts like those before to say to myself “look, you felt you needed to say it, it's said, that is over and done.” ESPECIALLY when old friends/crushes/feelings come around. My partner has to remind me STILL that my “best friemd” was absolutely terrible and that reaching out or trying to mend the relationship is not something I should do.

    I'm so sorry, I know it's weighing on you deeply. You won't know for sure without talking to him. I agree with a lot of the points @R_Photography_12 made too. If he says it was something like he's always felt that way or has had trouble committing to you due to those feelings, don't feel like you have to stay. But also don't think it only means ending things. Maybe seek counseling for both of you, cause from what little I know at least it sounds like he is choosing you and your family and life together. It in no way justifies his actions – especially if he had been holding on to some hope or thought of being with her! But if it's truly him just him needing to have said it or get it off his chest or old feelings coming to the surface and he is asserting that he is choosing you and whatever he felt before is in the past, personally I would feel reassured in a way because he is actively choosing me and our life. It is painful to acknowledge those old feelings or dreams or whatever but in a way it really is him saying “those feelings don't matter anymore because I chose my current life.” I mean shit if those feelings still mattered he'd either be cheating or running off, not ending any idea of it I feel like

  2. She's completely not over him, in her mind when you two have sex she's thinking about him having sex with her, picturing him not you.

    She clearly doesn't respect you especially after doing this 4x.

    You need to leave this relationship since it will only cause you some serious damage.

  3. This whole post is a red flag declaration for your “ex”. Of course he guilts you, that’s what narcissistic abusers do. They manipulate to make you feel guilty and like you are the crazy one.

    Honestly, you need to break from this cycle. I get you are financially dependent upon him, but that’s what he wants. He thinks you can’t leave. Reach out to trusted friends or family. See if you can stay with them while you find employment and your own place. Do what you need to do to get out of this relationship.

    You said someone wished you a happy Mother’s Day. If you can’t make the break for your sake do it for your kid/s. Would you want your son or daughter to think this is how your treat a SO or that it’s ok to be treated this way?

  4. Hello /u/AnonymousGal1,

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  5. I’ll make sure to come back to this comment if/when I do. I’ve tried therapy once, Covid kinda ruined it because I’d rather have in person therapy. As of right now I’m pretty happy so I haven’t attempted to go again.

  6. It worries me more how immaturely he reacted to being caught, rather than getting drunk and acting like an ape. That, somehow, I can forgive easier, as an out of character miss. However, sobered up, a 32 year old grown add adult man, he should feel embarrassed, ashamed, and deeply apologetic to have exposed himself to you in this embarrassing way.

  7. Never have I ever restricted her from contacting anyone. It's just that it feels weird when she talks to someone even after knowing that she's their love interest.

  8. So if he doesn't care then, trying to hurt him as much as he hurt you, won'twork.

    People who don't care don't feel guilty for anything.

    For him to hurt or feel anything, he has to care in some way.

  9. What the fuck dude??? Yeah keep saying its her fault ffs. Why the fuck you're gaslighting her like this, you should be ashamed of it, holy fuck.

  10. So your just lonely and desperate. You realise kids are involved, yeah? Grow up, stick it up and end it for good.


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