TiaBella online webcams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “TiaBella online webcams for YOU!

  1. For you, what feels different about her going out with friends without you and going out on her own without you?

  2. He is abusive. The fact you guys have been on and off since 14 says it all. A relationship is built on trust and communication and what he did was malicious. Leave now especially since you have family to go to! Don’t waste your time and protect the safety of you and your daughter.

  3. Definitely too needy and too clingy, too fast. Not a great sign for if you were in an actual relationship with him. At this point he's trying to use restraint. Imagine if he weren't….

  4. Then that's a good sign 🙂 I wouldn't say it's a red flag, it actually took me almost a year to video call with my ldr partner (risky on his end) since I was insecure with myself at the time. Luckily for me, it really was all in my head, he called me beautiful and he wished I'd video call sooner!

    Maybe he has some personal issues to why he can't video call you yet. If it's a self-confidence issue like I've faced before, giving him lots of love and reassurance will definitely motivate him more to show himself through facetime ?

  5. You did the right thing telling the boss. He knows exactly what the situation is, and can handle it with this knowledge. Now he knows that in a pinch, you told him the truth. Chances are that something similar has happened before. Look around your office tomorrow and try to figure out how many others have had the same experience.

  6. You need to not make this all about you, as does come across in your post.

    They responded appropriately by throwing Adrien out. Your sister of course wanted him to be innocent- he is her fiance and she would have been mortified. It is likely she is the one who has been seeking videos- and why shouldn't she? Her sister has lept to conclusions and basically accused her fiance of being a sex pest in front of her family.

    This isn't about you. It isn't about you “making things up for shits and giggles”. It is about you leaping to conclusions in front of his prospective immediate family rather than confronting him with just him or just your sister there. You owe him and your family an apology for that and every hour that goes by without you making it makes you appear worse.

    So drop the indignation. You do not have the luxury of shame here; you need to make that apology and try to rebuild the relationship

  7. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I spent four years with a full on abuser, and it took him strangling me for me to finally leave him. Not one person made me feel guilty or shamed.

    Manipulators know how to spin reality to benefit them. You dodged a bullet with his ex messaging you, don’t take it for granted.

    When you find the person that gives you the fairytale ending you deserve (because they exist!), you’re gonna look back on this POS and just laugh. The only person that’s going to be happy is you. Take pride in that. Well wishes to you girl ?

  8. But he also hurt her feelings. She didn't laugh at his PE, she laughed at the way he phrased his discovery, we all agree on that. So with that added context, what he said to her is a really unkind, and unfair accusation.

    I think she absolutely needs to discuss this deeper with him, but she made a mistake, while he made an accusatory and unkind commentary about her, based on a singular event, after years of her supporting him and working with him on it, and looking past it. I don't think she's wrong to want an apology for what he said to her. I think she owes him an explanation and an apology as well, but I don't blame her for being upset at what he said.

    If she comes back to it later to apologise, and he can see that she didn't laugh at his PE, and apologizes for accusing her of doing so, they will be okay. But this is a pretty clear cut case of hurt feelings all around.

  9. The most time you spend with them is the weekends, which you dread.

    It won't change. Say you have children, every weekend you might take them out of the house so they don't have to experience that and so that they don't interrupt daddies game and get shouted at.

    He will be checked out of whatever you are doing because he will be watching the game and the children will know they come second to him being on his phone.

    For half of every year.

    Sure you could wear headphones and avoid him as much as possible 3 days in the week, but you could also not be around him and not have to do that.

    Sure you could try to desensitise yourself to loud noises, yelling and banging, but does he have to explode as loud as he does? He is saying suck it up because he isn't changing, making the problem all yours.

    Are you okay with that?

  10. Sit yourself down and decide how much of a dealbreaker this is . If you consider this might make you lose attraction take her advice and find someone who is willling to compromise for YOUR happiness . Her body her choice , fair and square , but you are 100% allowed to have boundaries and preferences .

  11. Clear the air with her. She already wasted 3.5 years of your life. Don’t start off with what you found. Ask her questions to the answers you already know. She’ll either come clean or lie. You can go from there.

  12. What do you think she'll say? She will never admit adultery.

    Next she'll say “they just talked” .

    Inform her friends and family and HR. She won't get fired but everyone at work will hear about them.

    As long as she sees you as reluctant or too weak to divorce, she will not change her behavior

  13. These are her parents, not yours. Your spouse can continue to offer financial support if needed but (despite tradition) you're never going to be able to plan ahead and have a family of your own as long as you're living under your in-laws' roof. You may be in full control of the situation and your marriage but this is a time to step back and let your partner take the flak from his own family. It's literally his job to provide the buffer between you and his relatives.

  14. She said she wants fwb. I just feel like I’m using her, or feel used when she cries or bugs me about the sex. Second thing is, i will have to tough it out as she does know where I online, she would come here. When I move in a few weeks that’s when I’ll do it. I was also thinking of doing it with the help of someone she’s close to back home, to comfort her or help her

  15. You need to check that self esteem friend. Again, this version of reality that he’s trying to assert over you is not a thing. Working 3 days a week, caring for two children, food shopping, meals, laundry, housework and no doubt whatever physical attention he might expect leaves little time for you I’m sure. Meanwhile, he does exactly what after his physical job?

  16. Do things that give you self confidence. Start working out consistently…if at gym also a good place to make new acquaintances. The exercise will help with stress and keep you sane.

    Focus on you and your kids. Talk to an attorney and look at your finances. Get things in order if you need to act.

    Reconnect with friends or make new ones. Are you advancing in your career? Do you need training? Get out and learn new things. Push your husband to the backburner. He doesn't deserve your time.

    Remember your kids look up to. Show them how a strong woman deals with adversity.

  17. Break up with him. Your relationship is not working out and nothing is going to fix it.

    There is a reason he targeted young girls and couldn't get anyone his own age.

  18. I mean, her bf can go fuck himself. She's doing the majority, if not all, of the housework. Yet you still somehow want to find blame with her. The only thing she's to be blamed for is staying in a relationship where she is valued so little.

  19. You don't pick someone up by putting someone else down and that is what the OP's wife did. You do not put down your spouse. A person should always have their spouse's back

    I don't disagree with any of that

    Who was the target of the statement if it was not the OP? How can it be the OP was not “really” the target of the joke?

    She could have not been thinking of the OP at all, and that’s part of the problem. I suspect she was only trying to make the recently divorce friend laugh

    The OP's wife will not admit that she messed up.

    Seems that way

    Him telling her that does not matter if she keeps on saying it is only a joke.

    Doest matter isn't what I was trying to convey, telling her he didn't get the joke, and tell her how it made him feel is what I suggest

    She is not seeing it from his point of view. Her point of view is it is fine to put him down in front of other people for a laugh. That is not a good point of view to have.

    I agree with all that as well. I think the question OP has is how does he get her to see that.

  20. So instead of addressing it, he redirects the conversation about you not being happy in the relationship to how sad he'd be if you left him. He really could not care less about how you feel and absolutely was manipulating you.


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