Alicebby-bigcock28 online webcams for YOU!

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46 thoughts on “Alicebby-bigcock28 online webcams for YOU!

  1. “I went to see him in his room but as soon as I rang the bell I knew what a big mistake I was making. I hardly spent 2-3 minutes in the room before I ran out of there”….stop the ?

  2. “I went to see him in his room but as soon as I rang the bell I knew what a big mistake I was making. I hardly spent 2-3 minutes in the room before I ran out of there”….stop the ?

  3. Honestly following this post because my guy promotes me discussing my anxiety and asking questions, but repeat questions are a pet peeve for him. When i ask if he is angry at me or annoyed, i seem to get into a pattern of not believing him because of actions or little words that he may say that I take personally. It's extremely stressful and my biggest struggle when it comes to my communication with things i'm stressful about. I'm extremely happy and confident in our relationship, but sometimes I do something that may annoy him and he may say something that makes my anxiety go haywire and i approach discussing it in the wrong way by asking if he is upset with me one too many times. Understandably making him annoyed, but we are still learning. tldr: i suck at mouth words, advice: think over why you are anxious before discussing it with your partner. Often times I find that if I think over it, i get rid of majority of the nonsense anxiety thoughts, before having a conversation about it with partner.

  4. Set your boundaries, take a few days to center yourself. An example would be “That means no contact digitally or in person for 5 days.” Then you can touch base with him. Just my advice.

  5. Set your boundaries, take a few days to center yourself. An example would be “That means no contact digitally or in person for 5 days.” Then you can touch base with him. Just my advice.

  6. The only one coming off as a bitch in this post is you. You're entitled, self absorbed, and cheating trash. Please break up with him, not so that you can find better, but so he can.

    Actual human garbage if this post isn't fake.

  7. Why can't he provide you with extremely basic human decency? Why do you worry about what kind of girlfriend you will be for a man who never worries if he's a good boyfriend?

  8. I’m sorry to hear all this you’ve gone through. I mean for the fact that your mom’s bf molested you and she was okay with it, and your brother knows this and he would make these comments to you…??? F$&k that!! You deserve a HECKK of a lot more support from your family, which at this point, I am assuming you don’t really know what real family means because they all betrayed you and your trust ( not the other way around). You are obviously in a vulnerable state. You need to realize that you don’t need your brother, or mother, or uncles approval for thing that you do. Your choices are your choices!! Obviously those a$$holes set you up and are playing games with you! Don’t allow it! You had your time with your bf, and I bet you really enjoyed it. He wasn’t blood, it wasn’t incest, so you shouldn’t feel bad about it! Stop. Look in the mirror, tell yourself your beautiful and everything is going to be ok, and move on with your life. I honestly pray and hope you find a good man who will treat you like a queen after what I’ve read you’ve gone through!

  9. I hate when men treat women NO as she’ll change her mind. She will not.

    She was clear about her wants, either accept it or move on.

  10. I would probably first talk about it with someone I trust. Get all the tears out. Maybe write about it, maybe talk to a therapist. Therapists can be helpful for sorting through the emotions, deciding on whether to confront, and role playing the conversation (I have done this myself for my own parents). Process the emotions and then write a list of simple questions you want to know. If there are boundaries you think you need to set with your mom (e.g., her not asking you to help with the quincenera anymore), then write those down too.

    Then I would just ask her those questions. Then you can explain how it was hurtful to you because of what it was like for you when you were younger. You can say it felt as though when she refused the quincenera she rejected you as a daughter, but then embraced your cousin by going dress shopping and everything. You can say you wonder if she is doing purposely doing this to hurt you.

    I would expect her to argue back and have her reasons. If you feel yourself getting to emotional or like it's escalating too much and you're not able to actually listen, process, and respond — then tell her that you think you've both said how you felt and you think it's better to pause the conversation and think more about it later. This is where you also set whatever boundary you need to have set.

    I've had conversations with my parents where I felt like I was proud of myself for how I handled it, but ultimately was very disappointed in what felt like a poor outcome at the time — it wasn't until years later I realized agreement isn't the only good outcome, and what people take away from a conversation can take years for them to process and enact. I think it's still worth having the conversation to atleast hear the different perspective, challenge it directly, and most importantly, to set my own boundaries. I have a fulfilling relationship with both of my parents now that's definitely not easy (messy family history), but I've been able to make the relationships work for me and to be in a healthier space now as an adult through these types of conversations and boundary settings.

  11. Please go to therapy to unpack your internalized fatphobia, it’s already made it to where you’re skipping medications. Tell your boyfriend not to comment on your weight

  12. get a restraining order. gather all of your proof of his abuse, call the cops if he threatens you or lays a finger on you.

  13. There’s a lot of great answers here, but I wanted to share a bit of wisdom. Sooner or later, he’s going to kill someone with his drunk driving. Do you want it to be you?

  14. Thank you, I wish I didn’t have these thoughts, I do wanna be happy with him and content and I wanna feel like I can be who he deserves to be with, and you are correct I should love him for who he is sometimes feel I am just the issue and maybe I could benefit from therapy. Maybe it’s more of something that is deep rooted in me.

  15. I should have stated he said the forever stuff before we had the pregnancy scare. I thought it was pretty intense for him to say at the time and I let him know that he was scaring me and that I’m still trying to figure things out. He has been incredibly supportive so far with my business, my family issues, and my mental health issues. He has pushed me into things I never thought I could actually do.

    I tried not to be irrational and let myself go off the deep end and I let him know it is going to take some time for me to open up the way he has. The pregnancy scare is what pushed me into believing that things could actually be forever because of the way he took care of me. As well as me actually wanting to keep the baby with him, when in previous relationships, I was petrified with the idea of having a baby with them. I actually trust him a lot more now. I don’t want to hold myself back anymore but what you said about me trying to become intimate because he said forever is very insightful. I will definitely keep that in mind. Thank you for your input!!

  16. Black people as a political demographic hail from the United States as a result of their ancestors being shipped over there from Africa and stripped of their own identity. Due to not having this link to their culture, they created a new one for themselves off their collective identity as “black” people in the eyes of the colonizers and shared histories as slaves.

    You’re Scottish so your skin happens to be lighter, just like my Indigenous heritage makes me have brown skin. However I don’t identify or feel any cultural significance from my skin colour, there’s no demographic of people known as “brown”. There’s no brown supremacy or brown lives matter, there’s just my culture as an Indigenous person.

    Like I said, who is considered “white” and who isn’t is subject to change whenever convenient for Whiteness (the concept) as a whole

  17. Black people as a political demographic hail from the United States as a result of their ancestors being shipped over there from Africa and stripped of their own identity. Due to not having this link to their culture, they created a new one for themselves off their collective identity as “black” people in the eyes of the colonizers and shared histories as slaves.

    You’re Scottish so your skin happens to be lighter, just like my Indigenous heritage makes me have brown skin. However I don’t identify or feel any cultural significance from my skin colour, there’s no demographic of people known as “brown”. There’s no brown supremacy or brown lives matter, there’s just my culture as an Indigenous person.

    Like I said, who is considered “white” and who isn’t is subject to change whenever convenient for Whiteness (the concept) as a whole

  18. Yes!!! I’ve never ever heard the words come out of his mouth of “oops I could’ve been wrong!” I always have to show him some sort of proof that it happened, like I’m sorry I don’t video record everything!! I don’t have proof except my memories!! I feel nuts dude!!

  19. Yeah, farting in your presence so frequently can certainly have a negative effect on sexual attraction towards that fartface.

  20. Turns out in life, some people like to be abused. Then there are others that know to simply step away and out out the toxic people in their lives..which one are you?

  21. Wow. That’s scary. And I think you’re right…he does have a thing about shears wanting to be right, or feeling like he needs to win arguments. But I’ve tried to explain, nobody wins arguments. The problem is the problem, not the person. Anyhow- he can be controlling is what I’m saying. And even though he acts proud of me and my job, I do think he can be embarrassed because I make more than him. I bought our couch and I remember that he asked me not to tell his friends when they came over. And I didn’t, because I didn’t want him to feel embarrassed. But it’s not just that, it’s like the dishes- he would get weird with them. If he out them away, a rare occurrence, he would put them away in the wrong location. If I mentioned it, he would say I was being controlling and why did I get to decide where the dishes go? I did do all the cooking… I will pull back. He is not as changed as I thought. Maybe he’s just gotten better at acting.

  22. Take it from an old person who had to learn this the naked way: if you like your parents, and you like your friends, and the majority of those people hate who you're dating, then that person is bad news. They're seeing things you are not because you are blinded by your feelings for him. Trust the people who care about you and get the fuck out of that toxic situation.

  23. We tried. We basically where each on a side of the canyon, without compromising to talk. I tried, but it wasn’t so easy for her. It happens that I feel I’m just the dad, and never the partner, which sets my mood down, and then I’m not that fun to be around. As for selling, yes, I guess we could, but the market where we online isn’t the best atm, and we’d end up getting a really bad deal.

  24. You are free to leave any relationship that do not match with what you want for you now and/or in the future. You can be supportive without being together, there is nothing wrong with that -as he might also decide his own way too.

    Anyone who tries to say you can't leave is a bastard and cares nothing about your wishes and choices for your life. If you love him, and he loves you, both have the sane right to be happy and, if the circunstances don't bring that for you or for him, that is a reason to end things. Simple as that.

  25. don’t compromise over this. No partner should have absolute control over anything in a marriage. have you asked his best friends or closest siblings about this?

  26. I understand that, but feel like i am fairly quiet when i play, and if asked logically to be quiet, am totally fine and have done so. I feel it’s a large overreaction to curse me out, and kick me out over something small like that. I help out in many aspects of my house, and my parents pay none of my bills besides the food and such associated in the house I online in. Am i not justified to my own free time?

  27. Seems like a dead end. you've been living together for 3 years and dating for 6. The time is now. Even in the case he did propose, it wouldn't even feel that good because of all of the nagging. You should probably leave. No ultimatum is gonna change his attitude or end up in an engagement that isn't also extremely prolonged.

  28. Hi, person with multiple autoimmune conditions here: leave him. It’s scary enough on your own, but it’s worse knowing that he will never support you. If he is willing to throw away your marriage over you having a chronic condition, that likely means he was always willing to throw away your marriage over even the slightest of inconveniences.

  29. Get him some activated charcoal tablets. These will help with the flatulence.

    Everything sounds as if it’s within the realms of being normal, if inconvenient for him and unpleasant for you, but of course a check over with his GP would probably be a good idea just to be sure.

  30. There is no end game, the game is dating and sleeping with someone other than his wife and his wife not finding out about it.


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