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43 thoughts on “CoraliineeJones live webcams for YOU!

  1. Thats why I dont have kids. Have been married for more than 10 years and nothing has changed much from when we started living together.

    My 2 best friends got divorced in the first 3 years after having their first kids.

    What I am trying to say is that some people are better with kids. Im pretty sure some others are even better once they have kids, but this is surely me and probably your partner as well.

  2. Aw, what a “meet cute.” Maybe it's his first time in this situation? Maybe yours too? I don't know. Text and ask if he's interested in meeting up. If he doesn't answer, move on. He may be struggling with some issues of his own. Hope things work out.

  3. Either dump her outright if you don’t feel like having a conversation about it.


    Have a conversation about the fact that you know he hit on her and she’s STILL planning to drive with him/do driving lessons. Ask her to cut contact with this guy completely outside of work. If she doesn’t then dump her.

  4. Your BF should want you to achieve your goals and he should go on his family’s trip. If you lose him because of a scheduling conflict then it was not meant to be.

  5. A few months into a relationship, messages to his friends should be stating how amazing and wonderful you are because that’s what everyone deserves. Someone who loves them 100%. I don’t condone reading messages of partners but you’ve saved yourself from wasting time on this man. It doesn’t even matter if it was “heat of the moment” those are never the kind of messages you send about the love of your life. Those friends will need to be around you at some point and he was disrespectful. Forget the money and effort, and just leave.

  6. Time to think means finishing all other cases she's got going on. You said casual, and now even tho you feel like it's a semblace of monogamy, it doesn't mean she sees it that way.

    That is infact a yes/no-question after 3months in my opinion.

  7. You’re an idiot. Many people have experience in their personal lives. Whether it’s them or someone they know. It doesn’t mean it’s ONLY valid when talking about it personally. Everyone shares their experiences with it, and your go to is to say it isn’t valid because it’s a “personal” experience? There’s plenty of people in the US that have the SAME EXACT EXPERIENCE as what I just said in my other comment. My partners father was awarded full custody of his 2 kids because their mother was a drunk and showed up to court very intoxicated. She was supposed to pay child support. Father only seen 1 payment before she quit her job. Child support isn’t sexist. You’re an idiot for thinking it is.

  8. All women are crazy, but it doesn’t always show immediately. This is the life we men get for not being gay, and the price we (gladly) pay to have little rugrats.

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  10. I had a baby late in life and actually was wonderful. It’s like being young again and all the most positive ways. Physically, I felt better emotionally and mentally I felt alive and ambitious again. I credited for not letting me grow old to quickly just my opinion.

  11. Until he is out of that house or she is out of that house depending on their situation, you should 100% not be in that relationship with him.

    It’s vastly inappropriate for you to meet his child while the parents are still living together.

    I don’t understand people who jump into relationships with unfinished business in their previous one. He is still technically a married man. When I was going through my divorce we didn’t tell a lot of people outside our immediate circle- one of my former coworkers saw my ex on dating sites (in pics with our kids of course) and sent me a long message in case I didn’t know.

    The optics of this are bad: let’s recap- you have been in a relationship for a year with a married man who still lives with his current wife and you are jealous of them hanging out. There are kids involved on both sides.

    Please step back and let his marriage/divorce play out and then decide if he is the person for you

  12. Block block block. Lawyer lawyer lawyer. Give up your parental rights. YESTERDAY DUDE. Any man who doesnt want a child just does this and lives their life. Do this. Get this POS out of your life. He forced this child into life HE SAID HE WOULD BE PREPARED FOR AND WANTED. you did not. You gave him what he wanted, and now hes taking away what you wanted AFTER YOU GAVE HIM WHAT HE WANTED. dont let him. Holy /rinsanelyinfuriating

  13. Enjoy what you have presently or focus on that this isn't going where you want it to.

    Relationships aren't worth having if you need your partner to change for it to continue growing in the direction you want.

    Either what you have no is enough or you need to start moving on.

  14. Don't know why you or anyone would would feel guilty dumping a cheater even if they're dying but, to each their own. I personally don't think anyone should be expending emotional energy for someone who'd betray them in that way. They're other people who can take care of them. Don't see why one of those people needs to be me when they've shown my emotional wellbeing means fuck all to them ??‍♀️

  15. Op you're better than me, why are you staying when you know damn well he wouldn't stay if you were the one lying in the hospital bed. I would have broken up with him then and there, get my money back and move on

  16. Thanks for the advice. He explained that he was deep in a porn addiction that was spiraling out of control, so he was needed more stimulation or something along those lines.

    Other than this recent information, all has been good.

    I did forget to make mention of his habitual masturbation to my social media photos that he admitted to, including sharing certain pictures with his friends at the time, who are now somewhat mutual friends. It can't really separate this from how I view them now.

  17. I wouldn't approach it. I'd run from it. If he scared you and didn't notice you were crying, that is a red flag the size of a football field. Especially if he was “punishing” you for something as benign as a little weed.

  18. Im gonna get back into my old hobbies and start living my life more, Ill stop giving her every second of my time and give her more space to also be herself. I have a few self help books I got from my friends on my birthday that I'll get into as im introverted and I dont like being social but ill spend my time diving deeper into more things about myself and my own individualism

  19. Sure, if the dude is a top 5% man. Some women will put up with that behavior if they know that's the only way they will get that caliber of guy. But if the guy is an average Joe he's easily replicable. Why share an average guy when you can easily find one for yourself.

  20. Then it’s she can’t have her phone out around me, or any of my friends period. I do not trust her to not lie about filming around me. Hot boundary.

  21. Girl I am a very active member in our kink community, with a husband who is 14 years older, and even I would be hella concerned about you if I saw y’all together in real life. There’s a saying in the bdsm community of “safe, sane, and consensual”. It’s not “safe, sane, and wear the person down until they feel forced to do what you want”.

    This isn’t consensual, he’s not respecting your no because he’s ok with not respecting you and wearing you down. That’s not normal or ok. If someone did that in the kink community to a play partner, they would be banned for life from any play groups that know of it. I know it seems easy to blame bdsm for him hurting you, but the problem is your boyfriend. He has been grooming you since you were a child basically, and that’s not because you were weak or stupid. He’s taking advantage of you, this is abuse.

    Why would you want to raise a kid to think that they’ll deserve the same treatment from a partner that they’ll see you receive from yours? That’s what you’re doing. I say this as a fellow abuse survivor, our lives really are too similar to each others. You need to enforce strong boundaries with him to protect yourself, and if he doesn’t respect them (which I doubt he will after how he already treats you)… you need to leave. At least if you want to feel respected as a person and worth anything. You can’t feel that way while with a partner who abuses you. I’m sorry that there aren’t solutions to make living with an abusive partner ok, at a certain point you just need to protect yourself since he won’t.

  22. He's upset because some girl from his past made fun of his size.

    I think you should throw this one back.

  23. OP decided she wants to work on the relationship..

    That is her choice. As unfortunate as that sounds and how that scares me for her alil.

    It is still her choice and i can only hope she knows what she's doing and keeps safe. ?

  24. I'm amazed you telling him you wanted a break and then blame him for not saying no and then saying he's the one who needed it. Well it looks like he's doing much better and I'm not surprised. Your post comes off as extremely self-centered. His field of work is very difficult in that regard but I don't see you two continuing.

  25. You aren't going to easily de-escalate with someone so immature. If he's one of those, it's my way or no way guys, then you are gokng to have a fight on your hands. Tell him they are your games, and you do not want to give them away. You can try a civil conversation about property and permission, but I bet he doesn't cave. He sounds exhausting, like a bully.

  26. I know no liberals who are pro baby-killing, so I assume you conflate infanticide with abortion to be dramatic. If that's the case, it would be very ironic given your complaint is an inability to understand basic biology, then. A fetus is not a baby. An embryo is not a baby. An egg, not a baby. A baby is a baby. That's why we use different words. So hoping that's not what you were trying to say.

    Also, he's not the only feeble old man who lost his mind while being a President within the last 6ish years. But honestly there should be an age limit, because I will agree that clearly mental faculties decline and older individuals should not be in charge of the future of the country

  27. One year I thought I would get my wife a whole new set of bedroom furniture. I was fine with our furniture, it didn't bother me, but she had made several comments about how it wasn't how she wanted it, she wanted new stuff. In the end I got her jewelry which she loved. When I mentioned my original idea was to get her furniture she made a face, and said that I had made the right decision, and that she would not have wanted to be given furniture.

    I would have gotten her exactly what she would have spoken about many times, but she would have felt a way if I had gotten her furniture.

    I saw people commenting that you should leave him for you not being his whole world (paraphrasing), Jesus Christ. No one knows your relationship as well as you. You didn't go on a tirade about the 7 other things he did wrong, you didn't say he cheated on you. He fucked up a birthday, and maybe he needed to to learn that that's not what you value on your birthday.

    ABSOLUTLEY communicate how you feel about the experiences you want and about how how he failed to pull through. Communicate.

    Did u ever use the bike?

  28. You are wasting her time dude. Why be together for five years if you don’t want to marry this woman? I mean you are in your 30s. I’m in my 30s, I don’t date just to date anymore. I’m looking for someone I can spend the rest of my life with.

  29. Multiple affairs!? Since you started dating?? He is a serial cheater. This isn't giving him a second chance. If he's had 30 partners this would be like giving him a 30th chance. He gave up on this relationship from the start. If it was one person then I can see reconciliation but multiple people? Come on, you can do way better.

  30. I would like to. I have tried though — he just gives short answers 75% of the time.

    No, I’m not with Pete.

  31. What I read is “he’s a good guy but sometimes he does stuff which probes he isn’t a good guy.”

    A man who verbally/emotionally abuses you isn’t a nice guy.


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