RHIAN_GH on-line sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “RHIAN_GH on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. sorry for hijacking

    See when I was 16 I never really understood the “impact” of a traumatic even coz I never experienced it and never worried about it, but when I got into a minor crash, I understood what the impact means. So off chances are she isn't as aware.

  2. This is an incredibly naive view. If someone tells you that their parents will literally beat the shit out of a 13 year old instead of try to help, you believe them. Your idea that parents will act appropriately to prevent further damage is so rose coloured glasses outlook.

  3. You were on a break, and you had no contact, you are young and life goes on.

    Someone once older told me when I was younger, life will run over you in a second, go out and enjoy the shit out of it. And I did. With 20 years old you haven't lived anything.

  4. If she is not going to stop talking to this guy, that should tell you where your relationship stands.

  5. There’s nothing wrong with not drinking, and you already know that. You didn’t need to make a joke out of it, but you did. Why? To make it okay that your friend was disparaging your bf’s choices. Why?

    Your bf doesn’t need to make excuses for not drinking. The way he reacts is blood in the water for people like this “friend” who probably prides themselves on “telling it like it is.” Bf either needs to get some backbone and stop being insecure about his choices to not drink, or not blame you for your friend's shitty behavior. He didn’t need to take it out on you. But he did. Why?

    The way bf talked to you is actually not okay. I totally understand that you feel badly about hurting his feelings, but you were stuck in a bad place between them. Should you have defended him? Yes. Should his entire night have hinges on that one small social misstep? Absolutely not. And you shouldn’t be this bent out of shape about it.

    Your friends and your bf both aren’t treating you or each other right, and yet, you’re the only one (presumably) who’s up asking strangers on the internet how to make it right.


  6. If she acted this way before you got married, why did you marry her? Seems like you rushed into marriage too soon. Maybe divorce is the answer.

  7. No, but you would have to learn HER native language in order to actually meet in the middle. And all she wants is to be able to text it in your native language. Why would she go through the stress and complexity and exert all the mental energy that goes into not only communicating while upset, but while doing it in a language that she doesn’t think in, when you’re doing nothing that’s considerate of her? Her whole existence is already being poured into her body building your child cell by cell, and you can’t let her text her thoughts in the translation into your native language? You need her to do that translation in real time, after doing something you already knew would upset her?

    Just an FYI, one of the biggest hurdles in couples who have kids divorcing that they can’t get past is the resentment a lot of women hold from a time period during their pregnancy, birth, or in the two years following where they felt like when they were at their most vulnerable, their partner showed her that she couldn’t trust them to prioritize her needs or protect her interests. So you may want to stop being intentionally dense on this, and start fixing this. This is a time period you won’t get back. She will never need you as much as she does right now. And therefore if you don’t treat it with the delicacy it deserves, she will never really forget how you treated her when she was most in need of your protection. So if I were you, I’d put my pride aside and step up and start acting like she didn’t make a mistake in the partner she chose for this part of her life…

  8. Honestly, this will be a CONSTANT thing in the relationship. If she sets boundaries about that, there will be other boundaries from her family that she will have to set. IF she sets them. But the thing is, culturally, there's a big gap here. If all of a sudden she drops it, don't expect, when y'all are married, for her not to bring it up again.

    There might be a real possibility that you will be beholden to her families whims for the rest of y'all's lives. Hopefully not, but family ties are the most important in the culture.

    Also, the way she's acting right now is not conducive to a healthy relationship. She didn't get her way, so now she's treating you differently. If she usually gets her way, and you haven't seen her when she doesn't get her way a bunch, then you might not know how she acts in those situations.

    Congrats on the raise 🙂 Good luck.

  9. Relationships should not be hot. You should not be having problem after problem after only 8 months, and the fact that you would immediately cheat when things get bad shows that you are not mature enough to be in a relationship.

    End things with your girlfriend and work on yourself.

  10. Your girlfriend would rather your sister SUFFER than you see genitals that aren't hers. She's sick and honestly YOU should be rethinking whether she can be trusted to last as anything but a short term girlfriend. She definitely isn't wife material if your family dynamics disgust her.

  11. This is very sensible, not looking desperate for her attention is very important. The other thing you need to think about is confronting her on staring at you but in a nice way, like if she’s close to you and you catch her staring just say, “I noticed you keep looking at me today, do you need a spotter or something?”. It puts her on the spot and makes her realize her behavior has not gone unnoticed, that you’re just trying to be helpful, and that you’re not taking the rejection badly. If she says yes then talk to her a bit and see if she opens up, if she says no then keep doing what you’re doing. Either way it’s not much effort and come off as you just being friendly and trying to be helpful.

    After this, I would recommend that you pretend to ignore it while figuring out how long she’s holding her gaze towards you, that way you gauge how much of an effect your initial interaction was.

  12. Um, did you read the post? OP kept bringing up the apartment and he would tell her no, he’s not taking it back, it’s his exes. Then she went and spoke to his ex about it, which was wildly inappropriate and made him realize he needed to make her ownership of it official, while telling his fiancé that any continued attempts to get it would be a dealbreaker for him.

  13. For goodness sake- the number of people playing keyboard warrior and telling OP to immediately break up with ‘Dave’ seemingly forgetting that this is REAL life, is astounding!

    I am a person who is not attracted to looks in the first instance but in personality. Once you get to know the person then they become attractive and beautiful/handsome because they have a great personality and communicate well and I can have good conversations with them and they have a beautiful heart and this makes them attractive both inner and outer.

    Too many people are very attractive on the outside yet scratch the surface and they are quite unattractive or even ugly in some cases ( as can be seen on some virtual reality television shows).

    Op please think this through and the fact that you are so long together, means you are working well together as a partnership and it could well be that ‘Dave’ looked at you initially and thought that you looked ok and it was when he decided to date you and get to know you that you became beautiful to him. It doesn’t always have to be an instant sexual attraction based upon looks and in fact those kind of relationships rarely last long term ( not all but more than the other way around).

    Don’t put things into boxes as life is not black and white but has great areas .

    Don’t feel pushed by societal pressures and expectations that arise from superficial marketing in the magazines and news and social media and TV/ Film industry and then the subsequent reality shows and FB, Instagram etc

    There’s no one size fits all

    The best thing that you can do is to communicate with each other and see how you both view each other’s situation and feelings and take it from there.

    I’m sure he finds you beautiful but some men ( and women) don’t always know how to articulate what I have stated.

    Good luck ?

  14. Prior to marriage, sure. Let the fiancé handle this. As a spouse, you have full authority to defend your family at all times. A married couple should be a unified front and either one can speak for the family.

  15. Probably because her partner is going off on her and his reaction seems to be more than what the situation warranted. If they’re around mutual friends and they are also saying he’s over reacting then there’s a possibility that he might actually be overreacting

  16. He not only showed you how little he thinks of you, he also told the therapist how little he thinks of therapy. He put himself in the session: literally, and symbolically shit on the whole session. He also made a point about his territory. This is what he really thinks of you and how much he disrespects you. Please just leave this house. Make it happen.

  17. Sounds to me like you want to play the white knight and sweep her off her feet and she’s uninterested and engaged on top of it all. Stop it. She isn’t going to leave her fiancée for you.

  18. Idk, sounds like there IS chemistry, but its an uncomfortable chemistry? Is it possible that what you think is “no chemistry” is her just being inexperienced? Not everyone has a teenage sexual history, so if she's just now experiencing this all for the first time, could be scary? I know this may be a stretch, but just throwing it out there…


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