Ayukashi live sex cams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Ayukashi live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Dude, I'm not from Britain either.

    And yes, it's quite annoying when maga(ots) Always assume everyone is from the USA.

    Just because I speak English doesn't mean I'm from UK or USA. Some people used their time to learn more than one language you know?

  2. It was a bad faith response. You have to realize how that could look: you reach out out of the blue after years, say you're still in a relationship, then the relationship ends shortly there after and you message him again. It would just appear that you saw the end coming and were looking for someone to fall back on.

    I mean, you see 90% of people here say “exes are exes for a reason,” and no one wants to be the person who someone chooses just to rebound. Or maybe he just didn't have interest in talking to his ex-girlfriend.

    Either way, none of this indicates that he hasn't moved on.

  3. It was a bad faith response. You have to realize how that could look: you reach out out of the blue after years, say you're still in a relationship, then the relationship ends shortly there after and you message him again. It would just appear that you saw the end coming and were looking for someone to fall back on.

    I mean, you see 90% of people here say “exes are exes for a reason,” and no one wants to be the person who someone chooses just to rebound. Or maybe he just didn't have interest in talking to his ex-girlfriend.

    Either way, none of this indicates that he hasn't moved on.

  4. Honestly, as you get older and buy yourself your own shit it’s gets kind of hot for people to find gifts for you. She got you something that should have been a surprise and is really helpful when you actually need it. I think you need to stop treating the holidays about what you get and just appreciate the thought like most adults do. That or break her heart by telling her she bought you a gift you hate…which one seems like the better idea though?… the answer should be easy I hope.

  5. I'm not saying she's lying, but it already seems to me that it's on purpose and I doubt the mental stability of the girl

  6. u/depoeta12, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  7. Dancing with a ex, in public at a wedding…. Is not the same as going to an exs home for hours in private.

    If you use condoms that are at hers, she may have tampered with them (pin holes through perhaps),and her saying she's on birth control is just words .

    It sounds like she's got pregnant with her ex, in order to get him and her back together. When that Didn't work, she's decided to use the same trap on you.

    Tell her, until you have a DNA test done, you cannot accept this baby is yours. So you would like it done pre birth, just to get the insecurity out the way and you can start planning the babies life together. (This is what you tell her, not necessarily what you actually think.)

  8. u/Throwaway_971386, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  9. Absolutely, full transparency. I think everyone should have the right to know who exactly they're dating.

  10. You have only been together less than a year, and you are already at this point just break up if it bothers you

  11. Whether he's cheating on you or not, he's neglecting his role as a parent because he doesn't believe it is his role. He said he thinks it's your job.

    Don't marry and have kids with people who believe this. Date to find out what someone is like before you get stuck. You can't change a person. He's not going to suddenly come around. You need to do what's best for you and your baby and leave him.

  12. If you were planning on breaking it off anyways I don't see the problem with shooting your shot anyways. Don't get caught in the FWB With Feelings Vortex. That shit can waste so many dateable months and years.

  13. Talk to your wife and tell her these things. Make it clear she is safe to communicate how she is feeling as well. My husband used to be all over me when we first met, sex 3-4 times a day. He’d send me sweet emails and write little notes. Now we’ve been together for over a decade and this happens much less, but I’ve told him that I really appreciate when he compliments me, says sweet things, and is affectionate. He took note and does it more often.

    The honeymoon phase fizzles. This is normal. Initial infatuation often turns to something else and if you’re lucky, it turns into straight-up love. It doesn’t mean you stop being sexually attracted to one another, but the lust and need isn’t going to be there constantly. That’s okay but you need to talk to her again. She may be more tired than usual because you have a tiny human consuming her energy. She may not feel as sexy as before and is maybe projecting some of that onto you with the comments about your toenails and such.

    If you love each other, talk. Be honest. Be kind.

  14. Is any amount of yelling/swearing in an argument acceptable? Is any amount of yelling/swearing in an argument acceptable?

    IMO, no. I've ended things for less. I don't allow people who yell/curse/call me names close to me in my life. I would never yell at my partner, even if he did something horrible like cheat on me.

  15. I think it's normal to perceive relationships that are essentially rollercoasters as “passionate” and “exciting” actually.

  16. Maybe. Currently we agreed to communicate through email and text, but essentially it has to be in writing. Should I bring it up during the first meet up?

  17. A little long term advice. Always reaffirm the relationship. Complacency is what kills feelings. Always show your love and desire

  18. He was asking for himself, not his ex. He asked her to do this for HIM so he didn't have to deal with the ex. The ex might not be reasonable, but she spent years with him where she and her kids had to deal with his addiction. Neither she nor her kids have forgotten the damage that was done. If that gives her a knee jerk reaction, then hers wouldn't be the first. Her kids safety is her priority. Not her ex and not his girlfriend. If she feels that his home is not a safe environment, she can take him back to court to change the custody agreement. Now which is more important? Being right or keeping the peace for the sake of the kids?

  19. y’all are impossible. we can’t use data, we can’t use our subjective experience. what will it take for you to fucking believe us when we say something?

  20. I use loop too.

    I carry a pair in my purse and a pair in my partner's vehicle.

    I haven't found a style that works well for live music though so I just avoid live! music.

  21. Did you ask him to stay or hint around or worse, tell him to go ahead and have fun and expect as a rest that he’d choose to stay home? I only ask because these scenarios seem to pop up in this sub a lot and usually it’s a case of poor communication or being set up as a test.

    To me, 44F, you weren’t sick enough to be in the hospital at the point when he left. He’s not a doctor. So not sure what he could really do for you other than make sure you’re set up with fluids and your meds and such. Many people prefer to just be alone and rest when they’re not feeling well.

    That said, I’ve had quite a few surgeries and such and am used to being home alone after the first day. I can imagine that if this was your first big medical issue, it was kind of scary and it would have been nice just to have someone around.

    Let him know. But don’t downplay his friendship either. Just because he sees someone once a year doesn’t mean they’re not important to him. I had people at my wedding I hadn’t even met in person before but had been friends with through a hobby group for more than a decade.

    Just stick to your feelings without accusations.


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