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49 thoughts on “Adelline-Edelweis live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I know all too well what this feels like so with that I'm sorry you're in this situation. I myself am still in this situation! 11 years and 3 kids but we are not married. I've wanted out countless times and have left him countless times. I guess I'll direct my advice to how my thought process has been during this and now.

    My whole mind frame changed the beginning of last year it was actually weird how it just switched overnight. I think we put so much into someone and so much hope a big reason being the kids and the family unit but all the sadness, anger, confusion, crying, yelling, pointless talks, aloneness, stress and misery grow and grow and grow until it takes over and it turns into one huge feeling. Resentment. And resentment turns to hate. Women are strong beings were able to switch it all off for our kids and to keep on trucking..until that switch stays on and all we can do is think about the hurt. The person I'm with still acts confused til this day or annoyed with me because iam now a paranoid bitter person and how I explained it to him (which nothing should have to be explained to someone that's created it all) is I'm not the same person, I've changed and this change happened without me even realizing it it was my bodies own defense saying ENOUGH! Once a relationship is so tainted and a person goes through so much there's just no going back as sad as it is. I too have to have a plan and a safety net before I finally walk away and don't look back and we face this challenge because we will always be the constant for our kids we can't just fly away when we want to we have to figure it all out for them before we even figure it out for ourselves.

    So with that I'll say start a plan. Obviously divorce is much bigger than a breakup but take time to make a plan and start at day 1 it'll be rough in the beginning but once you make it through you'll be able to exhale and start a brand new journey with your babies and more importantly you'll be HAPPY.

  2. That's dumb. A person can not be ready to have another baby just yet and still love their partner.

    What a toxic comment.

  3. This is your life. You need to be with someone who makes you happy and meets your needs. Sounds like this doesn't. I would be upset to. When I had a girl run a red-light? I called my husband and a 13 minute drive took 5 max. He jumped out the shower and came squeeling around the corner, slammed in park and came running to me. Was literally screaming at the cops “that's my wife” when they tried to stop him and literally was almost arrested ? That may be extreme to some, but thats my experience. I don't require that now, but I would be Hella upset if this was the response I got.

  4. Masterbation is perfectly normal and something alot of people do, as long as your sex life is still active and your both not replacing sex with masterbating then it shouldnt be an issue. Maybe its best to keep eachothers masterbating private, keep it to yourselves and just dont discuss it.

    Also why does he think your dissatisified? Is it just because of masterbating or is it something thats been discussed? Does he feel you replace sex with it?

  5. Your BF wouldn't put up with that shit if you did it…. so yeah…that about sums that up. Oh, and anyone that tells you his behavior is “normal”, those people are degenerates. I've raised three sons to, what I believe are, fine young men, if their partners ever released proof, that MY BOYS did some shit like that, I'd be first in line to go fuck them up. I've been with their mother for 30 years and I would expect they would see anything I did like that to their mom to be an afront to her honor…so yeah, I don't buy that crap at all.

  6. Its not about being friends wtf…..

    There is 100% more going on than just some friendliness. Have you even read the same post as me?

  7. It sounds like your spouse might be one of those people who can't help himself and always gives unsolicited feedback. If he is, then you can read the sigh of relief that it's not personal. If he isn't, then ask him if he is only giving us advice because you keep complaining and he is trying to “fix” your problem

    It sounds like you aren't very happy being a SAHM, that you miss working, and that you are being extremely frugal because of how you feel about money, because you are not working. Are there any jobs that you can do from home/remotely so that you can make some money and feel better and not feel like you have to be so frugal?

  8. It was suppose to be strictly sexual, you seem to have made an emotional connection with the guy you’ve been sleeping with. That’s why your husband feels betrayed, you guys need to work out boundaries better, if you guys even get through this.

  9. All of the things you want in life can be had without a partner. Make them happen for yourself and don't factor in what someone else might be able to provide. You have clear goals and waiting for “the right person” to help you fulfill them is a waste of time. Good luck!

  10. A few months is a long time – especially for a short lived animal like a dog.

    Get rid of the puppy and also consider not having kids. If a puppy is too much work, kids will be harder.

  11. You moved in together even though he is bad with money. You have underwritten his existence for what, six months?

    SIGH. Listen, that money is gone. He isn't going to pay you back.

    Get your own place, find a roommate, save your OWN fucking money and stop spending it on him because you will never see a dime of it.

    Learn the lesson this fuck up is trying to teach you.

  12. This is going to become more and more common in the US since wade vs roe being overturned. Previously women would have aborted, now they being forced to carry. If this was my situation I would be passing the baby to the father too. I’d support financially buy the care does not automatically have to lie with the woman

  13. Exactly. A normal reaction is to be upset and want to cut off contact with this friend, even if temporarily.

    The fact that she is instantly willing to forgive him and wants to move on and keep him as a friend means there is something else going on.

  14. Not burnt out. Wise. Yes,sex does decline after marriage. So, like I said, he'll get duty or pit sex (or maybe procreation SS) after marriage. He definitely isn't getting the second life he hopes for.

  15. Nah, don't waste your time. He can still change, and he can still go to counseling; he can just do it without you.

  16. Being an argumentative nightmare every morning is not genetic. If anything, it's learned behavior from her mother. Who is her target when you're not home? Your kids? Talk to her after coffee and come to some sort of solution. Put a mini fridge in your room, stock it with cold brew coffee, and ask her not to speak to anyone until she's had a jolt of caffeine. I'd suggest marriage counseling because it's not only affecting you, it's affecting your kids.

  17. It is, but it’s very nude so I’m looking for advice.

    Obviously that’s not how it works, but I have ADHD and recognize a lot of the same behaviors in him, so I think he might have it too.

  18. David could legitimately be busy. I’d say things like this to my FWB when I was having a rough go with my health and didn’t wanna talk about it with them.

    If Rick is pressuring you for a relationship then I’d cut it off with him. He’s gonna catch feelings and that’s not what you want right now.

  19. it being healthy definitely isn’t the problem. I wouldn’t say him being busy is the issue either. I suspect his eating is a lot more about boredom or getting a little dopamine from the sugar rush than him actually being hungry so he goes for the snacks.

  20. Everyone is basically telling you that your are the one in the wrong and you are using being upset about her going through your phone to your advantage in the situation, and you are just fighting to defend yourself without seeing that the majority are still telling you you are still wrong. You either ask for what people think and accept it or keep your stance (which most disagree with) and push your defense onto your girlfriend and potentially risk a bigger fight/ending the relationship.

  21. I make a little more than twice my husband. I could care less what he makes. We’re comfortable, we’re happy, that’s all that matters to me. To me, my salary is for both of us.

  22. Her boss has crossed several lines actually. He should not be having conversations about his marriage and sex life with an employee. Especially a young, female employee that he’s alone with.

    Has it ever occurred to you that she didn’t “willingly engage” in this discussion, and that she likely felt pressured to go along with it because he’s an older man in a position of power over her that she’s alone with? Who knows what he would do to her if she refused; she was probably afraid.

    Did she tell you that she shared her stories with him? If so, she likely felt pressured to.

    I would be more worried about how your girlfriend feels after being sexually harassed by her boss than how you feel right now.

  23. I know, I've had a baby. Athletes don't stop training at 30 though. Anyway, yes, many women want a baby and it's fine to make a plan (although it's virtually impossible to guarantee as there are so many variables), but many don't want it to be their only goal in life. That's also ok and increasingly common. That's all I'm saying.

  24. Idk, I personally feel like the whole insult behind being asked to take a paternity test is not as awful as everyone makes it seem to be. If you know you didn’t cheat, then there’s nothing to worry about. It’s extra reassurance, if anything, and it adds a layer of security for the father which anyone should be willing to confirm if there ever was doubt.

    This world is too scary to not know what you’re getting yourself into. I JUST saw a Reddit post on here where a man was forced to pay child support for 18 years on a kid that isn’t even his. He found out months after the wife gave birth. She 100% cheated and when he finally did take a paternity test for said child, it confirmed his suspicions. But he didn’t worry from the beginning because he thought his wife wouldn’t dare cheat. Clearly he was wrong. Court ALSO wouldn’t let him get out of paying child support for the affair child. And this is the type of stuff that happens more often than we think. It’s nude to imagine the flip side of the coin but we all don’t want to be screwed over. This is what I would equate a prenup to. Everyone wants protection. People allow their pride to get in the way of denying someone basic protections but c’mon now. We should look past that. When you start a new journey with the facts laid out then there really is nothing to hide so this can only strengthen you, not weaken you.

  25. I empathize with you. It sounds like you’re really struggling. You’ll need to take the uncomfortable steps to give your mind a break from Harry. Think of what you would tell someone you cared about who is self harming or addicted to porn. Try to take a hiatus even for a day. Rip the bandaid off. This has to happen if you want to heal from this struggle. I also feel lack of a spark in my relationship and wonder if I’m cut out for marriage as well, but haven’t gotten married yet.

  26. So then what do you suggest she do? Go deaf???

    She laid in bed. He was outside the door talking in his therapy session.

    She didn’t actively get outta bed & sneak down the hall to hear him. He was right there. She didn’t purposely eavesdrop.

  27. I would, but it seems like what you’re looking for is a valid reason to reject this man. If you’re not interested in him, whether or not it’s because he’s in a wheelchair, don’t go out with him.

    Be honest with him and yourself; are you not looking for a relationship or do you not want one WITH him.

    If it’s the former, let him know what your intentions are in general and he can decide whether or not that aligns with what he wants. If it’s the latter, there’s no point in leading him on.

    Is it possible you’re only going out with him so you don’t feel bad about rejecting someone in a wheelchair? If so, it is much kinder to be honest, I assure you.

  28. You need a job to pay the bills. Unless/until drama, literature, film or music pay your bills, those are hobbies. You can continue to pursue your hobbies while having a job.

    Lots of people have passions and hobbies. Most people don’t “love” their job. Even when you have a great career, it doesn’t mean it’s joyful all the time.

    Part of being an adult is being able to support yourself. And I think most adults find it unattractive when their partner is unemployed, underemployed, or job hopping. It doesn’t convey stability or responsibility which are two things most people value in a relationship.

  29. And your wife should tackle this problem head on. Have a sit down with parents and teacher at school and be very firm since this is bigotry. Also with people whom who come in contact everyday otherwise it will drive a wedge in your marriage,

  30. You’re both too young to get married. Wait until you’re both at least 25. Maybe have a really long engagement? There’s no rush. I’d be more worried if he DID propose to you at 22.

  31. Your GF is trying to isolate you. Eventually she will ask you to not go out with friends. “As long as she’s there” are you a baby? Do you need to be babysat near your own family?

    Ask yourself, if I had a female friend and she described her BF like this, would I get creeped out?

    If you’re familiar with healthy dynamics, then you would be.

    She wants to control you, from a distance, and it’s only gonna be worse when she’s physically there.

  32. Are you South Asian? Because the Mommy interference, her insistence on kids, her dragging an unwilling wife to the doctor to check if something is wrong and above all, the apportioning of blame unfairly, all lead me to think that this is an overbearing Indian Mom.and her laadla.

    When will you guys stand up for your wives and tell your family members, notably your Moms, to stick their noses out of your business??

    As long as you continue to excuse your Mom's unacceptable behaviour, you will never gain respect from your wife. Kudos to her for being strong and standing up for herself cos sure as hell, her husband isn't. How exactly are you having your wife's back if you are letting your Mom run roughshod over her until now?? And bad mouthing her to relatives as well! Have you set the record straight with the relatives? If your answer is a feeble, 'but I am….' to all this, please know that your pandering to your Mom's, delicate or otherwise, feefees have directly brought you to this day.

    You need to be firm with your Mom and brook no interference in your life. Stand by your wife and have her back, openly. Tick off your Mom for oversharing sensitive and extremely personal info like your wife's abortion etc. And more than anything, some tlc, time and effort with your wife to let her know that you're sincere in your intentions.

  33. When you’ve been in a traumatic situation sometimes it’s just easier to be civil and brush something off rather than be outwardly avoidant. Being avoidant can cause confrontation that she maybe doesn’t want to deal with depending on how tight knit her family may be. She’s probably just choosing the path of least resistance. Since it is her trauma, I would just respect her wishes personally.

  34. It seems like he is taking the right steps, but I would let him work on himself a lot more time before being with him.

  35. It’s not bitching, it’s providing context and asking for advice.

    It’s not nude to understand that I lock it when we leave, and don’t when we use the restroom. Do you know anyone who locks their room to step out for a minute?

    Any common household wouldn’t have to do that, and it’s looking like I’ll have to and I accept that.

    But I don’t know what you’re calling childish here.

  36. I feel like it’s a strange concept all together sometimes, with him things have felt very different, there’s no butterflies or nervy feelings, there’s only ever been calmness and a settled feeling. I feel like this could be a communication issue as well, when we first started dating we both said we were looking for commitment and relationships, so I’m thinking that he may be taking things slower. This has however been one of the most healthy relationships I’ve been in, we help eachother out with work things as well, and he always says I can tell him anything, he finds ways to include me in things and took charge when I had a medical emergency and couldn’t sort myself out. I think there’s just a lot of expectations put on relationships “it should be made official by this amount of weeks etc..” and although it shouldn’t it just gets in my head, Thankyou


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