AitanaViolet online sex cams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “AitanaViolet online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You’re not going to convince him otherwise. This is something he has to decide on his own, and as you said, time is not on your side. It’s probably why people are pushing the whole divorce thing. His concerns are valid too- children change literally every aspect of your life, for years. Your relationship included. You don’t want to coerce him into this and then have him resent you or the child.

    You have to decide if your love for him is greater than your desire to have children.

  2. Sounds like you are being manipulated by a man who just wants to spend all his free time with people without you. Sounds like he is a master manipulator that keeps convincing you he will change but he never does. This is not a relationship worth staying in.

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  4. He’ll end up passing you around his friends like a party favour.

    Hon, between the age gap and him pushing you to do things you don’t want to do you need to wake up and realise this guy is bad news.

  5. He said he’s telling me he wanna experience different stuff but I don’t wanna do it wit him and it’s not always about keeping me happy. He said “I wanna do shit too and you keeping me from doing that if you not gon do it wit me i don’t wanna do you dirty”

  6. “I hate you, don’t leave me” It’s very common with anxious attachment, as well as all types of issues.

    As a 43 year old who has been on both sides of this, please trust me on this – break up with her, block her, don’t look back. You can’t change her or fix her. You’re way too young to deal with this. Every day you stay, you do a little more damage to yourself.

  7. Are you me from the past? If so, here’s how it went for me:

    After high school and my definite decision to leave, she bribed me with everything (a car, vacations, literally anything I wanted to purchase) for just ONE YEAR of me staying. I was like, one year of misery in exchange for all this? Yes I’d do it.

    Once in, a crippling major severe clinical depression started and one year turned into 8 years. I was bedridden for most. Suicide only difficult to commit because of how tired I was.

    Girl, run. Please Get.Out. !!

  8. You have three choices:

    Come out to your parents now. Let the cops lie where they fall.

    Tell your gf the truth, and also tell her your family is NOT safe for either of you to be out to. That way you can talk about what it might look like to have a serious relationship but not involve your parents. If you do only this it may mean choosing to reduce your contact with your parents.

    Do both these things.

    The one thing you absolutely can not, should not, would be a complete AH if you did, do is let this dinner happen without having done 1, 2, or 3. You know your parents and letting them find out that way will only put your gf in a position to be harmed and traumatized.

  9. Thank you for this. You're right in that I should have spoken up and made where I was clearer. I tend (unfortunately) towards having a certain timidity when it comes to romance because I have it in my head that if I get too aggressive, I'm being a creep or an asshole, so I don't go that route.

    Right now I left it as “I want you in my life as a friend but I need to be away right now so I don't end up absolutely hating you.” Because right now that's where it could end up if I don't let the wound heal over.

  10. Why was he even remaining in contact with someone who has consistently been trying to break up his relationship? Why did he go straight to her the minute you broke up? She's only an ongoing issue because he allows it, probably even encourages it.

  11. If he OWNS the house outright… why would he charge rent? Mortgage is no longer an expense. Taxes, utilities, etc. are. She’s offering to pay for the other stuff. That makes him her landlord. Not her partner.


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