Allyssea live sex cams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “Allyssea live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sociopath or psychopath?

    Abandoning kids with zero remorse, which one is he?

    You caught him i a weak moment and his mask slipped because he did have practice with that bizarre scenario. He didn't know how to play it and massively fucked it up.

  2. You can't be friends right now. If you need to block him for a while so you can adjust and grieve the relationship, do that. Start prioritizing yourself and your needs. Stop and ask yourself why you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you? Why are you willing to put your life on pause for someone who needs a break and space from you? He's doing what he wants; you do the same. Find some healthy distractions and do those instead of reaching out to him when you're lonely.

    No contact only works when you want it to work. You have to try to move on during the time of silence. Don't check his social media. Don't talk to his friends or family. Pretend he doesn't exist if you have to.


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