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48 thoughts on “Tifany-cruz on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I do have a grip, thank you. I keep the thoughts to myself, make no mention or advances on my friends, and I respect their boundaries and have even helped some of them find their spouses, so with all due respect, please fuck off. It's not like I want those thoughts, they just pop up sometimes when we're hanging out. Not hurting anyone, not acting on them or even paying them any mind. And don't pretend you're perfect, cuz no one is. We all got our flaws.

  2. You are right about him not loving you. Abusers are incapable of loving their victims. He might love to see you hurt, loves to manipulate you, loves to abise you, but he doesn't care about you.

    Sell the house and stay away from this person.

  3. You are right about him not loving you. Abusers are incapable of loving their victims. He might love to see you hurt, loves to manipulate you, loves to abise you, but he doesn't care about you.

    Sell the house and stay away from this person.

  4. Plenty could be said, but the best advice is to just block and ignore them. Dude is obviously unhinged if hes trying to seek approval from a dog

  5. You can either confront your dad and ask him what is going on or you can talk to your mum and tell her your suspicions

    It's entirely possible that your mum knows and it is allowed to happen as long as it kept discreet and away from her.

    What outcome are you hoping to get from this?

  6. Some women are attracted to men who are providers.

    In this case, your friend may feel comforted by the idea that she will have unimpeded access to cocaine.

  7. This is a thoughtful comment but curious if you stand by it after learning she confessed her feelings to the coworker.

  8. I mean… look my guy

    I'm 27 and just graduated college in December. Your litterally fine. Everyone around me is getting engaged too. Im on 3 weddings this year alone. Admittedly I'm in a relationship too so maybe idk. But it's not too late.

    The later you find your person can vary in the baggage. They might be bringing along kids or a divorce. But they also might not be.

    Love usually comes when your not looking for it.

  9. It gives the vibe that she didn't want to be OPs friend and needed an excuse. Which she got, even though it doesn't make any sense.

  10. Don’t you dare apologise she bad mouthed you all day, on purpose, she knows it’s hurtful or she wouldn’t be saying it. It’s purposeful, deliberate, pointed. She earned that fuck off.

  11. i don’t know. when we first started talking i rlly liked him. then as we got more committed everything felt like a chore and i got progressively more uncomfortable being intimate to where we don’t even cuddle at night. idk if it’s an attraction thing or im just going thru a phase of being annoyed/uncomfortable at everything he does

  12. I'm 31, and a 23 year old is unappealing to me. I'm an established adult, and I'm interested in finding someone with shared goals. A 23 year old isn't settled yet, and I have no interest in someone shaping their life around the choices I've already made. I want a wife, not a puppet.

  13. NTA

    Let her go, she’s very immature. Did she expect you to leave your sister in a soiled diaper? You did the right thing and there is no need to communicate with your ex gf again.

  14. If my partner asked to feed on my breast milk, I will never be turned on by looking at them ever again in our entire life.

  15. “She doesn't believe in therapy” means she has deep seeded issues that she's not willing to resolve or work on for self-improvement. If she's not willing to go to couples therapy, it's a huge RED FLAG. Refusing intimacy for 18 months is another RED FLAG. Refusing to acknowledge your feeling or concerns is a RED FLAG. Trying to turn them around against you is another RED FLAG.

    My best advice is to see a therapist by yourself and talk about these concerns if your serious about getting a divorce. Even if you're not necessarily having mental health issues this can help clarify your mindset and help you find the best course of action for you and your family. It sometimes helps to talk to a professional who has seen and dealt with other people in similar situations as yourself and maybe get a better understanding of your wife's mindset.

    You can't change your wife or fix what's broken inside of her but you can work on yourself and take control of how you respond to these problems. That in itself is liberating to a lot of people and I've seen it work for a friend of mine who went through his own divorce due to an abusive ex.

  16. Here in NE-EU, if you're with swimsuits/clothes, you're looked at as the weird one 😀 But it's okay, no one is mocking you 😀 But growing up in such lax world, it certainly was a bit weird for me to see such….behavior with nudity.

  17. I’m a 52 year-old man, faithfully married to my wife for 25 years. We started dating when I was 20. We have three kids. My son is older than your BF. I think I know. A little more about what respect in a relationship looks like than your BF.

    Your BF is being controlling, manipulative, hypocritical and abusive. You deserve to be with someone who respects you, doesn’t constantly threaten you, and doesn’t make demands he won’t himself follow. It isn’t the rest of the world that has a problem here.

  18. You won’t make him see because he doesn’t care about what you think or how you feel. Your questions to him is perfectly valid, his expectations are not. Do yourself a favor and remove yourself from this toxic situation.

  19. I am totally baffled by this comment section. Yes society is making unrealistic toxic beauty standards the norm and of course no one has anything to say what women do with their own body.

    Buy why the fuck are we all pretending that what OP's GF is doing is somewhat normal behavior. These are very obvious signs of body related issues maybe body dismorphic disorder. Pretending this is somehow normal is actually normalizing a very sick making part of society.

    Obviously you don't have anything to say about what she does and it looks like opening up a conversation about it is maybe impossible. So in the end I do agree with the rest that these different viewpoints can be reason enough to move on.

  20. Women are not to blame for shitty men. OP obviously thought they had a connection. The bf is apparently a lying snake but I don't imagine that information was on his tinder bio so “pick better” isn't all that helpful. She's said she doesn't intend to forgive him but wanting answers is human nature.

  21. she took my DOG

    We'd be having it out on her front lawn if this was me.

    What is wrong with some people?? ??‍♀️

  22. It’s tough separating lives that are that entwined, it’s just Patty of the pain of a breakup.

  23. Marriage, if you're lucky, lasts many years. No one's body stays unchanged for that long. Don't marry someone whose affection depends on you staying the same. That marriage will have the longevity of a jug of milk.

  24. If you're tight on space then that's all the more reason to respect it and keep it clean.

    Put the wrappers in his shoe, I dunno, hahaha. The point is you gotta stop tidying up after him because that's not showing him any consequences for being messy.

  25. Dude this falls into the “incompatible” bucket of reasons to break up. She’s not wrong to want to work her job and you aren’t wrong to be uncomfortable with it either. Just date someone else and move on with life.

  26. All I ask is that she cleans up after herself where possible and put the dirty clothes in the washing machine because 90% of the load is her clothes that she wants washed a particular way anyway. Even this is too much to ask because it gets done once a month and we end up with a mountain of clothes (which I've dubbed Everest) that I again need to help her with.

    Well, from the sounds of it, you have almost zero expectations of her and she's meeting them. You want her to do next to nothing and she's doing next to nothing, correct?

    I'm betting you had expectations of her at some point but she couldn't be bothered to meet them, so you lowered them. It was that or dump her so you chose lower expectations. And lower and lower.

    Now here you are. You've got a girlfriend who is well aware that you don't expect anything of her so she sits her ass on the sofa watching tik tok and meeting your expectations of her.

    If this isn't what you want in a relationship, you should probably stop behaving as though it is. Keep in mind that even if you were to have some kind of discussion with her about how unhappy you are, the fact remains that she's a pig who had no issues leaving her messes for you to clean up for years. Even if she started cleaning up after herself now to save the relationship, you'd still always know that she was happy to dump it on you for as long as she could get away with it.

    If you want to be in a relationship with someone who will happily knowingly take advantage of you for as long as they can possibly get away with it, well then congrats! You found your soulmate!

  27. Any advice?


    Your step dad is a lunatic and is overreaching his authority.

    You will never be able to develop as an adult when Mark is controlling your life.

    Not sure how you can solve it.

    This is your mothers boyfriend. Your mother seems to be more relax and willing to let you on-line your life.

    So, in that case, I think you need to have a deep heart to heart with your mom about Mark dictating your life.

    And it wouldn't be a shock to me if Mark has abusive tendencies towards your mom.

    Anyways… sure, you could argue that you made some rebellious 18 year old decisions. However, the more he controls you, the more you're tempted to do those extreme lengths to live a normal life.

    But sorry, if I found my step dad going through my phone. I would be telling him to fuck right off and its none of his business. I wouldn't not care about the drama or conflict it causes. At least I knew I stood up for myself.

  28. I recommend mentally writing it off as a gift and making it clear that if she does not pay you back, that you will not lend her another dime.

    When money enters a relationship of any kind, it shifts the entire dynamic. Be aware of that. She may be temporarily upset if you don’t lend her the money, but she will get over it. I don’t think you will forget it if she doesn’t pay you back.

    This is tough, but this is hardly the first time she’s been in the same mess – you would only be providing very temporary support/enablement.

  29. The last time OP was out with this group they ended up in a fight, too. This can be a dangerous relationship to have with coworkers.

  30. Jesus, and he doesn't have a backup like a job he can make up extra hours at, or a friend she doesn't control that he can say he's spending time hanging out with?

    I don't know what it's like having a npd parent, as my ex had already gone no contact by the time we got together, but that's really rough. Stay safe. Don't light yourself on fire to keep old mate warm when he's not willing or able to protect you even a little.

    All the best


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