Evaio live! webcams for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “Evaio live! webcams for YOU!

  1. This doesn’t sound pretty promising for me. Sorry, bro.

    Sentences like „never felt like this with someone“, „pushing all my buttons“, „making me feel soo safe and secure“ at this stage are warning signs. She sounds like she is lovebombing you. Usually something narcistists and woman with borderline disorder use to do.

    There is no way of being truly in love with someone and don’t find him/her attractive. That’s bullshit. That’s not love, she is searching for someone who idealize her to push her ego, take care of her and will never leave her. She even started abusing you by basically telling you she finds you unattractive – and you don’t even mind.

    Take care of yourself.

  2. You're choosing a boy over your dream? You're 20 and you should worry about yourself and future. Stop listening to the thing between your legs.

  3. Maybe don't let your barrier down fully bro. Honestly I had a girl penetrate it after years of holding it back. She wrecked my heart. Always be diligent until you can bw sure, don't be fully cold either. There's a balance to achieve

  4. IMO don’t insert yourself in the situation it’s bound to not end well. stay out of it and let them do their thing, perhaps her mind has or will change between now and then.

  5. I mean, it was just so condescending that I couldn't resist. Go back and read your reply again after working through the links and you'll probably ??

    And now, a fun joke:

    What do you call a short fraudster going down the stairs? A little condescending.

  6. And the odds of it being dormant the entire time you were dating and then suddenly popping up after a break?


  7. That's certainly one thought going through my head 🙁 Using me to monkey branch and take advantage of me……BUT….she's also not wrong in her actions. And I'm the one who said I couldn't be friends. I dunno. My head is a disaster.

  8. Lol stop pretending it's normal to lust after other men while in a monogamous relationship. It only happens when your connection with your SO is not great. If you were properly tuned into each other, you wouldn't be wishing you could flirt with others.

    You haven't done anything wrong (yet), but this is a problem that needs to be fixed.

  9. I get nude easily too. My SO is the opposite. You know what my solution was? I turn the AC up but I also keep a blanket in my car. We both win. I don’t make her suffer. It’s really that simple

  10. I can see the fathers point. At the same time in my opinion I judge him a less than adequate parent. Instead of just causing more issues (power off) why can’t he take her driving? Take her to get her permit? She is 24. As long as she passes the written and driving test then she is good to go. Get an old beat up but running car and move out.

    Neither are in the right here. I highly suggest sitting down and talking and apologizing and communicating. Maybe over a beer.

  11. Ummm, I'm sorry but any circumstance that nude pictures of your BF's mom being on HIS phone are not going to be good. 1. She took his phone and took the pictures herself and left them on his phone. There is no excusable reason for this. 2. She took them with her phone and he found them and sent them to himself. EWWWW 3. HE took the pictures of her.

    This is not a family that you want any part of… The discussion I would have would be, “I saw the hard pics of your mom on your phone… That's gross, we're done. Don't try to contact me again or I will tell everyone.” Then I would tell everyone, cause ewww

  12. I just don’t see a reason to bring it to just dinner and that’s it, he said he’s goes to some sketchy areas with friends sometimes to go to museums and or Airsoft matches and brings it along. I don’t know him 100% well enough to judge that he feels the need to bring it whenever he goes anywhere, even the store.

  13. You messed up by not insisting on therapy long ago. This was not just some little problem you two could solve. Your wife’s obsession and insecurity is borderline debilitating. At minimum now you must both go NC with Mary, and get both of you in individual and couples therapy, to have any hope at all.

  14. I think you need to prioritize taking care of your depression. Depression can have a way of making us believe the most hurtful interpretation of every event. It's possible that some of the favouritism you're noticing is more about your feelings about yourself than their feelings about the new wife. Also, it can be hard to have fun and connect with people who are depressed.

    I know you're having financial trouble, but have you considered CBT or ACT? They're 6-8 week therapy programs that teach you tools on how to deal with your emotions. They're the types of therapies with the most evidence behind it and can be pretty inexpensive. You can do them with a therapist or on your own through books or on-line courses. The advantage of doing it with a therapist is that you're more likely to finish it, but both forms are equally effective if you do finish it. Some studies do find that people who are depressed can benefit from starting the CBT while on anti-depressants (because the depression can make it hot to learn and take new perspectives), then you can taper them off once you have the tools you need.

  15. 7/10. if you’re a beginner, i’d say this is pretty good bait but a dead giveaway is saying your sister’s husband was her boss who threatened to fire her if they didn’t date, then your parents saying your husband is predatory and that he’s ‘taking advantage of his position over you’.

    i see that this is supposed to incite rage because of how unfairly they treat you compared to your sister, but it was too obvious. next time, leave that out, and i’d say this was a solid read.

  16. No way… you married a stripper after 6 months and are in the military?! Did you buy a mustang at 23% interest too? You are a walking meme my dude! Let this be a lesson to you. But for real… this relationship was never going to work out. Figure out how to co-parent now before she destroys your life further.

  17. I feel guilty of it and my immature behaviour. I regret it. I want the best for my girlfriend. I condemn the way I handled it. I’m not proud of it. I genuinely want to correct it. I’m not seeking validation or an excuse out of this situation. I want to address my mistake and never repeat it. I deserve the blame. Thanks for putting out your thought as honestly as it gets.

  18. As someone who has had anorexia and will always have to deal with that relationship with food for the rest of my life (I no longer have an eating disorder but have to fight disordered eating in times of stress), NTA

    If you cannot handle someone else’s mental illness you do not have to stay. But I would definitely explain to her why you’re leaving; because we’re fighting constantly/ I can’t watch you kill yourself / you need help and if you refuse to see it I can’t make you but I also don’t have to stick around

  19. You striving for bond & validation from your family – give them all the opportunities to do so – and then get hurt again & again when they reject those opportunities. Stop. They don’t worth it.

    Stop wasting precious pregnancy moments & your sanity on those ungrateful awful people.

    Enjoy your deserved happiness.

    Have a shower/gender reveal with your friends & SO’s family – DON’T TELL YOUR RELATIVES, they’ll ruin it & will guilt you for it.

    Learn grey-rocking techniques / information diet – currently you yourself giving them weapons to hurt you with.

    Generally, cease the contact with your family where they could no longer hurt you that much. Stop striving for their validation. You’re valid. Their approval has nothing to do with your worth.

    Someone suggested getting into therapy – I’ll look into that. It can help you address the traumas from such upbringing, explain golden child / scapegoat family dynamics, will help you rewire your thinking & behavior a little, so it won’t be as hurtful anymore & you’ll stop validation-looking from them, it will teach you boundaries & self-space, and most importantly – it will help you create a better life for your child.

    Do you want your kids to be as codependent as you? Strive for love from those who’re only willing to hurt them?

    Do you want them to constantly be at the loser side in comparisons to their cousins? To be always not good enough, not valid enough, not special enough? Their achievements to be ignored for the sake of their aunt’s & cousin’s ego?

    If you don’t want them to grow in the same environment & dynamics as you did and currently on-line in – the change needs to start with you.

    You’re used to victim mentality as that’s all you knew – that the position you were put into; but now you just have to shift it. You need to be an author of your life & relationships. You need to become that new you. You need to work on your validation issues, so you can stop asking for validation from them. You need to learn to put boundaries in place & get space from those who didn’t EARN being close to you. You need to be in charge of all that – so your kids can grow in a different dynamic that won’t f them over for life like it did with you.

    You’re so strong, mama ? You have a wonderful, loving soul – now you need a boldness to stand up & protect you & your little family.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, wish you and your baby the best ❤️

  20. Did OP ask her to “help him out”..? Nope. Also imagine the genders are reversed. A woman is getting this process done to her and she becomes aroused. You wouldn’t know it because it’s not nearly as obvious for when a woman is aroused. How would the esthetician kick that woman out for sexual harassment when she can’t see that that woman is aroused!? ? do you see how stupid what you’re saying is.?

  21. Sometimes when he's not feeling like having sex, he can still help you get off. He can kiss you, hold you, lick your nipples, eat your pussy, finger you, etc., without ever taking his dick out of his underwear.


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