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39 thoughts on “Anis_Towers on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I’m sure you’re boyfriend will get over it. This shouldn’t even be a big deal. He’ll realize that the dream means nothing.

  2. I’m sure you’re boyfriend will get over it. This shouldn’t even be a big deal. He’ll realize that the dream means nothing.

  3. The issue seems to be that shes taken out an insurance policy in his name, which is fraud. The policy is there to pay out to him in the event he's injured at work, but she claimed the money and kept it. You can't go around taking out insurance policies in other people's names. Also, insurance pay outs are not always classed as marital assets so there's no default position that she had any entitlement to the money even if it was all done legitimately.

  4. So she is threatening to have a kid with her ex if you don’t give her one? Why do want to save a relationship with a cheater?

  5. You can have fun and explore and try new things when you’re married. You can’t sleep around but having fun and finding yourself and sleeping aproumd with tons of people are not the same thing

  6. u/OkButHaveUConsidered, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. Suck it up and get over it. It isn't about you at all and it isn't disrespectful in any way. In fact, he already showed you more respect than you deserve by being classy and asking you. The classy thing for you to have done would be to say “Of course, we aren't together anymore so go for it.”

  8. u/Wise_Ad5607, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  9. Jesus idk why everyone is downvoting you, I am the same way as this. I’m not vindictive, to me it’s easier to just leave than try to do some extra bs to get back at someone.

  10. then why are u on here asking for advice? make it make sense. all these comments are saying that 14 body count is not that deep so if ur just going to be arguing with those comments just delete ur post

  11. Tell her to get ready with her 29 sided die because I don't think you should bend over backwards for something that's really her problem

  12. Please don't define your life as being a good girlfriend. There is so much more to you!

    If there was one piece of advice I wish I could give my younger self it would be DONT WASTE TIME ON STUPID BOYS WHO DONT APPRECIATE YOU.

    Would you ever say something so mean and degrading to him? Why would he say that to you? If there was an issue in bed why wouldn't he raise it in a caring loving way?

  13. “A young and single man 34” made me cackle. I’m not even 30 and I already feel ancient. I love the confidence ahahahahahahahahahhah

    Btw I’m not sure what kind of advice you want. But it’s going to be messy. The woman has no intention of leaving her current husband (or at least it seems so) and the man will remain the side piece.

    I guess I’m talking to the man here. Run. Run, my dude. And I’d probably suggest you to reflect on why you are seeking romance in both emotionally and physically (she is in another state) unavailable women.

  14. Just tell her no harm no foul but she’s not what you’re looking for or who you thought she was. Then don’t talk to her anymore.

  15. He wanted someone to marry/show off, and he wanted someone to abuse. I literally, physically, gagged.

  16. You say she makes you share locations, does she check up on you periodically throughout the day or question where you are/why you’re at a certain place? I only ask because I have an ex like that and it only got worse and more controlling. It took me a while, but I realized continuing to stay and “comfort” him during these accusations was just enabling the behavior. Towards the end of my relationship, he started going through my phone while I was sleeping and waking me up with these crazy accusations that I was cheating or going to leave him. We start normalizing the behavior the longer we stay and it’s way too much of a mental load to take on. Don’t put up with it as long as I did, it’s not a fun roller coaster to be on. She needs counseling to begin working past the insecurities and she’s not going to be capable of a healthy relationship until she works past them.

  17. For real. And Jesus as someone who started trying for kids later in life, time is a realllll factor here. It’s not as simple as rolling over in bed and starting a “beautiful romantic journey.” It can be heart breaking, emotional, and just fucking shitty. I’m literally a different person because of it. This is coming from someone who is 99.99-100% sure they want children. If she is only at 10%? It can become a deal breaker real fast if she feels any kind of pressure.

    A spontaneous pregnancy at 35 most likely isn’t going to happen. OP needs to recognize and understand that if she is not completely, 100% on board, it’s not going to be a part of his future vision. A frank, rough, real conversation needs to take place here

  18. Don’t do it man…. She hasn’t put in the last 9 yrs building those properties and just wants you to hand half over to her.. get a contract that says if divorce you get properties back fully or she has to pay for her half of the properties. Don’t just hand them over..

    You’re going in at a loss and once she’s got career up and going may leave taking your properties with her or making you sell them to buy her out..

  19. when I first asked her out, she very gently told me she liked me as a friend but wasn't attracted to me sexually. And I thought to myself that neither was I – I had a very warm feeling towards her

    Your relationship started for the wrong reasons. This was a friend that stayed a friend but not someone you wanted to date. It was easy and filled some requirements but not dating relationship needs.

    You can’t settle to happiness. It’s unusual that it even lasted this long.

  20. Foreign governments don’t check your credit score when you move abroad. Your credit score in the US does not influence your ability to open a bank account in Germany.

    If she studied science (I saw it mentioned in the comments idk if it’s true) that is a sought after job.

    I think living almost anywhere where you aren’t trapped in an impossible to escape from lifetime of debt servitude would be preferable than staying. Can’t declare bankruptcy, interest rate at 11% jfc..

    In many countries one can apply for citizenship after 5 years. Others are ten. Of course it’s difficult.

    But so is being enslaved to debt SHE WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO ESCAPE. And it has already cost her one relationship.

    It’s just what I would do, I’m not saying it’s the solution to everything.

  21. Some people will tell you it matters; others will tell you it won't. But the reason it matters to people here is probably because everyone is very insecure and assumes that the moment a man and a woman are together in the same room, they'll rip each other's clothes off and have sex. Regardless, the concept of them staying in the same room will seem inappropriate to some, and perfectly fine to others. Personally, I think that if they want to rip each other's clothes off, separate hotel rooms isn't going to prevent that; it's just going to cost more. If he's trustworthy, there's no problem.

  22. Right!! If my husband told me who has all of the health issues in the world autoimmunity issues and fucking gets sick at the drop of a i am rn..

    Oh well babe you know i just don't want to have to deal with that so I'm just get someone else to have a baby with because you have terrible genes.

    Like B! you got married to these genes!!!

  23. You mean as hes probably courting some 17 year old child to marry and theyre just waiting for her to turn 18?

  24. Do you know OP's medical history? Or her muscle tone? Body shape? Why do you think you are qualified to assess whether she is close to obesity or not? BMI is a non medical widely disproved measure no serious professional would use in isolation. Also, do you think it is helpful to mention that in this thread, OP knows she has gained weight and it is a problem, she doesn't need you to tell her. Her main problem now are AHs that think that repeating the obvious is somehow helpful.

    Yes, BF is an AH, you aren't much better.

  25. Rn I am here with my parents, I am renting another flat over there.. let's see what happens now.or probably purchase one…

  26. Rn I am here with my parents, I am renting another flat over there.. let's see what happens now.or probably purchase one…

  27. Rn I am here with my parents, I am renting another flat over there.. let's see what happens now.or probably purchase one…


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