Sophia-bosch on-line webcams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Sophia-bosch on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It’s not weird at all. Just don’t over explain it when you give it or it will become weird. Just own it and I’m sure she’ll be super excited!!

  2. You may have attachment issues, which can cause this. Google attachment style and see if it helps you understand yourself better.

  3. This isn’t affection, it’s control. Stay safe it’s him if you love being controlled, because he’s unlikely to change. People with control issues like his are very very unlikely to be capable of self reflection and being able to see that what they’re doing is wrong.

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  5. Literally thought the same thing! It came off so evasive of his own literal contribution to the situation. Spoiler alert OP: having sex can result in a pregnancy.

  6. I never liked it, it was always painful but I enjoyed him trusting me and I just liked making him happy. But I can’t stand it anymore, im sore constantly, in pain, and just dread sex.

    Nope. You need to tell him. This is not right. If he’s as responsible as you think he is, then he’ll stop to be more considerate of you. If he doesn’t stop, then you need to leave him before he hurts you even worse.

  7. Maybe framing it as “for him it’s weird to have a post wedding party but he’s going along with it, so I can cut him slack – and manage my mom – by respecting his wishes not to invite his family even if that’s odd to MY family” would help?

    Granted I had to be talked into having one wedding and if my husband had said “oh and here’s another party six weeks later!” I would have entered witness protection lol. So I feel for your fiancé here.

    I hope at the end of the day your mom enjoys her party!

  8. There's few things worse when doing a lot of jobs than being henpecked. You need to put boundaries around this or you will end up with massive resentment.

    I'm assuming that she became disabled after marriage? That's a big adjustment for both of you. She is adjusting in a way that makes you unahppy. Discussing this with a 3rd party present feels important.

  9. What else is he going to pressure you into doing? Making you take drugs won’t be the end of it.

    People sometimes change. You changed, and now you’re not compatible with your current boyfriend. Break up with him and find someone who has the same opinion about drugs that you do – or who at least won’t try to guilt and pressure you into doing something that you don’t want to do.

  10. He's probably 100% sure he wants kids, but being with someone who's not really into it has convinced him to get used to the idea of not having them. I was also feeling 70-80% on kids when I was dating a 10-20% person; when we broke up I realized that was just compromise.

  11. If there's a problem in a relationship between two people, why would adding more to the mix help? You're husband is being selfish and childish, but I think it's time to either get into counselling to try and repair the marriage or accept that you're currently experiencing it's death throws

  12. The weirdo in the comments obviously has a problem with the word consent. I’m assuming he’s done this before and probably made someone uncomfortable as hell.

  13. Agreed. OP and his girlfriend sounds like a level headed people who listens to each other and understands what's important for each other. To be honest this is something that is very rare these days.

  14. she didn't want to do any activities with me unless it was her idea

    well bud maybe she'll invite you hunting after you save enough that you can get a rifle. and watch you shoot it, since you didn't save enough to get her one too.


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