Luna-cum live! webcams for YOU!

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41 thoughts on “Luna-cum live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Us autistics gotta look out for each other. The rest of the world certainly won't.

    If you're worried about the anxiety aspect, it might be worth finding a local therapist temporarily, just to help you navigate this new terrain. If you've got the official diagnosis, then you should have no trouble finding one. Stop by your school's clinic and ask them for a referral, they should know someone. Especially if your school has a premed program.

    Try to look at it instead as an opportunity to start talking to the other ensemble members(oddly enough, I played Bassoon from middle school to college so I actually sort of understand what you're talking about). You have to reframe it in your mind so it's a positive thing instead of a negative. As long as he's not going out of his way to cause trouble, you shouldn't worry too much about him trying later.

    One bit of personal advice though. I always follow Rule 12(from NCIS). Never date a coworker. In this case the ensemble is sort of like your job as a college musician. So for the sake of the ensemble, it's smarter to not date anyone part of it until after the season is over.

  2. You need to speak with him. Explain that you understand he enjoys the game and you support his hobby, but you feel like you aren’t getting enough attention.

    Give examples (was he playing on it during a date or conversation etc)

    Ask if you can set out ‘screen free’ time for each other.

    He may be defensive at first. No one likes to hear that they are neglecting their partner.

    Also, do no attack the game. Do not insult the game. Do not put any blame on the game. People can get super serious and protective about this stuff.

  3. That's the thing though.

    Whilst the good qualities about a person are great to have, what makes or breaks relationships are qualities such as this. This is where the damage comes from.

    You can be the most kindest, out-going, hilarious person in the world. But if you cannot deliver on the fulfillment side of relationship, your relationship will fail.

    In this case, he will never break up with you. You will have to be the one to put it in motion.

    The sad thing is… once you do break up. And the dust settles for him…. That is when he will probably start to understand the severity about where he was going wrong. Maybe even initiate his self-improvement (but please, you need to move forward yourself, do not cling onto that thought).

    I feel for you, you're not facing an easy situation. Break ups in these context are very hot.

  4. Men reel harder from heartbreak cos it's almost to us, a failure that we are responsible for. There's nothing to save here. If she's taken that time and made that turn with you, then it's time to take your loss and move on. There's better in front, I believe that

  5. What kind of lawyer would suggest to ignore your child for 3 years? I'm a tad questioning what kind of a parent would actually listen to that type of advise and not look for other venues or look for other opinion.

    So from he's 3 to 6 yrs old, he obviously doesn't remember you. You didn't contact him or have a steady consistent presence in his life. If you don't even attempt to contact him and didn't pay any child support, yeah, you abandoned him for 3 years. Your ex definitely didn't lie.

    So his reaction is very normal. He's probably afraid of you since you're a stranger in his mind. The little guy probably also felt forced to meet with you, a stranger despite being his father.

    I hope you put away some money for family therapy for the kid. What you can do is try to again gain his trust since you did abandon him for 3 years.

  6. OMG 1000% but good for you for doing the very hot crying I had to as well and can say so so worth it on the other side! Hug and cheers!

  7. Also incorrect, and she knows it. Everyone assumed guys are just after sex. So no, people wouldn't side with a guy doing this.

    It's just another BS excuse so she can enjoy her extra attention.

  8. She embarrassed herself, not you. Yelling to stop her makes 100 sense in that scenario. (Imagine if your boyfriend’s friend shows you his dick in a party, of course anyone there should stop it) No matter how many years of history in your friendship, the “now-she” disrespect you and blamed you for her faults (completely ? her fault)

  9. I’m sorry but it’s just not a healthy way to work through problems and it sounds to me like he wants to ignore you and still know that you’re there waiting for him. It sounds like manipulative and controlling behaviour. He is not speaking to you but you’re not allowed to see other people? He wants to not see you but also know you’re not seeing anyone else? This is control from a distance. If I was you I would question whether you want a relationship with someone who doesn’t want to be with me but still dictate what I do and who with. Reflect on what this relationship is adding to your life and remember if it’s shit some of the time, it’s actually shit. I think you deserve better, and I hope you never accept anything less than someone who makes you feel loved and respected all the time.

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  11. Your wife is checked out bro so it’s best to separate. I might get hate for this but my theory is always right. She got married or with you when she was 21! So it is not a surprise that she feels like she wants to see what is out there or that she “missed” either way the truth is she is not in love with you anymore so it’s best to find happiness for yourself and take care of your kids by co-parenting.

  12. It's definitely a conflict of interest. She cannot reasonably remain objective as both one partner's personal therapist and the couple's joint counselor. She should know that.

  13. He thinks it’s okay for him to do, but not for her… that’s the part that makes it obvious that he knows it’s wrong but is trying to convince her otherwise.

  14. Not several years ago, but earlier this year.. yes. I slept with one of my brother’s mistress and he had deep feelings for her without my knowledge. Same with my current gf

  15. You could clean it until there's literally no bacteria on it, idc. It can take literally nothing to get a yeast infection or a UTI, and I personally wouldn't risk it. Not to mention everything else that could happen.

  16. I knew of a woman who was toxic, abusive and violent who has a history of abusing boyfriend to the point they finally break, start screaming back and or breaking stuff. Then she would call the police and do the restraining order routine. The police and courts eventually caught on after she did this with boyfriend number 8 and friends of her getting no harassment orders on her.

  17. I mean, OK, but that’s life. People live with roommates when they can’t afford to live! alone. She can find a place right near OP and have lots of support. There’s no actual need for them all to on-line together. And not wanting to is not ‘turning her away’. She’s setting a reasonable boundary that will avoid a situation where OP’s sister ends up living with them in a tiny apartment indefinitely and never learning to be independent.

    Also, just for the record, OP never said the relationship is abusive. She said ‘not healthy’.

  18. I don’t care about all the people in the comments coming at you. you’re allowed to be self-absorbed bc at the end of the day its your wedding and it’s your trip. especially because it seems like you paid for it or at least paid for some of it with the way everyone is thanking you in the Instagram post for being invited. like I wouldn’t go to somebody else’s birthday and make it all about me. does that make them selfish for wanting to celebrate themselves on their birthday? It’s your wedding it’s your bachelorette party it’s your trip. You have every right to be upset that she was being a Debbie downer and trying to make everything about her. also she literally didn’t have to come. It’s not like you forced her.

  19. You need to know if you swearing and screaming at your wife isn't okay? Let me ask you:

    What would happen if you did that to your boss? Would you get reprimanded or even fired?

    What would happen if you did that to a cashier? Would they refuse to serve you? Would they possibly call the police?

    What would happen if you did that to a cop? Would they arrest you for causing a public disturbance? Would they possibly draw their weapon on you?

    Also, in my opinion, swearing AT someone is much more vicious than simply swearing during the argument. I can completely understand “I'm sick of this fucking situation!” But it's unacceptable to target the mother of your children with “Fuck you.”

    Also also, why do you need to ask Reddit this? Your wife has already told you how negatively it affects her. Isn't that enough to change your behavior? Why do you need strangers on the internet to validate her concerns?

  20. If he sees you as less, dump him. Don't be embarrassed about the size of your home or the awkward talk. Before he meets her, let him know that she's shy and introverted and to expect some possible awkwardness. Tell them that she's not very good at making conversation and it's nothing personal if she doesn't say much. If he's truly interested in you, he's going to be kind and respectful. This is his test, girl. The big moment when the boy meets the momma and just wants to make a good impression.

  21. Yeah I typically don’t message him anymore but I think it’s mainly just because he won’t respond. I just feel like texting every once in a while when you go to different locations isn’t too much to ask. It’s also because when he’s out with me, he’s able to text his friends back but when he’s with them, he’s unable to text me.

  22. Sounds like you earned it. Just because you earned it doesn't mean that her other dad didn't. Now she just has two positive male figures in her life. That's more than many could say. You should just keep doing what you're doing. Take the W.

  23. Absolutely not. This is not acceptable behavior, nor is it healthy.

    I would not allow my husband to dictate my clothes and go so far as to go through my closet.

    He has issues with people looking at your body as if it is his property. Read that again. You are not a piece of property.

    It's one thing to hear him out and maybe compromise if an outfit is particularly revealing to him, but to say that you must cover your own body to his liking is a huge red flag.

    Talk to him and set a boundary now. Your body, your choice.

    Good luck! And keep your fashionable clothes, they make you happy and life is short.

  24. I don't see why she would be cheating on you ? Unless you miss out some part.

    TBH she is an abusive / manipulative *****.

  25. Dude has legitimate addiction and mental health problems and recreational drugs and more women are not going to solve any of those problems. That's not even getting into the anguish that that's going to cause you. If you want to get out of this hole you're going to have to stop digging.

  26. But your own house problems solved. Like no joke get your own space to live how you see fit, cause it sounds like you just really need your own space, and he isn’t going to give you YOUR OWN space in something HE OWNS.

  27. You need to continue moving forward with your exit plan (escape plan lol).

    This is textbook abuser behavior, once their victim puts their foot down they either double down on the abuse or pretend everything is butterflies and rainbows, problems vanish and everything is magically fixed.

    Don’t take the bait (sounds like you aren’t, anyway). But to answer your question, I would be frightened to see him exhibiting behavior that he claimed wouldn’t happen anymore, and that’s confirmation that every word he says is BS ?

  28. Sounds like he did nothing wrong. By your own admission all he said was “haha funny”?

    I'm sure plenty of guys flirt with got after you say you have a bf.

    Entertained means few didn't flirt back.

    Talk to him… Adjust the boundaries if need be but I don't think you need to. Tell the jealous bit… To sit on the sidelines and watch you with your man. Then block her and move on with your life.

    Stop falling for the high school drama. You're an adult now.


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