Discotit live! sex chats for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Discotit live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I believe he has a severe addiction unfortunately. Yes absolutely! I will always be sure to do that.

  2. Its very unMuslim and unchristian to try and override peoples free will by pressuring them into a religion against their free will.

  3. You did. The advice given was to recognize your own worth and end this toxic relationship. That’s the solution. You said “but I don’t want to!” which proves to me that you’re not actually all that mature at all.

    Idk why I’m even commenting anymore, you are so clearly a troll posting to get people mad.

  4. I really think you should move on. You deserve someone who makes you happy! There are plenty of men out there. Don’t settle!

  5. Don’t worry about not being the cool girlfriend that doesn’t care. Most women don’t want their boyfriend at a strip club, and most respectable men wouldn’t be caught in one. I would just say to him “that’s not the type of place I would like my boyfriend to be seen in, but it’s up to you”. I think he should make his own choice but let him know how you feel.

  6. “I told you what I needed to do and this is important to me. If you keep interrupting me and getting upset over this, I’m going to have to leave.”

    And then leave if you have to.

  7. I would never trust you again. If she were a dear friend or an enemy of mine, I would tell her to walk away. Sorry bud, ya dug your own grave here.

  8. I can relate and understand. I don't have many friends outside of work and spend most of my days just talking to family, if anyone.

    You have to do what is best for yourself and not let fear dictate what you will do, whether it be regarding this or anything else in life. There are ways to make friends your age. Just need to be creative. Sometimes, it's worse for both if staying in a relationship like the one you described instead of ending it. And if it becomes mutual, perhaps you can stay friends. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you well.

  9. Seconded this – i was with my ex from 17 to 33. He was 12 years older. I never lived alone, missed out on so many experiences and although the relationship wasn't miserable until the last year or two it still affected so many choices for me with education/jobs/travel etc. Don't waste more time.

  10. I would tell your girlfriend that unless she is willing to kiss her bff’s grandma the same way, it’s not platonic.

  11. It’s not for you because your therapist told you about yourself, made you self reflect, and you don’t like being forced to face the truth about yourself.

  12. well, for starters, you’re ahead of her in the program, so there are things that you’ll be doing that she won’t be doing yet. They’ll still feel like just yours. And as long as the two of you don’t start working at the same place you’ll still have your own job and your own career that you’re in control of.

  13. Based on your post and comments It sounds like your boyfriend has a very different approach to sexual boundaries and relationships than you do, which is causing a lot of conflict in your relationship. His attitude and behavior is not only disrespectful towards you, but also dangerous, since you are reading that taking plan b too many times is not good for your health. It's important to understand that just because someone is a doctor, it does not mean that they are infallible or that their personal beliefs align with mainstream medical advice. It's important to do your own research and make informed decisions about your own health. His attitude towards physicality in arguments and his belief that all men are horny, and that it's normal for couples to push each other during arguments, is concerning and can be a sign of an unhealthy attitude towards relationships and consent. You are right in feeling uncomfortable with his use of derogatory terms and disrespectful language towards you. It's not okay for someone to speak to you in that way and it's important that you set boundaries around what language and behavior is acceptable in your relationship. It is clear that you and your boyfriend have different values and beliefs when it comes to relationships and sexual boundaries, and it might be best for you to have a serious talk with him and evaluate whether this relationship is healthy and beneficial for you. Remember that you deserve to be in a relationship where your boundaries are respected and you feel safe and comfortable. And also, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor to work through your feelings and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

  14. I'm a parent and grandparent. Definitely think OP is a jerk. Kids and parents have gone NC for less. All comes down to self-preservation.

  15. Okay, glad to hear you don’t feel unsafe. Maybe after sitting on it for a bit and the surprise wears off, you can find a way to chat about it and move forward from the initial conversation. It’s fine for him to have a fantasy—especially if you don’t feel unsafe or uncomfy from talking about it. It also can be something he enjoys in his brain privately from time to time (honestly sounds like it stemmed from a porn phase or something) and not talked about again, if you’re okay with that. You could tell him that in your own words, too. Idk—just a few ideas

  16. Update. I talked to him about him being like this when he’s in a bad mood and apparently it’s just something I need to accept. In his view there is nothing wrong between us when he’s like this and he says it hurts him when I say I feel shitty when he’s acting towards me like that. We made up but I just don’t know how we’re gonna do this if he keeps on being like this. It makes me feel so unloved and unwanted

  17. Solid advice . Tbh her cheating on me is a very small worry of mine atm. It’s more so the fact it seems such an effort for her to talk to me since she’s been on this trip. It genuinely feels like it’s effort for her

  18. Thanks for the reply, it’s true, I don’t want to miss my chance at a family because of his indecision on this, I would feel so much regret

  19. I think the best way for him to get over it is how you got over it. Just get the fuck over it or break up.

  20. We haven’t talked since the breakup, I know she doesn’t have a boyfriend and we never hangout…

  21. He's not that wonderful if he's got you tired up. What you are is trapped; part of you is realising that. You sound too young for this child gig, from what you've been writing, get the heck out. Don't wait for him to break up with you because you're the bang maid and he's not going to do that. You break up with him, move out, get yourself free and have some fun. You started this relationship when you were far too young.

  22. Ugh, yes. I freaking hate the “I thought you…” thing. Like, what am I even supposed to say to that? “Guess you thought wrong!”

  23. Yes , some fleshlites are particularly tight, which in my experience ,no vagina can match. Its a toy.


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