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28 thoughts on “MiaMins online webcams for YOU!

  1. Nope. Assuming you are both adults here, that's a character trait that will not change without therapy and naked work. Not your circus, not your monkey. Three months is definitely a good time to cut it off if he's flown into a rage more than once. It'll only get worse.

  2. She's not ready to define things yet, many possible reasons for that.

    One of which could be that you're not the only fella she's seeing, and you're fun and convenient, but until she's locked in another option she prefers, you're the back up option.

    Tough position.

    Play it out and see what else might be going on. Maybe you can get out before she makes that decision for you, and you'll get closure at least.

  3. I know for a fact she won’t cheat. I couldn’t agree with you more tho, I have no idea why I’m over my head about this honestly. Appreciate the response.

  4. When your husband takes a young single woman out to the bar every Saturday night, it’s a date. He is dating her. You asked to join and he said he doesn’t want to stir up awkwardness, because it would indeed be awkward to introduce your wife to your girlfriend.

    Add to this that she is recently broken up, and he is trying to console her, despite the fact that they did not seem to have a friendship before – where are her friends and family who would logically console her during a breakup? None of this makes sense unless he is dating her. He is her new boyfriend. And the fact that you aren’t allowed to so much as meet her shows that she either doesn’t know about you, or he’s fed her some lie such as you don’t care, it’s a dead marriage, etc.

    Next Saturday, wait till they meet up and join them after a half hour or so. Introduce yourself as his wife. Maybe you’re going to catch them obviously acting as a couple, or you’ll shock her with the revelation that you even exist. Don’t want an in person confrontation? Text her, call her, or send her a letter. Ask her what’s going on between her and your husband. Tell her you are not comfortable with it. Or hire a PI, or track your husband. Any way you go about it, it seems you need proof in order to get beyond your husband’s ridiculous excuses. Or just call out your husband- even IF it was platonic, it is wildly inappropriate for a married man to take a single woman out every weekend.

    A bigger question may be: why are you so complacently letting your husband have an affair in full view? Why can’t you say NO to your husband? This is inappropriate in a marriage, and it’s likely to impact his career as well.

  5. Hello /u/bbynsa,

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  6. He's now stalking you in an attempt to manipulate you back into a relationship. Do not feel for him, He's trying to control you. Contact law engineers to report his stalking, contact his family to come get him, contact your family to come protect you. Make as much noise as you can now, because letting this slide is how people wind up murdered.

  7. It’s a huge deal! To settle at your age. I married at 19 and divorced at 22. I’m 35 now and don’t really feel like I found myself until about 30. Which is when I settled down again. Got married again and all that.

    Enjoy your 20s! Marriage and careers and kids are actually tons of fun too, but it’s also so fun to be 20 and experience lots. I only mean to say don’t focus on missing out potentially on people. It’s so much more than that.

    I did start experimenting with women around your age too and I highly recommend it. Sex with women is so so so fun.

    Anyway. I hope you enjoy yourself. That’s all. Good vibes to you.

  8. he fed her a bunch of lies about caring about her, loving her, wanting a relationship, etc. He claims he only said that because he wanted sex from her and was desperate for an easy rebound.

    I think you need to ask yourself why you are trusting a person who could do this. WAKE UP!

  9. Dude chill. I left my partner of 6 years at 32yrs old last year. I'm nearly 33, still single, and I'm not stressing.

    You'll find someone eventually and look back kinda sheepishly at this panic. I promise.

  10. Dude chill. I left my partner of 6 years at 32yrs old last year. I'm nearly 33, still single, and I'm not stressing.

    You'll find someone eventually and look back kinda sheepishly at this panic. I promise.

  11. Dude chill. I left my partner of 6 years at 32yrs old last year. I'm nearly 33, still single, and I'm not stressing.

    You'll find someone eventually and look back kinda sheepishly at this panic. I promise.

  12. When someone has an unhealthy relationship with sex it's rarely related to one specific partner or another. His coping mechanism seems to be sex, which isn't great but there's nothing in here that's directed at you (other than the fact that you happen to be the person he's dating right now). He'd have the same impulses regardless of who he was with. So yeah, dating a person with this tangential form of sex addiction isn't awesome. But you might be taking it too personally if you think he would't be this way with any other partner. Sex is like a drug to this guy and he could probably benefit by talking to a therapist about this.

  13. Honestly, just stop it. His feelings are his own problem to sort out. Don’t let him manipulate you with them. If he cared 10% as much about YOU and HIS CHILD, he would not be spending his meager earnings on tattoos and vaping.

    He’s sad? So what? You can’t make him unsad. He has to work through his own issues on his own time and his own penny. You are enabling him to be a lousy partner by picking him up. Stop it. That energy and money needs to be used for the benefit of YOU and your child.

  14. Go on your trip. She knew you had a conflict but booked it anyway.

    And also, like is too short to date people who are that petty.

  15. Drug addicts are always needing help but you shouldn’t be the one helping them. That’s called enabling. They need to first decide to help themself.

  16. I've been talking to my sister and she's been cussing me out and getting mad at me for accusing her saying that she didn't do anything to turn him against me and that he was just looking for a reason to end things and that i shouldn't be with someone who is too coward and immature to communicate things anyway.

  17. Awe … this is so sweet.

    Just so you know, you are allowed to be proud of her.

    Sounds like you’ve earned the honorary title.

    Depending on the circumstances if she dies it again, just say you love her and give her a big hug

  18. Stop this immature bullshit and communicate like an adult, damn. You hooked up day0. On day 2 she didn't think you were communicating well and wanted you to talk more, so from day 3 to day 10 you didn't bother communicating at all. Then day 10 you figure she'll come running when you snap your fingers, and you're surprised she's not immediately all over you? You think it's insecure and clingy that she ignored you for 12 whole hours when you'd already ignored her for 7 whole days? Then you get pissy with her and you're surprised she says she's not interested? I would call this the opposite of insecure clingy behaviour. This woman has too much self respect to want to waste her time trying to force a romantic relationship on a guy who's only interest is hooking up. If you want to avoid “silly issues” in the future with other partners, make your intentions clear and don't play stupid mind games.

  19. Get a divorce. Then you can pursue any relationship you want without worry. It’ll also increase the likelihood the new relationship would succeed.

  20. He's full of crap, how much pleasure did he think you'd get when he raped you and did it so roughly that the pain woke you up?

  21. English is not my first language, and apparently I wrongly thought I could handle it.

    Fun is not the same as joy for me. I can enjoy quietly sitting by a lake and drinking tea. But I wouldn't call that fun. But it looks like I should call that fun, only I don't because I assume most other people don't?

  22. Honestly? Who cares at this point. The baby is his. The baby is coming. If he wants to bail, then bail. Until then, he needs to grow the fuck up.

  23. It's not that the honeymoon phase has worn off, it's that your husband is an asshole and you're realizing that now that you know him better.

    You both work but he refuses to contribute to the domestic labor. He regularly guilts you for not having sex with him once two years ago. He wants to force you to quit a job you love so you can be barefoot and pregnant and completely isolated.

    Your husband is controlling, demanding, and and cold. You can't fix your marriage because your marriage is exactly how he wants it. Why would he change anything?

    Your partner shouldn't be the primary source of stress in your life. They should be your safe haven. Jessica is your safe haven and your partner wants to take that away from you. Why would a “good man” want you to feel alone and sad all the time?

    This is not what a good man looks like. I would seriously consider Jessica's advice unless you want to be gradually more and more isolated by him. Definitely do not have children with him.

    he complains that he's tired from work, which I do understand because he does work eight hours a day

    I just have to point this out in particular because it's so ridiculous. He works eight hours a day – like basically everyone in the world? His job isn't even physically demanding, he's a fucking accountant lol. This dude is a whole clown. Time to run away from the circus.


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