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20 thoughts on “VanityCaxt on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I thoroughly agree ^ but try not to wash rinse repeat I've done that seven times and always make the wrong choice. Thus I have chosen to be alone from this point on. At least for the rest of this one….. hopefully. Temptation may get the best, hopefully when it presents itself it won't be the wrong way choice.

  2. It’s at a baseball game, a stranger from a random event, not a party, not a bar, or other places ppl actually go with the intent of hooking up. Most women and FEMMES would be extremely cautious of random men from random places. Obviously situations where you’re looking to hook up with someone is very different. But you would not understand, obviously cause you on-line in whatever fantasy world this guy’s in.

  3. I had an ex use that exact same excuse, and I mean I don’t want to invalidate anyone’s genuine trauma, but it really doesn’t make any sense assuming your new partner is clean. Oh, and he eventually dumped me because he was “still in love” with Ms. Stinky Ex, so yeah…

  4. Well, he can’t keep his promises to you. You need to be a better person and keep your promise to him. Is this really somebody you want to have a relationship with?

  5. It sounds like this guy's family wants all the cultural “typical wedding traditions” but just doesn't have the money to contribute toward that. So “Andy” here probably needs to sit them down and explain that weddings, and everything else in life, has to be in proportion to what's reasonably affordable. “Calling them out” for not giving you money they simply don't have would be pointless. Besides, you can't make enemies of your spouse's family because weddings are one day whereas having to make nice with these people will last for the rest of their lives. You should never have to go directly up against your in-laws. It's your spouse's job to run interference so you don't have to. He needs to be the one to deflect their disappointment so it isn't visited onto you.

  6. She isn’t in love with him my dude. She is asking herself why she didn’t want to married her when they were together for 9 years and he decide to marry within a year after meeting the new girl.

    The thing is the guy was young back then and most guys want to settle down on their late 20 or early 30. She should take that into consideration. It wasn’t that she wasn’t enough. It was that he wasn’t ready and he is ready now that he feels old.

  7. Every time I get mad or defensive about his comments, he just tells me that I’m overreacting and that I “take everything so seriously”. I don’t know what to do anymore.

    You're perfectly right to be defensive – what he's saying is vile and disgusting.

    If you told him that he had a below-average dick compared to other boyfriends, __I'm pretty damn sure_ he'd be upset, offended and self conscious, so why is it OK that he does it to you? If you told him after that “oh you took it too seriously” he'd still be pissed.

    Either talk to him and make it clear that he either stops or the next time you walk, or walk now. I don't honestly think, given that you've already talked to him and he dismisses you with a wave of his hand that he'll care and will keep doing it.

    Stop putting up with this ridiculous belittling and less-than behaviour, no normal partner should say these things or not care how you feel about it.

  8. Good on you for taking the time to right this out for someone. You're a way better person than me.

    OP. Listen to this individual.

  9. Do you have a savior complex? You seem to have a thing for women who are a mess. You should explore that.

  10. Bffr stop acting as if that means ur “growing and changing ?”, you just got bored of your partner and wanna fuck some strange.

  11. I had to check his age again, because unless he's 9yo, there's no excuse for this. Are you a piece of meat for his buddies to drool over? What was he expecting, to never introduce you to them?? If he was serious about you, these guys would have met you eventually, right? Unless he was planning a hit it and quit it scenario, this was the dumbest possible scheme and incredibly disrespectful to you and your sister.

  12. I feel like he was intentionally trying to be mean

    That, or he's just stupid and genuinely didn't believe it was OP's.

  13. Right? She has a lot of nerve talking about his level of commitment when she was the one who cheated. She's insecure and controlling, because she's probably afraid OP is gonna cheat on her.

  14. Break up with him… or hope that a conversation will help him see.

    Try and have a sit-down & (as much as possible) emotion-free conversation about why what he's doing is making you detach and feel as though you can't talk to him about anything because he will just dismiss your emotions and say you're wrong/invalidate them. After that conversation he will either understand and change, or he won't.


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