Keileen online sex chats for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Keileen online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I have dumped all my friends during my relationship

    Why’d you do that? You can have friends and be in a relationship at the same time.

  2. You know there is a problem, she’s not addressing it.

    Get her family and friends involved, and if that doesn’t work, then you might have to give her an ultimatum, that she gets help or you divorce and take your daughter from her. You can tell her that with her mental health how it is and her not getting help with it, the court will likely only allow supervised visitation for her.

  3. I think it’s really just down to stress. She works a lot, she doesn’t make a lot. Work is stressful. I understand what she’s going through. I just feel like there has to be a healthier way to deal with it because it’s such a severe degree of over eating. She’s sick in the morning sometimes, you know? I offer things like us having less snacks around for temptation, going on more walks, it just never sticks

  4. This statement alone makes me think you need professional help with some sort of trauma that you've not mentioned.

  5. You’re still so, so young. Way too young to get dragged into “step” parenting a baby that’s not yours with your non-official “boyfriend”. Why are you doing this to yourself?

  6. Why would i need accountability training lmao. I never said anyone has to care what her reasoning is. Thats just what she said the reason she thinks she acted that way. Just because you and other morons don’t know the difference between an excuse and a reason doesn’t really mean much.

  7. This is what my grandma taught me to do. Choose for them by removing yourself. This is a no-win situation for you.

  8. Ok then mate. I won't say I agree with you however, its your life. I don't forsee any good here.

    As stated before. Good luck.

  9. You're a director, managing 11 stores and live! paycheck to paycheck???

    Seems like you are underpaied 🙂

    It looks like she wants you to drive her life. Therefore she can't bear that you're doing things without here because she doesn't know what to do when she's alone…

    First, you need to talk with her to understand why she thinks you're spending too much time on the computer and what she would like to do if you're not spending time with your friends. Point out that you have the right to spend quality time with your friends and that she's welcomed to join in…

    If she mentionned again the fact that she's stuck in the moment, lacking amition because of you then tell her she can do whatever she want and you'll support her.

    communication as allways.

  10. People like this act like babies are just interchangeable. You’ve decided to keep this baby. You are going to be a mother to this baby.

    For your own emotional and mental health, consider no longer replying to POS like this.

    I hope you have an easy pregnancy and that your baby is happy and healthy. Best wishes.

  11. Let’s start by putting things into perspective here. We’re talking about the person you call your best friend. Had she ever dated before you? If so, wouldn’t you have known that supposed fact about her?

    Either way, the reality is that she doesn’t see you two as a romantic fit. If she ended things because she felt you were moving too fast (which logically wouldn’t make much sense), she likely would have said then when ending things. Instead, she blamed it on herself.

    So while you’re sitting here identifying everything you supposedly did wrong, she didn’t say that that was the reason. Thinking about it is a waste of your time, but even if it’s true, so what? It would suck to realize you were the cause, but it doesn’t change reality. All you can do is learn from it.

    Now, should you be friends? No. You’re not friends. You can’t logically be friends if you have romantic feelings for her. As such, you need to allow yourself to move on, and you won’t be able to do that if you’re talking to her all the time. Good luck.

  12. Just went back to read your original post. You guys definitely weren't compatible. Good on you for seeing that and moving on. Speaking as a fellow PC gamer who enjoys the time I get to spend with my friends, it's critical that a partner supports that hobby.

    On the counter-point, gaming can be addictive and some dudes don't know how to balance it with regular adult responsibilities. So good on you for adapting to that. If it makes you feel any better, even in my relationship with a supportive partner, I still need to schedule my gaming days with my friends. It's adult play dates. haha

    Best of luck to you growing as a single man and working on yourself. As someone just slightly older than you if I can offer an unsolicited bit of advice: don't let the gaming take over, don't just stay in shape but go get in the best shape of your life, and make sure you develop hobbies away from your computer.

    Don't fall in to that comparative “she's out of my league” trap. Statistically speaking, most men won't ever date a super model, but you don't need to go putting any type of woman on a pedestal.

    All the best to you!

  13. There’s something else going on. He may be busy, but he made time for you before so something is changed and you’re gonna have to find out what. I will start looking around look at his phone and see what he does because something is different with him. Maybe he figured out the relationship isn’t working for him but something is going on.

  14. I’ve given him Lume actually. He says he’s using it but I don’t see him in person putting it on. I will suggest a dermatologist for sure


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