AliskaPurri online sex chats for YOU!

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teasing in underwear [Multi Goal]


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54 thoughts on “AliskaPurri online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think this is his way of thinking you cant change. Love him for hwo he is inclusing this or leave him if its to mutch for you.

    I dont know if you want kids with him in the future, but imagen if he does this to your kids, its not healty.

  2. Id just cut quietly tbh. I'm sorry for you but it seems clear they have cut you out more or less already. Don't drag it out, don't make yourself vulnerable for these people. I'm sure the lack of closure is really frustrating in all of this, you do deserve better. So give yourself better by not giving all this energy and concern to people that no longer reciprocate.

  3. Long Version: My bf and I joined a group of friends this past weekend for dinner and a concert. We had some drinks at dinner accompanied by shots(provided by the friend who would later come on to me) as we got ready to leave for the show. The night, while fun and initially bonding, did not go without incident: BF and one of his friends did a considerable amount of Potassium* right before we were due to leave for the show and upsetting our possè who ultimately decide to leave them behind. After few other twisted, alcohol/substance related incidents during and after the show, We all eventually meet back at the home we had dinner in, where most of the group retires for bed. My bf, his friend and I stay up playing Kings Cup(drinking game) with a bottle of (100proof) rum that the friend had supplied through the night. At one point I left to use the bathroom, and come back to find my bf has made a rule for everyone to take an item of clothing off each time they drink, but the friend wanted to get my okay before doing so, which I agreed to as it seemed fun(and I was quite wasted at this point). After we’ve all eventually stripped to nothing (and a mounting sense of a sexy situation between the 3 of us looming in the air)my bf passes out, and the friend and I finish the game, talk and listen to music. Friend makes comments in appreciation of my body, and I just thank them and comment on the ridiculousness of us all being hot. We eventually go to sleep on the couch with my bf, me laying on him and the friend laying by my feet. I remember suggesting they lay on my butt/thighs for more comfort. While we’re laying there The friend starts caressing my legs and initially I think nothing of it, thinking it was a soothing “help you sleep” kind of rub in my blitzed mind. I began running my fingers through his hair, not really thinking about connotations other than that we were sharing a moment as friends. I fall in and out of sleep, all while the friend continues rubbing my legs. His hands get higher up my thighs and then to my underwear, which I respond with “we should stop “and he agrees, and initially stops. Then, after passing out again, I awake to the friend doing the same thing. I again say that we should stop, and he lowers his hands to my calves but keeps rubbing. Then he presses his penis on the soles of my feet, begins grinding and initially I pull away but he moves closer. His hands go back to my crotch and I don’t stop him from rubbing there and fall asleep. I awake to his fingers on the edge of my underwear. I then sit up and laugh, and get up to go out clothes on to ultimately stop the situation. I was on my period and had bled through my tampon and underwear (had no underwear to change into as I was not made aware that my bf who drove us there would drink a bunch and we’d have to stay the night). I come back and the friend gives this spiel about he doesn’t know what to do with himself, needing to come etc. In that moment it seemed that “helping him out” would be fair and I pull up my dress to show him my body again as inspiration(ick) he noticed I’m no longer in underwear and decides to touch my vulva, and I hesitate but ultimately don’t stop. I start blacking out again and wake up to him touching himself and rubbing me until he finishes. We initially laugh As he cleans up but reality started to kick in and I feel horrible. He expresses remorse as well and we agree to tell my bf when he wakes up. This admission was further delayed by my bf taking more potassium upon waking up Making it impossible to have a coherent conversation . Bf spent the next day home crying, going back and forth between not wanting space then snapping on me and asking more details of what happened like “did I come?””would you have gone further if you weren’t on your period?”. Next day he firmly decides to confront this person face to face to get their side of things. Apparently I left out the detail of having taken off my blood-stained underwear before the assault (?) continued when I initially told him. That got him fuming and he decided to text friends who were there that night, friends who weren’t, friends who aren’t even mutuals with the guy. Then text me that I’m a liar, he’s done with me and taking 2 of our cats (we have three together, two are originally his). Later last night he realized that he “may “ have overreacted and has been apologetic about putting things on blast like this. I have tried to keep my distance per our therapist’s advice, as things are still fresh and we both are super hurt.

  4. Well, you and the court system seem to have one thing in common then – you couldn't possibly care less about the father.

  5. Some people consider exclusivity as default when the relationship starts ( talking stage ) , others not. If you think that it is not a good idea to tell him because of his reaction, you are probably better ripping off the band aid now than 1 year into a relationship

  6. Tbh, I just have the feeling that he is only with this new girl because:

    1) I refuse to speak/iniciate contact with him.

    2) The girl he left me for was so grossed out at this revelation that she also stopped talking to him.

    3) The other girls at the place he studies were already taken/not interested in him at all.

    But yeah, I could go and try talk to her.

    Thank you for your answer!

  7. i’ve been trying that but i just can’t shake the thoughts in my head about how her mind changed so quickly- a week before she was so adamant about fixing things but yet her mindset just changed immediately and she seems so fixed about not wanting it anymore just because i broke down wanting her back that’s the thing i don’t get

  8. Insert something else here.

    Let's say your were super against butt stuff but she thinks it might be fun and is open to the idea if you are.

    Would you assume she isn't satisfied without butt stuff and would go cheat on you or would you feel like your values don't align and she would no longer be happy with you so you should end it?

    If you two were watching a show and there was a three some or literally anything else you found intriguing and you mentioned it to her, how would you want her to react? Would you want her to assume your values don't align and thar you aren't satisfied with her or would you want her to talk to you about how she feels?

    Monogamy or consensual non-monogamy is a boundary that should be discussed like any other.

    The real question is are YOU willing to have the discussion and trust what she tells you. If you aren't willing to discuss then this whole thing is pointless and you should just free her now. If you trust her then you should just discuss this with her.

  9. A guy in another commented a great imaginative picture –

    Princess Peach was fucking and blowing Mario, then going over to Luigi's for talking.

    Everyone has their own standards OP. You need to know where your standards are. Some people can accept this, others can't. Both positions are equally 100% valid.

  10. He’s kind of manipulative. And he’s doing it in a way that seems unreasonable if you don’t see it his way. You seem a little codependent around him too. That you have to run to him so quickly when he need you you can’t pick up a towel? Is there a reason why you’re walking around on tiptoe with him? Are you afraid that it’s not going well or something. You have to be able to be yourself in a relationship or won’t work long-term. Between him being manipulative and slightly controlling, and you wanting to please him, you’ve got the beginnings of a toxic relationship there. Don’t be afraid to say I’ll be right there. I need to pick up the towel. I’m sorry I use it as an example because it was really clear with what was going on then that’s the only reason.

  11. You need to leave him, and get/keep evidence of him feeding your 3 year old drugs, otherwise you’ll be sharing custody with this moron.

  12. I had an ex joke about including my sisters in our sex life. That's just plain disgusting and too far for a joke. You fucked up so better apologize and take her more serious. You still seem to act like you did nothing wrong.

  13. He drugged a fucking a toddler and you're sitting here WONDERING if you should leave. You both need CPS involved because you're both too stupid to have a kid.

  14. don’t worry, it’s legal in my country 🙂 Is that correct if i ask him to pay half of the rent or expenses but he doesn’t have the keys ? Or do i need to tell my parents so i can give him the keys ?

  15. Is this one of these bro-code violations bullshit?

    There is nothing wrong in sleeping with someone's ex. Just because a woman used to be somebody's girlfriend doesn't mean you need to ask his permission to have sex with her.

  16. Thank you. I appreciate the comment and I agree. I feel a bit broken over all this, but I think with time it will pass.. just hot to deal with the disappointment

  17. The only compromise I’d be willing to make is a concerted effort, CONCERTED – meaning all occupants are involved in decluttering, downsizing and minimizing the shit-show you described – with a predetermined end date in mind where it’s livable, breathable and easily maintained.

    The caveat here is: Mom. She may be a bipolar pack-rat for all you know and the mere mention of moving ONE of the 3 nightstands in the living room (why do we have even ONE nightstand in THE LIVING ROOM), and she’ll have a herniated conniption fit. This is where you have to tread lightly. You don’t want to become the odd one out, or the third wheel, or seen as dead weight, or a fourth nightstand in the living room. Don’t get on mom’s bad side and don’t drive a wedge between them and DEFINITELY don’t let her walk all over you.

    I’d say, stay in your apartment until you all agree on a plan and then spend significant time there working the plan but then, get the fuck out of there when you aren’t working the plan. If you “feel” like you can spend time there, do. If things slide back into “Cave of the Neanderthal”, you’ll have to step back and reassess.

    Best of luck to you. I don’t think I could do it. You must love this dude.

  18. You could maybe talk to him first without sugar coating and telling him he is dead weight,.not helping or adding anything to your life aside from bills – or you leave. It's not accidental. He just doesn't care.

  19. A medical condition that she won't even mention to her doctor. Also, OP isn't obligated to stay in a relationship with her just because her motivation for not wanting sex is a medical condition. He deserves to be happy, and she deserves a partner that can be happy with that setup. OP is not that person.

  20. Tell her it's fine if she wants to renegotiate the deal and you will be unblocking the 15 women she had an issue with. Or…you could see this as a reason to move out of the relationship. She has a double standard and isn't considering your feelings after you have gone out of your way to consider hers.

  21. Opposites work as long as your fundamental values are the same and I think how you speak to each other is part of those values. He may have meant well (I’m giving the benefit of the doubt here) but how it was said was not very nice at all. There were so many other ways to say that without being unkind. “You know you won’t enjoy it” or “Yeah it’s not really your thing”.

    If it’s a one-off? then ok, poor choice of words. If it’s a pattern of regular put-downs or negging then you’ve got issues. It’s only a year in, you’re now in the settling-in phase and all the airs and graces are falling away to who people really are and what they feel. Take care.

  22. Sometimes it's better to be the bad guy early on and tell him in a supportive way rather than wait for it to really be a problem.

    Sit him down and say “I love you but I'm really struggling with your recent diet. It's making it really hot for me. I'm not trying to be shallow but this is how I feel. How can I help with what's going on with you?” And go from there. But you have to tell him there is a problem.

  23. Its not the value of the gift but the notion behind it that matters. You need to put a pause on your relationship and think hot about it.

  24. He’s disrespecting you and your relationship. I think anyone would be uncomfortable / stressed in your situation. He doesn’t respect you enough to stop this whole “work wife” nonsense. And even though you set a clear boundary about all of this, he still goes off and disrespects it. I’m sorry, you deserve better. If he won’t listen to you and your feelings about all of this then I think it’s just best to cut it off. Not worth putting yourself in jeopardy when someone else can give you twice the amount of respect this guy is giving you currently.

  25. And if you’re referring to hockey, yeah, I like hockey. I don’t build a lifestyle around it. Lol. There’s a difference.

  26. “I was exploring my interest in Victorian erotic photography” … “I didn’t think peeing in someone’s face was bad or sexual”.

    I would definitely consult my girlfriend before letting another woman’s bare lady parts be that close to my face.

  27. Okay run!! Run as fast as you fucking can!! His got sleeping pills in his apartment which it seems he has used on you, you need to leave him!!

  28. No, you’re conflating two separate situations.

    In your model & scummy photographer situation, the only reason that works (feels icky even saying that) is because the model has something to lose. It’s a power dynamic. The photographer holds the power to say if you don’t do what I say, you won’t get the shots, you won’t get the gig, you won’t get paid, and you potentially will get blackballed for being uncooperative with photographers. Saying no in that situation is potentially directly damaging to your career, which is already hot enough.

    In this situation, the wife loses nothing by saying no. That power dynamic does not exist. There is no pressure that this photographer could exert that is in any way similar to what some models go through. This was her friend taking exclusive pictures for her husband, not a model with a career/monetary considerations.

  29. Cats swat and hiss at each other. It's developmentally appropriate. Threatening a helpless pet is not developmentally appropriate for an adult man.

  30. Based on the age of your child, badmouthing is not going to be enough to gain primary or full custody. Taking aside the aspect of whether or not some comments made may have been accurate, the comments go primarily towards you, not the child, and the child is too young to understand them. Therefore, custody may have provisions to stop some level of badmouthing when the child is present and that'll likely be the end of it for now.

  31. This is probably someone looking to show hypocrisy in female commentators with a bait post. Plenty of that on here.

  32. As a women- men can be really pushy and sometimes it is really uncomfortable. I have found talking to my husband, and male friends, that women tend to give “soft” answers that we think is being nice but the guys hear it as continued interest. An example- very common for a girl to respond to a guy hitting on her by saying something like “ oh I don’t think my boyfriend (or husband, partner, what ever) would like that”. Woman’s mind she is subtlety telling you she is attached and not interested. I’ve been told by multiple men that it sounds like she’s saying ‘I would love to, but my mean old bf won’t let me- keep trying’

  33. His fiscally irresponsible. Best thing you can do is unhitch yourself from that wagon. Make an exit plan. He’s going to keep you broke at best and evicted at worst.

  34. So we thought she had a minor immuno compromising disease. So that's the excuse we used during covid. When her parents got hurt in the car accident she basically went full time nurse for them and we pretty much lived with them while they got surgery after surgery. She got her tonsils removed last year and her immune symptoms went away.(mind you it was minor, she just got stuff like the common cold more often then most.) She tried to go to college before all of this and gave up first semester. She just gets overwhelmed easily and tried to take on way more than she could handle in my opinion. The only real job she's had was at Walmart a few months ago, she got hired and quit after one week. I don't blame her because they did abunch of stuff wrong with her schedule and they had her putting groceries in people's car alone late in the afternoon when it's getting dark. She got uncomfortable and didn't like that.

    Besides that stuff. Nothing.

  35. But very soon he started taunting me on that subject

    Yeah, I'd be out then.

    He interrogates me every single time I go anywhere and then when I stay home he says I don’t do anything. After all that I sometimes don’t feel good being intimate with him to which he gets upset.

    I'd also be out after this.

    I don’t know if I can keep doing this, he didn’t cheat on me and nothing huge happened

    This is the bare minimum to expect out of a relationship – he didn't cheat and nothing bad happened. “I don't know if I can keep doing this” is not a positive view of your relationship. If it's not meeting your needs and making you happy, why are you in it?

    I don’t like that he had these sudden bursts of anger and having had a father who was like that I don’t wish that for my children. He apologizes every time but it happens again and again.

    Huge red flag here. Anger issues will get worse (speaking from experience).

    I’m not sure what a happy marriage looks like.

    Well, there's no one way to be happy in a marriage – there are many different versions that can work depending on the needs and wishes of the two people involved.

    But yours definitely isn't what a happy marriage looks like. I think your brother is right.

  36. If you want to keep working on the relationship, then talk to him about it. Go to couples therapy. See if you can save it.

    But if you’re done, then leave. You aren’t attracted to him, you don’t trust him, you don’t view him positively.

  37. You’re confused about where y’all stand because he’s playing games with you; he’s not worth it, I’d get out before you’re in any deeper

  38. Don’t let her get in your head and try to blame you. I’m sure she will. It was her choice to talk to you if she felt lonely or neglected. Instead she chose to find someone else. It is not your fault she chose to do that.

  39. The only way this would be important is if she was a minor when you started dating. If not, how does being 19 or 18 make any difference?

    It's not like you are 37…

  40. When I said good reason, I didn’t mean it as in a “good?” reason. I mean as in something that contributes us both to act crazy to each other sometimes. N I’m not giving bullshit though, I don’t see how there’s anything to read through. This is my honesty and ask for help for us. Why would I lie to myself when asking for advice.


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