Nataly-kidman live sex chats for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “Nataly-kidman live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Professional help???? I am not that bad off. I don’t think I’m that much different from people who are having a naked time getting over someone they were close to. I get what you’re saying tho, but if I’m thinking about the answers for months to come, I think that’s better than another year or so. Yk?

  2. Me. Well, I leaned in and just kissed her on the lips. Then she must’ve leaned back because it was a full on kiss for a few seconds. We’d both had a drink but obviously weren’t drunk enough to not remember it and have touched on the subject

  3. Are you actually a child? It's nothing to be concerned about. She probably didn't even care. You're weird for paying her so much attention when you're already on a date.

  4. Don’t even ask this question without some real time invested. Solid months of IRL dating where you spend time, rely on each other, really learn about each other, families, etc.

    You are talking way too forward beyond the idea of ensuring you both are looking for serious relationships that would become marriage and kids.

    Dating is a process not to be rushed.

  5. Honestly, I'm not 100% sold on the idea that nicotine leaves you sober. Or at least not for all people. I've smoked cigarettes for a short while, as well as hookah with nicotine. And it hits me really naked, especially if I haven't smoked recently or haven't eaten enough. We're talking about stumbling around or generally being very carried away. Definitely not a state in which I'd drive a car. If I smoke often for some time, the effect gets more subtle but it's still there.

    In the end I just decided that I'm not going down this path, as I prefer to be able to drive my car around whenever. And it feels better when you know you and your clothes don't stink. Watching my husband stop smoking made me super happy I stopped before getting really addicted.

  6. I cannot believe you even let her back in your house, let alone are contemplating letting her back in your life. Just don't.

  7. I don’t think you’re understanding the situation. She didn’t ask my bf for his number and to get coffee. My boyfriend asked her for her number and to get coffee. How she feels about me has nothing to do with it. He wants to hangout with her alone and didn’t tell me

  8. Hello /u/mustard_design,

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  9. It sucks but being physically attracted to your partner is generally important in a relationship, also, this relationship is new. Someone whom you've already had the attraction to losing their “hotness” is very different from never having had that attraction in the first place.

  10. You’re right

    We are exclusive to each other but we never really put any kind of label or anything on what we really are. We’ve known each other for a while and I know what I want and I feel I’m ready for more. I get worried about what he feels because he talks about having me in his future while also assuming that I won’t want anything because I don’t express myself all the time.

    Thank you so much!!

  11. Hi, OP. Old guy and a dad, here. Very glad to read that you're no longer with this girl. Sad to read about the lack of honor on the part of your “friends.” I'd understand if you all were still teenagers, but it's more of a middle finger directed at you when they're in their mid-20s.

    Based on what you wrote, I'd bet a nickel (old expression) that your ex-gf would stop hanging around your old buddies if you decided they were no longer your friends and you completely walked away from the entire group. The guy she's engaging with in front of you is a stooge. It appears she makes sure you see and hear about everything. She's using that willing clown just to get a reaction out of you.

    YOU are the guy that is the subject of so many Reddit posts when they write about not being able to get over their ex. None of them deserve you, especially not her or her stooge.

  12. Look he is 19. You are asking him to accept a lack of sex for a potentially indefinite period of time; sure now you are saying it is just “1-2, maybe 3 months”, but who is to guarantee you will feel any different at the end of that time? Perhaps you will feel even stronger about not having sex. Or maybe you will stall for another three months. There is also a chance you become the world's biggest horndog in 3 months, though that is unlikely.

    Just because sex isn't important to you, doesn't mean it is not important to him. Personally? I couldn't handle a sex free relationship. I need sex to feel connected to and intimate with my partner. Without it, the relationship feels more like a friendship to me. Sex is very much part of my love language. And those urges to have sex will not go away. I could never monogamously date someone who is ace, and I doubt I would ever engage in polyamory.

    You are not wrong for being asexual, that is not what I am trying to say. But the simple fact is that sex is important to most people, and you can not reasonably expect someone to go an undefined amount of time without it. He is also not wrong for having urges that he needs to have met, and I at least give him some credit for being honest about it.

    You two are fundamentally incompatible. Why try to make it work when you are 18 years old? You have a lifetime ahead of you, and so does he. Trapping each other in a situation where you are worried he will cheat if you express yourself, and he will worry that you will one day rob him of his intimacy needs, sounds incredibly unhealthy and disgusting.

  13. Some will say you are, more importantly have you asked your GF how she would feel about it? Honestly as long as you aren't using marriage as a bandaid, she is up for it, then sure propose… Maybe have a long engagement at least till After your first year of college.

  14. When you put it like that, kinda makes her BF sound like a second choice. I wouldn't be fucking thrilled with that either.

  15. If he was following these people before you started dating him it's none of your business to try to change that. If this is a new behavior you might have a leg to stand on in asking him about it. Rationally, if he preferred any of these women to you he'd already be dating them and you wouldn't be in the picture at all. So the fact that he picked you over them should put your mind at rest. It's just a very slippery slope to lure someone into a relationship then try to change everything about them.

  16. If he was following these people before you started dating him it's none of your business to try to change that. If this is a new behavior you might have a leg to stand on in asking him about it. Rationally, if he preferred any of these women to you he'd already be dating them and you wouldn't be in the picture at all. So the fact that he picked you over them should put your mind at rest. It's just a very slippery slope to lure someone into a relationship then try to change everything about them.

  17. Right? I was thinking the same thing. He wants his cake and eat it too. I don’t think that it’s fair to have him get what he wants if it can’t be equal terms for both of them. Polyamory is something that is a agreement between X amount of people to be in a open relationship. Not one person saying this is it and you aren’t a good part we if you disagree. It just sounds like the dynamic changed

  18. I like that euphemism. And, totally agree. It's sick of her to assume that people who have to do caretaking tasks must be thinking sexually just because they see genitals.

  19. ok well you can’t force something that’s not 100% let her do her thing and thing you do you and don’t wait around for a second. no hate but is what it is

  20. It’s literally the top comment that I said I am going to talk to my husband. Thank you for your complete lack of advice.

  21. You use these words: “I only want to date for fun.” Done.

    P.S.- Dating a coworker is definitely a stupid idea. Since you know there is no future here, just find someone live! if you want a bit of fun.

  22. Just a reminder to everyone out there from your local repro justice/pro-abortion advocate.

    If you are a sexually active person using zero forms of birth control, and without previous sterilization, you are trying to get pregnant. Period, the end.

    Biology finds a way. It isn't magic.

  23. Your boyfriend is literally almost 30 and processes his emotions like a hormonal teenager. No bueno. He has violent tendencies and outbursts. I'd break up with his immature ass.

  24. You'd think that'd be the case, but some kids learn from their parents mistakes and seek to educate themselves on how to communicate properly and to regulate their own emotions, yes using therapy, but also with live! resources. Not every case is like that and not everyone gets to the stage he's at by 23, but every person is different. Possibly fake, but I don't think that reason alone is strong enough to prove anything.

  25. Read his replies. The dude is completely insecure.

    That said, one issue with this discussion is everyone treating the word insecurity like it's an instant negative..

    EVERYONE is insecure sometimes. I am probably someone who would be described as completely secure in his relationships. But I still feel insecure twinges at silly little things like your partner chatting with their ex. Mixed sex friendship occasions like dinner in the op… etc

    But the difference is that I don't let my stupid lizard brain dictate what is healthy. I stop and realize I have every reason to trust her, I know what I bring to the table in this relationship, etc and then I let the insecurity pass. If the insecurity lingers I have a talk to let her know how I'm feeling.

  26. (Deep breath in, deep breath out)


    I'm sorry man, there aren't words for this sort of thing and unfortunately there's no formula or set way to “deal” with it either. Everyone experiences grief differently and on their own timeline.

    I'm so very sorry this happened, I can't imagine the suddenness of it happening like that.

    It sounds like you have good friends, that's a big plus, I hope that you're able to keep them close during this time and not push them away in your grief, although I would understand that too.

    For a while, maybe a really long while, the things you normally enjoy aren't going to be as enjoyable. You're going to cry, that's okay. You're going to be angry, that's okay too. Just don't hurt yourself or anyone if you can help it. The color is going to drain out of your world for a long time maybe, and there are going to be times when it feels it may never come back.

    But… it will.

    You'll meet someone who brings it back in brilliant clarity, or you'll see something completely random like a duck sitting in a pond and it'll start to come back little by little, in small things you wouldn't have thought that important before, but now suddenly they are, because you understand just how quickly it all can be taken away.

    Either way, it will come back, and your joy will come back, and you'll one day realize that your life didn't stop, even though maybe it feels like it should have. She wouldn't have wanted that though, and it's okay to keep living.

    But for right now, honor your grief. Feel it, don't run from it, even though it hurts.

    You'll be okay.

  27. I’m sorry but while you are feeling guilty for feeling what you are feeling he was manipulating you.

    Certainly, he had no obligation to tell you immediately. But he intentionally withheld this information until you were already emotionally invested before telling you and manipulating your feelings.

    That was wrong.

    You actually tried, which is more than I would have. It isn’t for you. There is nothing wrong with that and that is unlikely to change.

    I know you feel bad about it, but he should too. He should have told you much earlier. If I were you I would move on.

  28. You’re in an abusive relationship and now your daughter’s young brain is changing and adapting to that abuse. Do you really want to raise a child who will suffer trauma that will impact her for the rest of her life!

  29. You’re in an abusive relationship and now your daughter’s young brain is changing and adapting to that abuse. Do you really want to raise a child who will suffer trauma that will impact her for the rest of her life!


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