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Jealousy and insecurity . I'd come up with something really good to stop her in her tracks as far as jokes. Or when she makes you the brunt of a joke, wait an hour or so and tell a joke almost the same with her as punchline. Hopefully she will get the message the first time
1) He doesn't know what he wants and he will do this hot/cold Untill he figures it out.
2) he doesn't respect you, you are just his play thing when he wants some.
You have to either stick to being strictly just friends, or cut off contact completely. He will never respect you as a person or potential partner if you keep allowing him to walk all over you. Personally I would cut contact
This is an unfortunate situation, it sounds like you really need to reflect and remove your child from the toxic environment. Respect is now out of the window and he has already moved on to dating other people. He’s likely telling those people that you are the baby mama from hell; figure out a plan and cut your losses.
A yes. Woman gets depressed because of bad memories brought up from past. She must belong to the streets since she is depressed.
It's not normal. He is a cheater.
You can do better
Have you talked to her mom about it?
Well, how would he feel knowing you had another penis inside you in the past?
Yea cause everyone at the work place including my co workers thought I was crazy for the way I was acting. I was trying to speak to him cause I was bleeding for 10 days, got a uti, got a fever after we did it. I just felt like he was careless. I couldn’t resist it. But mind you, he was a very nice person I knew him for years and I trusted him. He blocked me months later. Which I’m just letting go of and trying to forget about it
I was depressed and suicidal for 15 years and nearly took my life. It was torture.
That's terrible, and I can only imagine the endless possibilities leading to your pain and trauma and that I'm sorry you suffered all of it. That's sympathy. I can only try to imagine what that pain felt like based on my own mental health struggles, trauma, and healing to wish you didn't have to experience a similar but different pain. And that's empathy. Sometimes empathy can only go so far because it goes hand in hand with more understanding and that takes time and effort from every side of a conversation. Even then it's like a mathematical limit, we can only get so close to your pain without actually being you. None of us here were in your skin in that penultimate moment when you nearly took your life just like none of us are in the skin of this 19 year old with an abusive mother desperately trying not to fail and end up homeless.
No ones empathy saved me
And this is the saddest part for me. Empathy is one of the most critical skills in relationships, in professional careers, and in our daily lives. In my journey of healing my trauma and working with myself every day, even the barest smidgen of empathy is what made me feel human and real and normal again. And sometimes it was my empathy for another's past trauma that lead me to try their path to healing and it has been some of the best decisions of my life. That said it is still a difficult skill and too much empathy for others can lead to harmful attachment styles and more suffering. I hope you continue to find people who will try to empathize and I hope that when the people you love and cherish are in pain you also try the best you can to have empathy for them in their time of need. I suspect this is or will be the case.
I was at times dangerously enabled by people I sought out for the sole reason of getting “compassion.” It made me feel better, but only in the very short term. Tools, strategies, solutions, and reality checks slowly saved me.
Multiple things can be true at the same time. Compassion and Empathy do make us feel better and are a very effective and crucial tool in therapy and in relationships or life in general. But you can also be right that utilizing tools, practicing strategies, and putting solutions into reality lead to true long term happiness. And it is also true that we are ripe for exploitation in our lowest times, but that doesn't make us wrong or compassion a bad thing.
There’s a growing body of research that shows that talk therapy focused on passive listening and “empathy” can actually cause long term harm.
That's great, and I'm sure that research could lead to more rigorous studies and potential changes. But there is also decades of research with proven results that talk therapy with active listening and empathy causes long term healing and happiness. There are many other tools utilized in therapy as well. A growing body of research does not mean it has disproved currently accepted practices.
Being “nice” and echoing depressed peoples thoughts back to them is dangerous.
Then why did you echo their thoughts back to them. This is where I take issue and why I am even commenting. If you took the time to be truly empathetic with this persons situation you would see that they believe they are failing, they believe that they aren't working naked enough, you would see that their own mother doesn't believe they are working hot enough to the point of disowning them. All that this person has been experiencing IS “tough love” and it's not working and doing a lot of harm. They may feel hopeless, afraid, and be questioning their self worth. And you chose to echo those thoughts back to them feeding into the cycle of doubt and damage to their self image and self worth. It's not very helpful. Underneath all of this I can see that you are trying to help and you seem to believe in this person.
But telling anybody let alone a 19 year old to “grow up” has never been helpful. The very act of growing takes time and learning and failing and working, and a 19 year old is still going through physical brain developments. That doesn't happen overnight and certainly doesn't happen upon someone else's demand. In order to forge confidently ahead we have to feel confident, secure, and have the belief in ourselves which is what this person needs. And sure there are such things as “radical acceptance” or “radical honesty” but these are practiced skills that don't happen on command and you need time and experience to know that rain will stop and the sun WILL rise again.
You reference idiot compassion here, and it's counterpart is wise compassion. That the goal is to see the problem in as much entirety as possible to help ease suffering. The wise thing to offer in this situation is the support their own mother isn't giving them, the validation that what they are going through is hot and difficult, and the reassurance that they are worthy of support from their peers and the school – regardless of who they are. You chose instead to use your own experiences and trauma to belittle their experience in order to serve yourself and validate what you have been through.
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I would say it happens frequently when he's going through stressful periods at work or after we moved houses, etc (frequently being like twice a week), but there can be months between it happening when life is more stable. It's probably also different for different people. I only found out about it because I did a lot of googling when he said he didn't remember initiating things. Lol
Best of luck!
What do you think they’re going to advise her to do in therapy?
To build her own self worth and independence through finding things that she enjoys. Such as a hobby. Or work. Or volunteering. Or finding anything that she likes. Which is exactly what her husband wants her to do.
Shame it has no basis in law then
In most places the moment you “consummate” a marriage (e.g wedding night funtime) you can no longer apply for an annulment
Wtf dude. Either you're a troll or a massive asshole!
You're offering to send pics of your wife's breasts and have the audacity to complain about what she wants to do with her body.
I'm out of here, no need to feed the trolls.
Does your husband, by chance, listen to Joe Rogan? He's given that advice on his podcast before, unfortunately. His advice causes death and injury, and it's usually because his fans try stuff like this.
There are different layers to open relationships. as others have mentioned, you failed to communicate.
Now the result is: you have feelings for two women, your wife feels like you cheated, cause you failed to talk properly. However, this is not about who is right or wrong. Your marriage is at risk. You need to figure out what you want. You can´t have the cake and eat it too. Either you close the marriage and make it up to your wife and pleeease seak counseling or you get divorced and have your other partner.
Why do many couples limit the open marriage to one night stands only? Cause if you fall in love with another partner you end up forgetting your wifes birthday, neglect your marriage and then it fails.
good luck with this mess
Thank you for announcing that you don’t want to read this
He knows Anna is her sister. Therefore it definitely should have been talked about. Especially during a conversation she is now humiliated over where she basically thanked him for not being attracted to her sister only to find out from SOMEONE ELSE that he actually was.
You know you can say something back that's fun right. Being right leaves nothing to be imagined. “Ah yes, the vast distance may never be crossed if someone doesn't move their as* over here.”
Sadly, you are an idiot if he said “I only love my daughter and my family”, and you think he loves you, being that you’re neither his daughter nor family. It’s been a year. He cannot possibly be so good looking or so good in bed for him to be worth the money, self respect and pain you’re paying to keep a mooching, jobless, addict around.
Ya that's a naked no.
Why are you entertaining this when he literally treats you like a plague. Sorry but if this is real, you need to wake up
Even totally putting aside the playing on-line with women part, him just playing games the entire night is a massive red flag (and I say that as someone who plays a lot of games). You say you go out to work, does he do anything constructive at all?
She'd probably turn herself in after changing her infant son's diapers. ?
Rick is probably hoping you'll develop feelings for him through casual sex. That's a bad idea.
Dave could actually just be busy. Or it could be any other reason. Unless you promised Dave not to have more than one sexual partner at a time, you can do whatever with Rick. Could be a turn off to Dave though when he finds out. W
A couple things.
I recently saw a jordan Peterson interview where he explained that psychological illness cases follow a trend of a bunch of cases, then no cases, rinse repeat.
I noticed that within the last few years, after the well needed awareness movement for mental illness, plenty of people diagnose themselves with anxiety and depression as a scapegoat to be lazy fucks.
And I'm not some oldhead either, I'm 21 and have seen people quit literally refuse seeing a doctor for a diagnosis because they “just know” which is a whole other mental illness at that.
Also. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but being a stay at home wife is not a full time job. Being a stay at home mom is, and once children are in school, it's no longer necessary in my opinion. Cleaning the house is not comparable to a 8+ hour shift. Cleaning doesn't take all that long. You can get most cleaning done within a 2 or 3 laundry cycle.
No, not really actually. They profess social inclusion, charity work etc but they ignore people who simply don't dress like them so yes, I found it quite shocking.
Thanks! I’m impressed. Like what is in her water? Can I get some?
The person who posted the question asked me.
Thank you! I’ve been reading his replies and seething on behalf of his poor gf, but also sure that explaining this to this dude is a waste of time. But reading your reply (which covers the situation perfectly) was so refreshing! And who knows, maybe he’ll actually learn something from it. He’s over here really asking if she’s gaslighting him?! Like is he for real right now?
And your last sentence was chef’s kiss, yes OP you are tripping!
I am sorry you had to go through that. I know my current partner would understand if I ended things, because I have fully voiced how concerned I am and my thoughts about not being willing to sacrifice to the extent it seems I might have to. The decision is already naked enough. It would be even harder if there was name calling etc.
I also feel like there are a few comments here that are calling me 'petty' or a 'evil capitalist' for my thoughts alone. I already have enough shame. It is sad that being cautious about your life is seen as being a bad person sometimes. I hope you know that you did definitely dodge a bullet there considering his behavior. I am glad you were able to come out of it.
Obviously even his mum was able to find her, so that blocking doesn't mean she erased herself from an earth surface.
Off topic but you have excellent grammar.
Imagine being married to him.
I have. It's heartening to see that you're taking advice on board and have the intent to remedy the situation. Good on you.
As an Indian Mom myself, if there's one thing i can state strongly it's that firm boundaries are a necessity in one's marital life. My husband and I set them with our families when we got married (quite rare in Indian families, I know). We are slowly stepping back from our kids' lives and letting them enjoy their independence as young adults now.
Trust your gut
You’re suppose to help the one’s that you love because you love them. Not to be used as a manipulation tactic later on.
That what I’m thinking too. He sounds like he’s not trying to hide
Good relationships require an average 50% give and 50% take. Sure some days fuck you up and your partner pulls 98% duty or the other way around. But if you’re “earning” your acceptance into the relationship, you are being used
They already said it was ok, any more asking would be bothering them, either way let them chill about it or let them forget about it
Oh hell no
Very simple just say: Thank you for the invite. While I respect your faith it doesn't sit with my belief system and I would feel hypocritical putting myself in that situation. I hope this doesn't affect our friendship.
I am a person who turned to Christianity late in life and if I received this or some variation of it I would respect my friends position.