JuneEvans on-line webcams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “JuneEvans on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. You keep saying you are LC with mom, seeing her once a year.

    How often do you text? Talk to her on the phone? Email?

    Is this once a year a significant event? Will you spend Christmas with her and not your wife?

  2. So is blocking her number to prevent her from communicating the way she feels comfortable… is that considered as shutting her down as well? You say you love her so much, but you don't love her enough to know that her using texting is not because she doesn't want to talk at all, but because it is the best way for her to convey her feelings.

    I admire your wife for sticking to her guns. She probably knows that if she gives an inch, you will take a mile. And you would want everything to be done your way.

    You made the first move that ruined your communication with each other, then it is for you to resolve it.

  3. I believe you should thank her and move on. You did nothing wrong.

    Trying to fix a relationship with a marriage or baby rarely works and if she had known that it would have saved both of you a heartache.

    Be thankful that you do not have a child with her because the logistics would have been a nightmare for the both of you.

    Tell her you will give her the divorce she wanted and wish her good luck, if she changes her mind good, but I would not count on it.

  4. I was an incredibly good-looking baby. I even did a photoshoot for a local brand. 30 years later I am a solid 5/10.

  5. Except that lots of residents, surgeons, and other doctors DO have long-term relationships and marriages that work just fine. Admittedly, I'm guessing the statistics would show more divorces than the average, for sure. But it IS possible and it happens all the time, that these relationships work . . . when both people go into it with their eyes open and knowing what the situation is.

    It's not “unfair” for him to want a life partner if he is honest about the kind of partner he can be for them, and it sounds like he has been all along. He has not been dishonest, manipulative, or in any other way selfish. He is literally giving her everything he has. She is demanding more (which to be clear, I understand that she legitimately needs, emotionally) because she doesn't understand that you cannot get blood from a stone. As odd and hot to believe as it is, SHE is the one being “unfair” here: not in what she needs, which is simply immutable, but in expecting it from someone who doesn't have it to give her.

  6. Block him. I don't understand why you didn't when you broke up this last time. He's toxic AF.

  7. had that been me texting another woman that stuff about feeling a connection that she would have flipped out on me about it and she agreed.

    Their texting is inappropriate and she agreed to it, there should be no further texting between them, whether it's platonic or not, that “friendship” needs to end.


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