Lennon-1 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Lennon-1 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I feel like they have every right to do what they did, but if they know you have no family they maybe should've invited you as well.

  2. Withholding affection is a form of emotional and mental abuse. It’s to keep you on your toes and on edge so that your sense of reality becomes unstable and uncertain and you begin to question your own judgement. It’s also to make you want to gain his affection and when he does show any kind of affection you get a boost of dopamine and a sense of relief that everything seems ok again and he is making you feel secure again (temporarily) until he withholds the affection again. A deliberate push / pull dynamic used to control you and dictate the mood while chipping away at your confidence. He sounds very abusive and very messed up. His power is making you feel anxious that he’ll leave you. You need to change up the dynamic and recognise what is going on here because he’s a pathetic little man and he is thriving on making you feel bad. This will just get worse unless you walk away and end this. Be careful because this kind of controlling behaviour can develop into other abusive behaviours over time.

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  4. If it was recording it would show your face but not what your doing on the laptop. Either way you should find out, i dont think anyone would want to be in a relationship with someone that hides cameras in your own house, that's creepy as hell.

  5. As an avid chess player, this was the most suspenseful and curious posts I've read. The update was incredibly wholesome. I'm single, but I can only hope to be as great of a husband and father as you. Great work on all fronts.

  6. He's not living with her for convenience and he's just a liar and cheater and purposely kept you in the dark. That's not love he's a Sbag. I also believe that you are his mistress and if you went to his place you would see just how bad he was lying to you. I hope that you walk away and block him and delete him and ghost him, he's been playing you, and you have fallen for it hook line and sinker. Good luck

  7. On the one hand you should go because you committed to it weeks ago and had plenty of time to back out. On the other hand if you really think you'll have such a bad time then you shouldn't get in the way of your bf having fun with his friend. Im not saying you're a bad person (what do I know, im just an internet stranger), but based on what you've written you've kinda got yourself into a situation.

  8. sweetie a 30yo has absolutely no business trying to get with an 18yo. you don't feel ready because you already know how gross this situation is, even if you can't fully put it into words yourself. The fact that he keeps pressuring you to do something sexual with him after you told him you don't want it is proof of how slimey he is.

  9. Sounds like a dick move on her part.

    I’d be more concerned what they do when you aren’t around if they are ok with doing this in front of you.

  10. That is not what a relationship boundary is. He is using the word “boundaries” as a means to control you ehich is not okay. That is a typical tactic of someone abusive trying to establish control of you before you can realize how manipulative they truly are.

    He does NOT get to say you can't go out and/or spend time with your friends!

  11. Yeah, you might be right. I was going to travel there tomorrow, but I was thinking that I should probably postpone that so that she could have some alone time.

  12. Don't worry: you'll be back in this sub in a year or two desperately searching for answers about why your relationship is falling apart and your boyfriend is disinterested and, gosh, why does he keep staying late to work overtime with his nude new freshly 21 year old coworker?!

  13. You need to manage your illness before you get into a relationship. I know it feels bad feeling so out of control but it’s also not fair to expect a partner to have that role in your life

  14. If you were to forgive him they’d make shitty remarks about the holiday and how sensitive you are blah blah blah, fuck these people off

  15. You're in a precarious position and you have to ask yourself whether this marriage is serving the needs of you, your wife, and most importantly your children.

    Development of an emotional attachment as you describe sounds like the start of an emotional affair. Which, in my opinion, is something you are obligated by your marriage vows to avoid (I am also married, 12 years, I don't say this from idle judgment).

    6 months of such feelings, I understand why you are upset. I would recommend marriage or relationship counselling in order to manage and navigate them. If that's something your wife is opposed to you have a much harder decision to make.

    Ultimately is this working? Are you getting what you need out of this marriage? Is your wife? Most importantly, are your children? They, of course, are perceptive – and in my experience suffer most in this type of ambiguous situation.

    Best of luck to you.


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