Monserrat-gil live! sex chats for YOU!

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fingers on my pussy [Multi Goal]


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5 thoughts on “Monserrat-gil live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Are you so sure that's what happened? What if she wanted kids, but something in the marriage seriosly broke down. OP was so ready to 'stop listening to her'. Are we sure this isn't the first time he did that and that's the problem? We don't even know what the dynamic of the marriage are. With all the sharing people do on Reddit, I'm surprised how brief OP'S post is. This is the kind of thing you'd expect more details. It's a situation that's not all-black and white like people here like to think.

  2. it might already be too late but you should have told him the first time he implied that you are a virgin. he will probably (wrongly) accuse you of lying by omission.

    so you are asking whether you should tell him or not. well, it will become fairly apparent when you guys start having sex.

  3. I agree it was overstepping, I would have never said that to her but his emotions got the better of him it seems. I dont think she is a narcissist, I know her mother was and my father was but not her. My therapist says that she is manipulative, controlling and treats me like a child but looking at how she was raised and her marriage to my father I can understand why she is the way she is to an extent. It has been sinking in thanks to therapy and going over my childhood and teen years. I wouldn't say it's daily, it's situational – kinda like walking on eggshells. The better I am the nicer she is, if something doesn't go her way the snide comments and passive aggressive comments come out. She's admitted she makes these comments and I have told her how it hurts me but she continues. I think distance will be best, like you said. There is no immediate fix but I do plan to leave asap. Thank you.


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