SOFFIAFFILMS live! sex chats for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “SOFFIAFFILMS live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Take breath. You’re ok.

    Connecting the dots from change in sexual habits to the purchase of a vibrator is probably incorrect to begin with.

    Change in sexual habits and GF owning a vibrator does not equal no love for you.

    It’s normal for woman to own toys even with the best sex partners they could hope for.

    Just communicate. Tell her to keep the vibrator and enjoy it with your blessing. But explain the changes you notice, explain your concern, ask why she lied (you may learn something positive there), and see what resolution the two of you can come up with.

  2. I on-line in a country where your situation is legal, because age of consent here is 14. Still, this is wrong because of a lot of reasons (ex: power imbalance, not matching maturity levels) and people have explained this to you in great detail in the last post. There were many people who have experienced the same age gap as you do and are now old enough to see how problematic and damaging it was. But you chose to not believe any of it.

    I remember how the last time you explained that he makes you laugh and anytime he isn't around you barely laugh. Do you realise what this sounds like? It implies that you may have some level of depression and that he is taking advantage of it, by giving you comfort (which is the minimum requirement for being a “good” bf) and that makes you feel like you NEED him to be happy. In a healthy relationship you should be able to laugh and feel joy when you spend time with friends or when you chill alone doing hobby things, too. Yet you specifically mentioned how you don't laugh a lot if he isn't there. That is a red flag.

    Usually he should encourage you to spend quality times with friends and to pursue things that make you happy (without him being a necessary part of it). But he doesn't do that, does he? He is probably keeping you at his side as often as he can, eventually isolating you from your friends. This happens often in toxic relationships and it is why the person above said that you should maintain your friend group. Don't allow yourself or him to isolate you. You need a safety net to return to once this relationship will end (and it will, because you will one day outgrow him and see that you can find someone whose better for you).

    I'm speaking from experience…

  3. I think you are making way more out of this than is warranted. Block, unfriend, insta, whatever. None of that is real life. Your day to day with your girlfriend IS.

    she blocked him after I made clear how she made me felt. That really isn't your demand to make. You can ask, and she can sigh and say fine in order to appease you.

    To me, this sounds like a 'you' problem. If the ex isn't bothering your gf (and so what about the on-line bullshit) why is his existence bothering you?

    You sound very young and fairly insecure. Which is fine! A lot of young people are insecure! But recognize you need to work on you and your insecurities; don't expect anyone else to do it for you.

    Good luck OP.

  4. She is responsible for her own trauma, not you OP. Everything that you're feeling is valid, the feeling of being not attractive, feeling like you're assaulting her by just initiating sex.

    As a bro to another bro, just remember, whatever she says has no credibility anymore. So any hints of sex is a lie, that should've been obvious at the beginning but yeah. It's time to fly again and move forward OP.

    I hope you make the right choice and make yourself happy. for your sake.

  5. Just dump her and move on. Do not move in with her under any circumstances. She is not your responsibility and it will be harder to leave her if you are living together. She can't keep taking her anger put on you, she needs help with it but that is on her not you, not your job to fix her.

  6. I use that term to mean

    You don't get to redefine words.

    She manipulated him. She didn't groom him. Grooming happens to minors. You can tell the truth about what happened to him without misusing words.

  7. It doesn’t sound like she has much regard or respect for you – honestly I would think you are probably better off letting “friends” like this go. When we care about someone, we treat them with care. She treats you like dirt. You deserve better friends than that. She’s shown you who she is – believe her and focus on better people.

  8. How are you able to support yourself working only 2 out of every 4 weeks?

    Your boyfriend is far too young for you and you are returning to your parents home 10 times more frequently than normal. Why are you doing that?

  9. I was in a similar situation to you a few years ago, where I had to resit a course when I thought I was just about to graduate. I was absolutely terrified about telling my parents (especially my Dad).

    Instead of telling both my parents at the same time, I told my mother first and basically broke down crying. She was very sympathetic, and even told my father for me so I wouldn’t have to break the news to him as well. I think they didn’t realise until that point how much I’d been struggling. It felt so good to rip off the bandaid, because now I didn’t have to worry about what their reaction was going to be anymore. And that helped me to make a plan to move forward.

    Best of luck

  10. Lotta red flags here. Being turned on by your virginity is creepy. You seen the movie Kids? He’s taking advantage of your inexperience and low self esteem. Why did you agree to let him have another lover if you’re uninterested in getting action on the side for yourself? You gotta ask yourself if being part of this douchebag’s harem is what you really want

  11. Bbl is literally the most dangerous plastic surgery. You need to gain weight if you want to have any chance of it being effective and they look so fake on small body types. Looking at your history and how young you are you need to break up with this pathetic excuse of a partner. You need someone who is lifting you up. Please don’t do this because you’re being put down by a gross dude.

  12. Aside from instances like this one, which are few and far between, our relationship really is a dream come true. There are a lot of things that can destroy a relationship. This isn’t one of them.

  13. You have been dating for 8 years and how many times in all those years have you had the chance to hook up with other women? Not many i'm guessing. This random opportunity for sex with a women you know nothing about and who doesn't know you, has clearly gone straight gone to your little brain. Before you dump your fiance take a look around reddit.

    Its is full of people ( mostly guys) who thought the grass was greener and dumped their spouses or asked for an open relationship and then weeks later come here crying because their ex met someone better and is moving on whilst they can't make a connection and are SO LONELY.

    Instead of picturing yourself “f' ing a stranger you picked up on a business trip try picturing your boss or other guy more sucessfull than you giving to your fiance and see how you like them apples.

    Be carefull what you wish for.

  14. You are questioning his very character and integrity with no evidence, that will tend to make innocent people angry. Imagine if a loved one claimed angrily you had been stealing from them. Like they truly believed that about you, even though they had no evidence. It's very insulting to assume moral failure in another person, it's something one should be very careful about doing, especially with the people closest to you who you “should” know well enough to know they wouldn't do that.

    If you want to salvage it (there's no reason to assume he was cheating according to what you wrote), you need to apologize. First thing tomorrow if he's already fallen asleep.

  15. Ugh. No. Dump him. He doesn't respect your completely reasonable boundary and is trying to blame you for his own sexual failures.

  16. You need to tell your gf you cheated. The rest of your situation doesn't matter as you don't deserve either for being a cheater.

  17. Sorry this is my first time making a post on Reddit and I got a notification that someone commented but I can now view it. I guess it got removed ?

  18. Sorry this is my first time making a post on Reddit and I got a notification that someone commented but I can now view it. I guess it got removed ?

  19. Your concerns are valid. You need a certain amount of regular face to face time to build a solid foundation.

    Plus if he's divorced or has kids, he may not be interested in a life partner.

    At a minimum, if he is looking for a life partner, he would prioritize you above guy friends.

  20. “2 years relationship” “married with a child” “5 months post partum”. So you got someone you've been in a relationship for like 10 months pregnant and you're wondering why the relationship is wonky? It's bc yall just dont know each other.

  21. Which ones do you want to know? ISO? Diafragma? Shutter time? Or are you more interested in the afterproduction color balance? Adjustments or sharpening etc.?

  22. Which ones do you want to know? ISO? Diafragma? Shutter time? Or are you more interested in the afterproduction color balance? Adjustments or sharpening etc.?

  23. In hindsight, it was pretty suspicious that she would always wear jeans to bed and NEVER took them off, but I assumed it was some kind of trauma, and she would tell me in time. She looks VERY natural, I still look at her pics and cry sometimes, and I can't tell even knowing that she was born male.

  24. I have been in therapy to improve my confrontation skills because I will let something eat me alive before I speak up. I never mentioned this topic bc I am afraid they will tell me the same thing and that I will be all alone. We just got a house and I moved away from home to be with him. I know this generation is different and I dont want to change him. Just dont want to me alone

  25. Plus, OP says he’s number 6. The only way that could happen is if the ONS and the other guys she didn’t originally tell him about are not the same person.

  26. So let me get this straight. Your boyfriend is verbally aggressive abs rude (at minimum), he manipulates you, he scorekeeps (the “I do more for you” shit) AND he emotionally blackmails you.

    And you’re still with him???

    He can’t be worth this. He just can’t.

    He’s trying to punish you into “respecting” him. Why should you respect him? He thinks he should be allowed to verbally abuse you because he does things for you the YOU DIDN’T ASK HIM TO DO.

    I’m sure when he’s in a good mood and you’re not “disrespecting” him, he’s fun to get around. But there’s really nothing that makes the bad things he does worth it.

    Please break up with him. Anyone thinks they should never be held accountable for their actions is a scary person to be around. I mean what’s next? You should forgive him for hitting you because YOU’RE the one who made him angry?

  27. I have autism and am in the process of being diagnosed with ADHD – point is, I have suffered sensory issues my entire life.

    Loud whining and droning noises (like babies crying, dogs howling, machinery) make me wanna tear off my skin and scream and hide. Bumps that may not make others blink will hurt me, as do certain textures and feelings.

    However, none of these issues I have make me want to CANCEL time with my loved ones on the spot. I'll take a deep breath, do a grounding exercise, or get some air, then CONTINUE. I want to on-line my life.

    It sounds like he is either manipulating you or using sensory issues as an excuse.

    If he is in the former category, RUN. If he is in the latter category and in fact does have sensory issues , he needs to put in the work to come up with a plan so he can online life and not putting your relationship on the wayside (especially if he doesn't seem to do it to anyone else).

  28. You can do better than her. She totally blew you off. Find someone closer to your age who will treat you right. I want to be the first person my partner thinks of when they’re planning something fun. Be gone by the time she gets home. Block her on everything. Find someone who wants to do fun things with you.

  29. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I have kids with my ex husband, who I left because of the way he treated the kids and I. I got remarried last year and I was surprised today when new husband snapped. My kids are very young and my first grader didn’t want to go to school this morning. They haven’t been feeling great and stayed home yesterday. I understand husband was running late for work, kid was late for school, but he just snatched them up, yelling and child started crying and then I told him not to yell at the child like that, which caused more yelling and cussing and now we’re in a huge fight. Kid is home. I am home. I need advice, please

    Edited to add:

    Also, I’m pregnant with his child


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