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8 thoughts on “Okkarika online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I get that, I have preferences too. A massive weight gain would be concerning. But he got freaked out when I told him I weighed 131 pounds. Because I was over the “threshold”. Even though I look no different.

  2. Please explain to me how she could've have gotten pregnant without cheating?

    It is not possible to doubt being the father without also doubting that she was faithful.

    If he was oy insecure but trusted her he wouldn't have needed a test. He assumed strongly enough that she had cheated to need a test to prove that she didn't.

  3. It's very natural to be interested in some things and not others. Some people love penetrative sex, but hate oral sex. Those involve most of the same parts!

    You are what you are and that is what you are. Don't fit yourself into a box trying to figure it all out. You're blessed to know what you like – many many people don't get that in their lifetimes.

  4. He’s not my boyfriend?? He’s just my friend and I wouldn’t say wanting him to put in effort is “wanting them to be different than they are” he’s a nice guy and I personally feel like I’m better for knowing him, but I would like if he just…tried to maintain the friendship. And we talked about it and he said that he would work on it. This has been going on for awhile and I’ve been nothing but understanding, but it’s been so long where my needs aren’t being met in the friendship and it’s weighing on me.

  5. Schedule an event for everyone to hang out, at some point he will pull you aside, and as he tries to pull you away start recording. Catch him in the act. And then show her the proof.

  6. I’m saying this with love- don’t get married if you’re self conscious during sex with somebody. It breaks my heart to think of that

  7. nothing about this is bad? he probably just wants to spend time with two important people to him and is finding difficulty between choosing. there’s nothing wrong with that.


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