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Was it specific to romantic compatibility? I could see myself googling something similar with my new boss.
Ig I’m wondering if the first date means the first time that they met and went out or the first time it was an official date. If they were already hanging out then it’d be kinda fucked. If they met on an app or something and it’s the first time being out, then who cares? Even if it was days rather than hours after, I don’t see how anyone could be exclusive at that point if they didn’t know each other before.
You don’t see things differently. You see them as they are (actually less of a reality than is happening) and he sees them as how to further gaslight you.
Nearly everyone breaks up with their boyfriend from when they were 15 and very few of them regret it.
Oh and of course you've experienced more this year than in any other year. Most people do experience more when they're in their 20s than in their teens, even without covid. You were probably still in school when covid started, your early adult years have been more constrained than most.
If you’re a guest at his house they should do your laundry whether or not you are his girlfriend. If you aren’t married then he should be paying for his own stuff. It’s nice of you to run errands for him but if you decide you don’t want to just tell him that you can’t.
Why's he's living with his parents at 26 and they have a housekeeper? He sounds like a loser to me, but maybe you're in a different country were living with your parents at 26 is normal? In the end everything he's asking really doesn't sound like a big deal, but he's does sound like a lazy person and that gets old fast.
I on-line with her already.. the kids love me . I depend on her for a lot. A place to online car to drive. In return I work and put food on the table while she stays home with the kids. I'm already in so deep if I pull back at all it could bring the end. And I don't want to hurt the kids too.
I dont think you know what baby trapping is.
She told him knowing he has very little power as she's pregnant. If she offered to have an abortion if the relationship doesn't survive and told him what happened, then she's doing it for him. Here, she's doing it for her.
No. NO NO NO NO. Stay away from the old men. Or even the older men. He is saying what he wants you to hear so he can ensnare you. Do you want to be 40 and dealing with someone who is almost 70? What about 50 and he's almost EIGHTY FUCKING YEARS OLD. Do NOT pursue this.
You did the right thing. You don't owe her anything even if it is really a trigger and she isn't faking it. She needs to figure out whatever is going on with her before getting into a relationship.
He didn’t say off-brand so I assume he meant actual Benadryl.
I can only work with what OP wrote.
don’t marry this man.
Carter knows very well how good and loyal of a friend I’d been to her over the years. He knows that whenever he did something to make her hurt, I would be there for her no matter what. Her and I were like soul sisters and he knows I never even thought about befriending him while I was by her side.
She crossed so many boundaries of mine and did so many unforgivable things that a reached my breaking point. It’s not about me being a bad friend, because there’s is no friend in this situation. Only an “ex” friend as the title states
that makes so much sense. what was weird was that they had no problem admitting they were wrong up until this point
IF YOU MARRY HER, SHE WILL EXPECT YOU TO ALWAYS FINANCIALLY HELP HER FAMILY AND I MEAN ALWAYS. SHE will take her children she had with you, move out UNTIL YOU give IN TO her wants and needs.
I'm Latina married to a Caucasian and I will not EVER ask my spouse to do this.
MY ADVICE??? Break up. Because she will guilt trip you and blame you for never being supportive UNTIL YOU DIE. Yes, Latinos will hold a grudge until you die.
If her family makes a mess, that's ON THEM NOT YOU.
I thought you meant previous comments outside of this thread. Apologies and thank you.
He seems like the type to be turned on as he can't pleasure himself in the cage tbf.
Probably helping him.
You’re talking about financially benefitting a woman and her child that you have known for less than a year? I understand her stress with money – it keeps me up at night. But if my new boyfriend talked about wanting to pay ME monthly until MY kid is 18, I’d think that he was crazy or trying to find a way to control me via financial abuse. It may be coming from the kindness of your heart, but it’s pretty fucking weird from where I’m standing.
To me that's an incredible reach that, if anything, only takes some bite out of the word misogyny. If this is misogyny then I can't help but not care about that detail. If this was the mother being upset, is it still misogyny? If it was the mother's last name but it's still the father that is upset, is that still misogyny? What does the word mean at this point
OP is actually describing a pretty typical experience for afab people on the spectrum. There's a lot on-line on this issue that can explain all the nuances better than I can, but a lot of it is about how girls are socialized vs boys and expectations of femininity.
When an abusive partner knows they are losing their grip, they shower their victim with love and affection.
Like a man who has punched his girlfriend going out and buying flowers the next day.
A.i . Love
This is why we date. You aren’t compatible. Walk away. It’s only been a month.
should we be calling the police? who's forcing you to be here and engage in this conversation?
So, most women ovulate 1-2 weeks before they get their period. You have to be ovulating in order to get pregnant. You can be a week late with your period three weeks after having sex, which if you’re regular would be very obvious—you would test positive with both a blood and urine sample, but technically you’d be “5 weeks pregnant” because of the dating conventions of pregnancy. In other words, someone with a regular cycle could absolutely know if they were pregnant 3 weeks after having sex.
Sounds like you guys are a mismatch also be wearily of guys who don’t want you spending time with other people. That’s a huge red flag in my book, a little jealousy is normal I think. But he should be understanding that other relationships in your life are important too.
Whatever you do, don't correct her unless you personally dislike being called dad. Kids choose who they bond with
You’re right, she’s wrong. The end
Thank you for this. Also checking out bumble now!
OP, are you religious?
Not as much as he is, but I’m a believer with faith
This is not normal at all. He should see a doctor.
If they got Married after a year, you'd be correct. Otherwise no. He just got out of the honeymoon phase (which can last a year) and realised he didn't like it, admitted to her without blaming her on it. If she's been with him for 6 years after still, means that would be one of his few “flaws” and she has overlooked it for all this time. For…6/7th of their relationship! How can you blame him for something he did in the first 1/7th of the relationship, then stopped because he just couldn't get comfortable with it after all (happens in many different ways for everyone in life), and she still stayed for 6 times longer and is NOW not happy? I'm not blaming her either, but if it matters so much, she should be looking for a more compatible partner and he shouldn't be blamed for any of this… well unless they DID get married right before he stopped doing it.
Just ask him if he wants the relationship to end, because if he keeps pushing for him to help her, you will walk. If she is that important to just let you know because you aren't willing to accept being 2nd to her and just let them do whatever. The codependency between them is thick, and you will get pushed aside so he can save her if you don't put your foot down. This is a hill to die on, you or her. Good luck.
Thank you for the reply!
I guess I do also appreciate the fact that she was open to me about the gifts not being what she wanted. Problem is that now she feels really bad about telling me this but I've sort of moved on and accepted that fact already.
Next time we will just communicate specifically on gifts and make sure to not get more than what's needed
Have you ever expoerienced this before?