TianaMiller online sex cams for YOU!

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I’m new here, i want so much fun… My pussy and my HORNY… u want fuck me? // at goal ALL HARD [GOAL MET]


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24 thoughts on “TianaMiller online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Split major expenses according to your income. You make roughly double, so split it 60/30 or so.

    Alternatively, commit to a certain amount from each of you into a joint account, or make the joint account the default and send a set amount to personal accounts.

  2. Call the police, it's the only way to stop him from using suicide to emotionally blackmail you again every time he doesn't get his way. Knowing you will not hesitate to call the police will, hopefully, stop repeated behaviour like this.

  3. Adding that OP still has to use soap. My ex would just sit in the bath and sweat, not use soap, and get out and towel dry saying she’d done what she needed to. Her hygiene was horrible and whenever I think of her, that’s what I remember no matter how good things were sometimes. OP, do you want to be the boyfriend or remembered as “the ex who never showered”?

  4. I think he is a mumma's boy. And according to me he already planned to come on trip with his mom. There is no any option that she came to meet his son in his apartment when you guys go on the trip. And the Packed Bag of his mom this is really out of the word.

    It's ok that he paid the bills but again I know you want to spend some quality time with your boyfriend.

  5. Hello /u/WorriedRazzmatazz45,

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  6. Toxic is not really the word I’d use. At the end of the day you’re both adults and if that’s the boundaries you’ve set and both agree, then it’s not really anyone else’s business.

  7. Most definitely rape, which is not the same thing as saying that it could be proven to be rape in a court proceeding.

    Being annoyed/pissed rather than traumatized and needing decades of therapy is totally fine. Every situation is different and every woman reacts differently and you may just be more resilient than average. Your top priority at this point should be to protect yourself in future, which means never, ever, agree to be alone with him again.

  8. She didn’t do anything wrong. Unfortunately, this feeling is totally on you to either push aside, or let it ruin the relationship. Personally, I see it as a bit immature to end an otherwise great relationship over something that happened when you were NOT officially dating.

    If you can’t get past it though, it’s not fair to her to be with someone who keeps dwelling on this.

  9. That's going to be difficult for you, but I think you're trying to convince yourself she wasn't into you since the beginning, which might not be the case. Killing the sexuality when the flame is the strongest (at the beginning, the actual honeymoon) changes the dynamics. I know a lot about it, as my wife wanted to wait, but I didn't and it had a negative outcome.

  10. This story is so unbelievable.

    First of all, your husband is 50 years old and is still going to House parties? Second, your sister is a known alcoholic and you left her alone with your husband? Third, you guys were supposedly at a house party. Then somehow ended back up at your house. With her being alone with him downstairs while you fell asleep….. While you would have had to have brought her to your house mind you.

    Not to mention the inconsistencies of the story itself. One moment you guys are at a party. The next moment you are apparently at your house sleeping alone for some reason. And then the next moment you say that she doesn't remember getting home… And I find it equally unplausible that your sister lives with you.

  11. OP go meet with your son without Max or your daughter. Be prepared to answer questions and to give your son a an apology. You put Max first in moments of your sons life. Honestly, all you can do is go and be prepared for whatever your son needs to ask you or talk to you about. It’s either going to go in your favor or it’s not. If you want to relationship with your son go. If you don’t then stay home. This might be the only time you get the chance to open that door again. Or at least get the closure.

    I do think you’re a really terrible mom to your son. You decided to sleep with your sons best friend growing up. And start a relationship with affectively a child. Because anyone who is 39 does not need to be messing around with an 18 year old. It is a simple as that.

  12. He blew up on you when you asked to be included in activities. That sticks out. That’s not the actions of someone who values you. Expect better. I would reconsider this relationship.


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