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27 thoughts on “Valery-carvajall live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Both my parents were dead by the time I was 30. Spend time with your dad. Your dad not being able to >ever< spend the night isn’t a compromise.

  2. I have an intense hatred of bellybuttons, including my own. The most I can do is clean it out in the shower. I don’t touch my belly button other than that. The thought of something in my belly button makes me want to gag. Occasionally, my boyfriend accidentally shoots some of his load into my belly button. It’s awful. It makes me so uncomfortable, but we laugh about it because it’s not like he’s purposely aiming there. You can’t control where the cum goes sometimes. He also once got some in my ear. That was so weird.

  3. Yes you are in the wrong. But this is why you don't agree to things like opening the relationship when you don't actually want to. And guess what? You didn't want to.

    Also he's wrong for not communicating that he wanted swinging to be solely about sex. You are dating the guy.

  4. I wish everyone had to read and absorb this. Love isn't magic. It can feel 'magical'…but it's not magic. The thing you just listed are the cornerstones of a healthy relationship and love that 'feels' like magic.

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  6. Hello /u/insanebish,

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  7. Is he giving you a five-day vacation for a girls trip before his party?

    If not, why not? That’s the only way this happens.

    Also, how many nights and weekends currently does he take the kids soup to nuts while you go to a spa or just sleep or watch TV in your bedroom? If not, why not?

  8. Feeling so strong about him and going off to have flings seems the opposite ends of intentions to some people. Just puts into question if she was being honest with him about her feelings. Like you have to choose monogamy or polygamy. Can’t have both.

  9. I know I’m a stranger. I think you’ve made the right choice. Go talk to the non biased person. It will help set in stone in your mind that this just isn’t right for you anymore. You deserve to be happy and healthy. You shouldn’t have to have panic attacks when your partner talks about your future- that’s not how it should be. Good luck Reddit friend!

  10. Thanks for the followup. The problem with throwing unusual stuff at people, even in jest, is that weird, unfortunate stuff can happen.

  11. Because they're full of promises and wear a perfect partner mask until they have you more and more trapped.

  12. Right I’m guessing this isn’t the first time something weird like this has happened if everyone just sat there and watched and let it happen. There’s definitely more odd interactions if you think back, OP

  13. That's super gross. I cannot imagine wanting to suck on the neck of one of my kids. Parents are not supposed to look at their children in a sexual manner or think of doing sexual things to them – and seriously the VAST majority of us don't. Have you known your dad all your life – and is this considered normal in your family?

  14. I am so sorry for what you've been going through, OP. That kind of response, especially after you expressed clear boundaries is disgusting. No self-respecting man would repeatedly do that to the woman they love, much less a woman they've been with for 9 years. Being married isn't a license to mistreat you.

    I don't normally say ultimatum are warranted, but your physical and mental health come first.

  15. You don’t have any good options. You can’t cut them off at all with how much they’re supporting you unless you’re willing to lose the financial and housing support.

  16. 4 years is too soon?

    At the end of the day, even if they’re just worried, they’ve got to learn some boundaries. If they don’t, then not only do they risk losing her, but they’re defeating the purpose. Let’s say things go south with this guy and he ends up being shitty as well. If they’ve made a big deal about this and have pushed her away, do they actually think that she’d come to them for help getting out? Seems unlikely. She’ll feel like they’re going to say “I told you so”, and she’ll stick around in the bad relationship for longer than she should.

    They’re not helping, and this has the potential to make things worse, and even drive her into the very situation that they’re worried about

  17. Closure in the sense of emotionally understanding what happened and accepting it is never going to happen, because he is terrible at communicating feelings and any question he does explain will just give you two more questions. Also, this is a traumatizing way to leave a relationship so it is normal to ruminate on it for a very long time.

    What has worked for me in the past is focusing on your own feelings. Don’t focus on why he broke up because you will never be certain of that, and it will always pain you. Instead, focus on how his actions made you feel. Look back at the relationship and how things affected you, try your best to disregard his motives as it’s pure speculation and you’ll drive yourself mad. This is all stuff you can answer without him, so focus on that.

    And don’t worry about moving on, it’s a process not a destination. People try and get over this kind of pain far too fast instead of sitting with it and processing everything, and end up repeating these situations. So allow yourself to be hurt and not move on, ruminate on this as long as you need so you don’t find yourself in this situation again or if you do, you’re better prepared to deal with it. The pain will never fully heal, but one day it won’t really bother you.

    Also, your mother’s advice is terrible. You’re craving answers, good relationships thrive on open and honest communication and if he had been a good partner he’d offer you some explanation or be honest with himself about what he’s feeling.

  18. Nah he moved on and you guys dont trust each other, you working on yourself with therapy doesnt change that.

    You are better off finding someone new, otherwise you will fall into the same traps like last time.

  19. What could you be doing wrong? Doesn't sound like any deception or anything happened. He's allowed to feel how he wants, even if it hurts your feelings, so long as it isn't malicious. Who knows what was going on then, if you have no reason to doubt, have fun. Y'all, this is life and how we learn to keep meaningful relationships. Only hands-on experience will do on this one. Maybe he breaks your heart, maybe you break his, maybe it's till death. You'll never know if you don't try, and you'll never really be trying if you're focused on the outcome that may not happen.

  20. Ask for it anyway. Maybe he won’t get it but maybe he will end up with more than every other weekend. You will need time to recharge your batteries.


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