Mistress Kristi on-line sex chats for YOU!

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19 thoughts on “Mistress Kristi on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I've had other FWB in the past, but just because our relationship is purely sexual doesn't mean we can't treat each other and others with respect and sincerity. I have no intention of ever speaking to this guy again, I now find him repulsive. If I contact this girl, it will surely hurt her in the short term, but it will be for the best in the long run. At the very least she deserves to know what kind of person she's with before she gets in too deep (i.e. getting married, moving countries, having kids, etc.) if she then decides to continue with him that's entirely up to her.

  2. Yeah something is definitely going on with him. Based on your other posts he has a past of cheating so that could definitely be it. No matter what is going on he should not be like that. It was clearly an accident. So unless you are not telling the entire story then he is definitely in the wrong.

  3. Stevencri, you are so spot on. The only thing I can add from experience is think long and nude about taking her back. You are fortunate that her character was revealed before marriage and children. In the best scenario, she may not be evil, but she may not have known how to deal with her unhappiness in the relationship and was searching for answers. In a worse scenario, she was monkey branching; but because it was an ex from so long ago, probably the former is true. Either way, she's been with you long enough to know you and she obviously thinks something is missing. You are both young and I definitely changed around your ages.

    Her actions speak volumes, If you get back together, chances are I'll catch up with you over at r/infidelity in a few years, and hopefully the word 'children' will not come up.

  4. I ask your parents if you can go to family therapy together on the pretense of your anorexia and spill the beans about their unhealthy relationship with you and food. If what they're doing is abusive they will be reported, if not they'll get schooled either way.

  5. Considering how bad yours got I am not surprised. My moms gallbladder surgery took 6 months too.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  6. Yeah, but I wouldn’t expect him to tell me anything different either. Of course he’s gonna try to protect my feelings since he loves me. I guess I just wish I could sexually satisfy him in a way that feels out of reach right now.

  7. I asked out a woman from my college I met and spoke with a few times. She seemed nice and I wanted to know more about her. Today I asked her directly “Hey Melissa, when are you free for coffee?”. She stood there looking completely caught off guard and nervous.

    Of course she did! Next time — with a different person — try not being so pushy and aggressive. “Melissa, I'd like to get to know you better, would you like to get a coffee together on Wednesday after class?”

    If you want to bring it up, you could apologize for the WAY you approached her. “Melissa, I'm sorry for being so brash the other day – I was nervous and everything came out wrong. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable and I will do my best not to do it again.”

  8. He took a nude stance that I should get my tubes tied.

    But he was kinda correct? In your situation the logical choice was to have your tubes tied, regardless of the relationship to him. NOT having another kid at this point was an order of magnitude more important than your relationship parity.

    Both your and OP's examples are basically the same, the problem is not the relationship itself, it is the issue of not taking the problems caused by fertility seriously enough.

    Each situation was the “holy fuck, drop everything you do and get sterilized ASAP” kind of a situation.

  9. See this is my feeling. It's just a job. I understand that there's a social stigma attached to it, but at the end of the day it's still just a job. I can see how it matters to some people if there is a specific mentality/ethical considerations (I'm sure that it would be the same conversation if a vegan was dating someone he used to work in a slaughterhouse for instance) but doesn't sound like he has any issue with it, which means it's probably a topic the've never clashed on (porn in general). It's still a job, but I could see how it could have implications on social life and personal relationships? But at the end of the day… SW is… Work.

    I'm sure there are numerous jobs from our youth me and my spouse of over a decade have forgotten to tell each other about. ??‍♀️

  10. Put boundaries in your friendship with this guy (or just cut him off completely) and grovel to your bf. He’ll come around.


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