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13 thoughts on “Mizukisu1 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. No. Your line of work conflicts with what most men want and need, exclusivity. He's clearly not fine with it nor will it get better.

  2. I’d question are you sure you’re ready for a relationship just yet?

    There is NOTHING wrong with being single for awhile taking a breather, taking some time out for yourself , maybe do some travel and not caring what others think

    LDR is an added complication and for someone in your position probably not the best idea at this point unless there’s a clear plan for one of you to move to the other

  3. Just forget about it and move on….as long as she's not bringing home diseases it really doesn't matter.shes with you now, so worrying about her “body count”, which is not even that many people in comparison to others, so you just sound silly to me. Grow up and get over it.

  4. The title is so misleading. She isn’t selfish, you just don’t know each other yet and you not committing to dates you set up isn’t really helping.

    And the comment that she is 31 but looks like 21 is kind of creepy and not helping you in the least.

  5. Honest advice? Because “just get over it” is easier said than done. I would say “look for an ick.”

    Everyone has SOMETHING they do that is super unattractive and is the sort of thing that you might be willing to overlook if you already love them, but are sort of gross to learn about if you're not. I invited a “couple” over to my house in early days for dinner, and after she saw how he ate a piece of chicken she was just so revolted by the way he was eating it that she couldn't imagine anything further with him–and every time she saw him after that she thought about the chicken.

    Look for an ick. I personally find flirting with someone in a subordinate position while married to already be pretty ick-y, but if that's not enough, I highly suggest looking for something gross.

  6. Shes 23, she's not middle aged in the slightest. Sounds like she realised the relationship isn't what she wants right now. Don't wait for something that may not happen, just focus on your own life.

  7. As a guy with a female best friend, I have never come close to spending as much time with her as her husband and could never imagine doing so, ESPECIALLY with a kid involved. Need to air out the feelings for sure.

  8. According to OP's comment history, OP last commented on reddit 3 months ago (unless it is not showing up in his post and comment history). And the post shows nothing that can lead to what you assumed.

  9. So her screaming “do better” means these posts are directed at you. That isn't okay. It is not healthy to try and communicate to your partner through passive- aggressive social media posts, or to yell “do better” when finally asked about it. She isn't acting like a good partner, or even an adult, by acting this way. She should be able to communicate her needs to you, and at the very least, engage in a normal conversation when you asked her about it. You shouldn't be in a relationship with someone who treats you that way, makes you feel this way, and can't communicate on the most basic level.

    Now here is some advice for your next relationship. Most women don't want a man with money, they want a man who treats them well. So you were taking her on dates, then transitioned that money in to bills, but by doing so, you can lose the romance. I am financially independent, I don't need a man to pay for my meals, but I WANT a man who plans things, takes me out on dates, let's me dress up nicely, wants to go on vacation, plans a picnic, remembers my favorite things. All of that can seem like we want money, but what we really want is thoughtfulness and romance.

    I only say this because the first part of your story where you laid out that you used to pay for dinner, now you pay bills, made me cringe a little because I was like…so how are you two showing up romantically? I get envious when I see those perfect boyfriend posts, not because I want a rich man, because I want a man with a PLAN. That is so sexy. So, this girlfriend seems like a bad egg, you deserve better, but in your next relationship, remember to always keep the romance going, because paying the light bill isn't sexy, but necessary.

  10. I'll probably get downvoted a lot for even saying this, but I'm in a relationship with an age gap that's similar (14 years vs 16 years but similar ages), and reading your post is a laundry list of red flags. The fact that he still dodges the question why he was on your campus is probably the biggest one. From everything else, it doesn't seem like he was looking for an equal partner but someone to clean up after him.

  11. All I can say is Im of the belief that my fathers therapist is a major reason for his and my step moms divorce. It could also be who was completely deluded. But when he talked about his therapist I picked up on infatuation and putting her on a wonderful pillar and COMPARING her to my step mom. So I definitely think this sort of thing can happen


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