BlackBerryyy on-line webcams for YOU!

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❤, ️Naughty stuff in Goals❤️Lush is ON❤️Make me wet❤️ [Goal Race]


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24 thoughts on “BlackBerryyy on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I would leave her and anyone else in his life alone. You only have a sex relationship with him and you should act accordingly. You're in the sex lane and that lane is a rough place lol! You're lurking, so you might not want just sex, be careful how you treat yourself. Now you're looking to hurt another woman because your mad and calling it protecting her.

  2. Try to be patient with him, he may be struggling with the fact that he's paralyzed. He's probably angry. He trusts you and feels safe taking it out on you. He doesn't mean to, it happens to a lot of caregivers. Try not to take it personally, you're having a hot enough time already.

  3. I always think the first plan you made takes priority. You have arranged to see him that weekend so yes I’d say it would be a bit crappy to now bail on those plans. Saying this, maybe your gf would enjoy time with her dad on her own, I know I do. Why don’t you tell her the ski date changed in a casual way and from her response you can gauge her thoughts?

  4. Look at the next 10 years of your life so u want it to be filled of people questioning where he is? Why couldn't he be there? Do u want your life filled with pictures of you that should be pictures of the both of you? You already wasted 5 years on this guy and nothing has gotten better, no improvements, only more sulking and guilt tripping. What the point of being with him?

    You guys don't align politically anymore, he's starting farther from you morally, you want to have fun and enjoy seeing and participating in the world, he is fine never leaving leaving his comfort zone. Love isn't enough to hold a relationship together you need trust and respect both of which he's shown he has none of for u by implying your cheating and “not marriage material”

    The answer is clear

  5. Well, technically/biologically speaking, the only thing the child gets from the father is DNA. Everything else, (including their actual blood, bones, organs, and their mitochondria (the powerhouse of their cells)) is produced by nutrients from my body.

  6. You’re actually delusional. The world does not revolve around you.

    Fucking hell to the world a favour and give your head a wobble.

  7. Meh, it's not extremely out there as far as fantasies go.

    There are a whole lot of sexual activities that I will dirty talk to my partner about in the moment, that neither of us would actually follow through with. The fantasy and dirty talk about it are enough. I wouldn't be too concerned about it at this point.

  8. Then stop going to his place. Find out what his plans are ahead of time, and if he’s planning to ditch you to go out with the boys, don’t go. He’s being a giant ass.

  9. He seems nice. A real keeper. After all, who doesn't want to be in a relationship with someone who straight up says they will violently assault you if you do something they don't like? /s

    You're 19. Dump this guy and finding someone who doesn't think abuse (violent or otherwise) is acceptable in a relationship. Yeesh.

  10. no it’s not fine, you are really uneducated in that topic, it is definitely not fine. Please educate yourself more. Do you know how damaging it is when you take hormones or do bottom surgerey? There's no going back, you'll never be the same again if you regret it.

    2/3. yeah like i said, you always felt like a woman but how does a woman feel? Can you explain to me how a woman should feel? How is it being a woman? What even is a woman? „Everyone feels different“ how can you feel like a woman?

  11. You asked him, he declined. He isn't obligated. If you want to date someone who will put your family over his own arrangements then date someone else. What is important to you isn't necessarily what's important to him.

    re: sleeping arrangements – ask him! “Hey, we said I'd sleep at yours but I am afraid it's going to be late – can I get the spare key so I can let myself in?”

  12. Make sure it's legal first though. If you're in the U.S., look up which states are legal for one party to record with out the other's consent.

  13. This man criticized your smell. Does he expect vulvas to smell like nothing? Or something floral or some other bs? Vulvas smell like body parts because they are. As long as you are keeping clean and hygienic, what he said was just insulting and ignorant.

    Not to mention comparing you with the other women he’s been with. If he likes other women’s vag so much then he can go and have them.

    He also wants you to be 100% bare when you have sex?? That’s just completely unrealistic and stupid. Plenty of other men love bushes because they love having sex with the woman. Where’s he getting this 100% bare standard from? Porn? Well is he sporting a 6 pack and ripped body and a huge butt? No? He can fuck right off.

    AND he lied to you consistently for YEARS. Marriage with a liar will never end well.

    I’m sorry I’m so mad for you. I don’t know if you think this is a dealbreaker, but it will be for me. At least talk to him about all this, stand your ground and be firm. Do not let him manipulate or coerce you into thinking this is okay. Do not let him “cry” in guilt or any of that bs. Good luck

  14. you were implying in your op that there were boundaries, seemed not sexual, then we get to the jump hugging….


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