MusiKin online webcams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “MusiKin online webcams for YOU!

  1. This doesn't really fit this sub. Posts are supposed to be about advice on a specific situation, not general questions.

  2. Have you and your husband take that secret to the grave. Also, maybe umm don't hang nudes in your house unless you're ready for your entire extended family and friends to see it…

  3. Dude, I question religion just as much As an atheist does, just because I'm religious doesn't mean I'm a blind fool lol. And I can honestly see where you're coming from, trust me, I get it. Although, has it ever occurred to you that ripping someone's head off isn't the best way to voice your disagreement? Lol

  4. Long time (ex)married here, with a bunch of single male friends. My ex husband wasn't the jealous type, but I would never ever hide a friendship from him. He could've read all messages between me and my friends, he could come along, be introduced, meet them if he wanted. I never hid anything from him, always told him where, who, when, what. If you start hiding stuff, it's a red flag for sure. I'm not the kind to be unfaithful, and never crossed a line, but yeah, this is how I'd do it if I was going to be.

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  6. I do this all the time.

    My fiance knows that this behavior is due to trauma involving emotional and physical abuse as a kid to adulthood. The moment I hear certain tonal voice chabges and/or body language that makes me think someone is mad or upset, my immediate response is to gauge how bad by softly asking questions that can help me know when and where it would be safe for me to ask for a small change or for potential help.

    It is an ingrained response and while i am trying to break that habit, after 28 years of ingrain habit due to abuse, my fiance of 9 years (i am 36) is a saint because he allows me to ask my questions but also helps me work trhough why i felt the need to do so.

    You need to sit your wife down, explain to her that you are wanting to understand why she does communicate to you this way and that you would like for her to understand how it makes you feel and try to work it out from there.

    Please do not approach this with anger, you will not get anywhere. Come from love and understanding but also dont pressure her to try and change overnight. It is a process.

  7. They always wait until they have you trapped as good little doormat, before they lay confessions like this one you.

  8. Your wife needs to get away from her family, they sound extremely toxic, especially the sister. She also needs some professional help, this isn't really something you can help with. She needs to work on the years of comparison with a therapist. All you can keep doing is reassuring her, being there for her, showing her love/affection. It may be tiring and draining, but she is your wife and needs you more now than she ever has before. It's not easy having a sibling who tries to take everything from you and that you've been compared to constantly. That sounds like a nightmare.

  9. You sure did your best to sabotage your relationship. You tried until you succeded. Do not play the blame game, if you want to break do so if not thing how to move on, not who did worse thing

    “Plausible” is not a word I would use. However she may feel about it, this a result of your actions in the sense that without them it would likely never happen.

    Make your decision what do you want in life monogamy or a convoluted mess of a relationship. With your current gf these are only posdible options, besides break up of course.

    As for future, words do not matter actions do. Ask yourself what do you want your relationship to be. If polygamy then don't expect her to be honest with you, the way I see it she isn't into this, it was regular cheating and continuing on this path eill just delay your break up.

    If monogamy then I suppose she should cut contact with that guy (and others if tbere are some)and you should start putting effort into spending more time together and do more “things” together, in hope to repair the damage.

  10. Nobody can read minds. Take a breathe and stop over thinking. Bc we have no idea who that person is or how they're going to respond, nobody can give you good advice on him. The ball isn't in your court and you have no locus of control. Just have to wait and see


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