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39 thoughts on “Rebecca77valentine online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You need to bring this stuff up now, and be ready to stand your ground when you do. This stuff is important make sure she knows that.

  2. I'd keep my options open too…. his head is probably all over the place. It's very soon to be dating after you've just filed. He probably still seeks attention but not a connection or anything serious.

    He really should be avoiding potential partners all together and properly grieve his marriage if needed. There's a lot of self love involved but some people can't handle being single and get lonely quickly. He could even be searching for a rebound and didn't see you as a quickie.

  3. Literally just did a training today on domestic/Intimate partner abuse and assessing the lethality and dangerousness in incidents… one of the big things mentioned was serious escalation over seemingly minor things.

    This was not going to end well. He did you a favor. Your life is worth more than a plate and a lamp. Let him go and keep on moving. Keep the house if you can and get a roommate if needed. If you can’t afford it, sell and split the amount.

    But seriously, I can’t even begin to tell you the blessing he just gave you.

  4. Okay well I don't know what the law is in your jurisdiction, but at this point I'd argue that the dog is yours and she would have no standing to demand its return. Or maybe give it two more months so it's a full year.

    Point being, in most jurisdictions, companion animals are considered property. Once personal property has been abandoned ('abandoned' is a legal term of art and is defined by the rules/regs in your jurisdiction), it is yours. You are caring for the dog, feeding the dog, taking the dog to the vet. She, on the other hand, has made no effort and taken no action to retrieve the dog; she has essentially abandoned it.

    So I wouldn't worry about her taking legal action, and even if she did, she won't get the dog back. In my opinion. (and – I'm a US attorney, not UK).

    Meanwhile when it comes to YOUR property: You need to continue to attempt to retrieve it. Document every time you contact her. Be polite, be straightforward. I've read your other comments, and I would push with her family to help you arrange a time that they can meet with you at nan's property, and bring someone with you (to help/witness – don't go alone).

    You can also tell the father (or whoever is most reasonable) that you need to get this sorted because unfortunately, and you'd hate to do this, but you might have to end up taking this to small claims court so it can get settled.

    If all else fails, you can in fact take her to small claims court: she either returns your property or she reimburses you for its value. Write down everything she has of yours, try to figure out what it is all worth.

    Good luck OP.

  5. How often does this get posted? Are we to believe a 29 year old thinks a 16/17 year old is 20+? And at your best friends birthday party who I am assuming is a similar/same age?

  6. I'm the only one thinking about it. I don't think he's thinking about it anymore, he just mentioned it and how it made him feel the day it happened.

  7. Valid point for sure-he ended up telling her directly they weren’t going to hang out outside of work from this point but he took responsibility for it and was truthful with her about it, saying it was related to the fact he failed to communicate with me and that I was uncomfortable as a result. I have some guilt for it as she got upset, I’m not sure if it an appropriate reaction from her end or if she was wanting more than friends from him

  8. I get the anxiety, all of my girl friends message each other to say they’ve got home safe, guy friends not so much. I think they just don’t have the same level of concern.

    The thing is that he feels like he’s being micromanaged, he doesn’t want to have to report in that he’s home okay so you might just have to accept that and find other ways to deal with your anxiety.

  9. That’s not necessarily true. They’re older and they’ve lived together while OP and his gf haven’t. It’s a different life stage.

    I know I badgered my now husband about getting engaged but as soon as the timeline was “after I graduate” I dropped it because then I knew! Hopefully it’s just about getting on the same page.

  10. You don’t think that comes off as weird or creepy since we haven’t talked for so long? I’m all for calling and being more personable and different but I’m just afraid that’s way too much

  11. She's not my current gf. I have the chance to make it more serious, but wondering if I should wait until after I finish school.

  12. Welp, be a “bitch” and drop her.

    A healthy relationship contains MUTUAL respect. She shouldn't be bringing you down to others just for clout or something

  13. Seems to me she was ready to leave and she assumed you’d either agree or get mad and ultimately end things after she told you…

    But instead you didn’t overreact because you had previously decided you were certain you wanted to work on things…

    IMHO … you already wanted out. She wants out. Working on things doesn’t always work. At this point, you’re going to have to convince her to work on things and then prove it constantly. Every bad day is going to set in stone (in her mind) that she shouldn’t have stayed, and (in your mind) that you’re failing. Sounds exhausting and not a life I’d wanna live.

  14. That sucks, but you are not responsible for her. She is not your dependent. I'm so sorry you're going through this, but it sounds like you'll be better off without her. Best of luck.

  15. I would avoid mentioning that you overheard his session, and take accountability to make sure you set an alarm or otherwise make sure you give him space moving forward.

    If his feelings are making you question your decision, you can sit down with a “you know, I said what I wanted, but I feel like we didn't really discuss this and make a decision as a team. Can we do that now?”

    This decision is not just an emotional one. Things to discuss include paying for Healthcare and childcare, managing pay cuts for lost time and hours for work, living arrangements, and managing the additional responsibilities in the home.

    Since you're not married you should also align on medical decisions like vaccinations, interpersonal decisions like who can visit when and under what circumstances (like if they need to vaccinate before baby is x old, or how to handle any boundary stomping), naming (who's last name for baby), custody arrangements and next of kin.

    Be wary that when we're excited and planning it's easy for us to agree and make it feel perfect. But when execution comes there are other subreddits full of pregnant people who've been burned by their significant others. If there are red flags when discussing the above, weigh your options carefully. You can usually have a child later, when you're ready, but once you say yes to one you reach a point of no return to change your mind.

  16. Did you two have plans that he canceled in order to go to Japan?

    If an opportunity came up and he didn’t have other plans then I guess it makes sense to me that he’d go.

    If you want to take a trip, do more than casually talk about it. Planning takes research and time and you have to have the money ready to book and buy tickets. If you’re not ready, start saving and start looking for 2024. Or book something solo or with a friend.

    I can appreciate why you’re upset but you have no history or traveling like he does and it seems like maybe this whole couples trip was kind of “wishy washy”. Let him know your feelings are hurt and that you want to prioritize a trip next year.

  17. He blew up because he is your bf, not your therapist. Do you think dealing with your depression has been a picnic for him.

    Are you in a place healthy enough to be in a relationship. As this of both yourselves.

  18. Why don’t you suggest buying a nice but less expensive ring now and when you’re in a more secure financial position, you can upgrade her ring.

  19. No. I'm sorry, but that's just a reality and a part of growing up. Take initiative. Youre right the worst thing that can happen is he says no and your friendship changes. However it doesn't have to be a permanent change and it could just be a temporary awkwardness.

    By the way. The “if he wanted to he would” thing works both ways. There's also a heavy second part to it.

    “If he wanted to he would” *** if it has been communicated to him/been told.

    Consider this. He's in the same boat as you. Now you're two people waiting for the other person to make the first move. If no one days you stay like that. What are you going to do?

  20. Yeah, it often turn into a negative spiral where you both just keep repeating the same things, this builds resentment and drains you both.

    Say something happen to you and you tell your bf. A guy's first thought will be, how do we fix this and will try to do so. And that's where the disconnect happens because you just want to be comforted or listened to. So next time that happens, how about telling him, either before or after you tell him about it that you don't need a fix or advice, you just need someone to listen and maybe comfort you, be there for you.

  21. Lmao this is fake af. Otherwise my 5 year old son has more awareness and spine than you my dude.

    Take the trash out, or enjoy tasting someone else’s potential kids for the rest of your life ?‍♂️

  22. well now you won’t get to know him at all because you fucking hit him because he wouldn’t cancel plans with his grandma.

  23. Hi. I’m sorry you are going through this. I think most of us have been through this and we all know how badly it hurts. Honestly, it sounds like this girl is ready to move on and there’s nothing you can do to change that. The only thing to do is try to get through this. I know it doesn’t seem like it but the pain will lessen with time and you will find a new girlfriend. I’m so sorry. I hope you feel better.


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