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35 thoughts on “CHLOE-CHANNEL on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Ending a relationship is going to hurt regardless. There’s no easy way to end it so that it doesn’t hurt. I’ve tried. Trying to overlook things that truly bother you will never be easier, it’ll lead to resentment. It sounds like you’re on a road to bigger and better and he’s good where he’s at. Just be honest and tell him how they been making you feel. If he isn’t willing to make changes to better himself for him at the minimum how can you expect him to makes changes for you?

  2. oh okay, thats better!

    So, I think the situation is a yellow flag. With me age and experience, I believe violence wasnt the proper answer here, but realistically speaking, the other ppl were the aggressors and with your bf's age, I am more understanding of how he reacted. It seems like stupid youthful chest-beating bar nonsense. I think it is concerning that he thinks its cool to get off with no consequences bc his family has money and connections.

    I think a conversation is warranted at least. I would ask him if there's been any other situations in which his family made go away. Tell him that some ppl in your life have expressed concern over the situation and see how he responds. If he's a good egg, he might be taken aback by that at first, but he should be understanding that ppl that love want to make sure you're safe with him and try to alleviate your concerns.

  3. Binge eating is a disease, like alcoholism. It is not your fault. If he has the tendency, it is just the way his brain copes. I have been dealing with for probably 36 years. Sometimes I get under control, but I know a binge will happen. Also if he does pot, it makes it worse. Like I have gone through phases of smoking weed because it allows me to eat more and food just feels so good. But do not blame yourself or your journey. His brain just likes all chemicals food pleasure produces.

  4. It’s worth considering if he split with you under the guise of poor communication so he could have sex with her and test out his feelings for her ‘guilt free’. It’s shitty, but a lot of people have done it.

    Did he know of the person before you split? Did they communicate before you guys split? Have they stayed in touch since? Did they share nudes? Does he still have them?

    As someone else mentioned, he’s trickle truthing you. I’d encourage having a list of questions that you need answered to know how unfaithful and dishonest he’s been. And then steeling yourself for a conversation where you tell him that you are struggling to get past it and need to know everything to be able to stop your mind questioning things. That you want him to be completely honest now and leave nothing unsaid do that you can both draw a line under it and make sure you can move forward together.

    I’ve done this. I’ve listened to the things that came forward while my heart was breaking, but tried hard not to show it. Keep probing as calmly as possible for information so you get the e full picture.

    Once you break down, they will clam up and say that was everything even if it wasn’t. They are focused on keeping you rather than being respecting you and being honest to you. Not knowing that not being honest is what will lose you.

    You can always say it too, being dishonest here in anyway will end out relationship. Even if I find out in the future.

    Calm but firm and unwavering. I was gobsmacked by the depth of betrayal and dishonest and would have not gotten anywhere if I was showing how much I was falling apart inside.

    I hope there’s nothing else to find hun. Best of luck.

  5. It's baffling that you're not bothered by the fact that he said he's married. Why isn't that your first line of inquiry? That's a big red flag that you should sort out before going further.

  6. It certainly seems to be an approach of a lot of younger people. We were taught to hold out for what you want or just have fun and have sex with anyone. Both of those seem to be options when I was younger I’ve learned over time to value more of what I want, because the other hurt me and did not heal me. What people don’t really realize it’s for people with issues love is healing whether it’s love from friendships or loving relationship it helps heal our wounds you have to do a certain amount of work on your own first.

  7. If you really care about her- make this about her issue and not your perceived lack of respect. If it is ADHD, that is a disability and part of it is being late to shit and fucking up all the time. You have to have some pretty serious coping mechanisms in place to manage it if you aren't medicated. Don't come to her as a complaint, come to her as a partner.

    The person talking about consequences doesn't understand real relationships. She's not your child to be punished. Talk to her like an adult.

  8. first, you tell your mom and step-dad not to answer the door. then, you lock your door. next; dial all the digits to security, but don't click call.

    if you hear a knock on the door: ask if the person is your dad's friend. if yes: tell them you must use the restroom and that it's urgent. call security. don't tell security that you know the visitor in any way. they're a stalker or something. wait for them to handle things.

    you're not powerless. don't let your father guilt you into giving hospitality to a complete stranger.

  9. The comments are spot on in terms of not dealing with your stress with alcohol. Yea sometimes I’ll have a little wine with dinner. But I also will do yoga, journal, meditate or go to the gym. You need effective outlets.

    Also OP if you’re working all day and doing most of the chores that’s the other issue. You don’t have an equal partner. You need to balance that back out because you have a bf problem too

  10. In my experience, older men sometimes seem to be much different than I expect so I understand your situation. A couple years ago when I was 27 I dated a guy that was 42 assuming he would be more mature and responsible than guys my age. He turned out to be very manipulative, verbally abusive, and just a complete asshole. I’m fortunate I decided to leave after just a few months. It seems like an unpopular opinion here, but I can understand how after 4 years you might start taking someone for granted and think things would be better with someone else because it’s been awhile (especially at your age) since you felt that “spark” of a new relationship. If your ex was so supportive, it either means he doesn’t care enough to be upset, or he REALLY loves you and wants you to try and find happiness. After being together for that long fortunately I would bet on the latter. Obviously you made a bad decision, but everyone does time to time. I really hope everything works out well for you.

  11. You know he’d be perfectly fine with that. Because this is about him being a creep. This is not about comfort.

  12. Not really. Maybe among people you currently know, but if you really want it you can still find it. Make it a goal to talk to 2 new people a week or something, women and men, expand your friend circle where you can, you never know who you might meet.

  13. I think you need to get your anxiety under control see a therapist. Once you are calmer and clearer it will be easier to figure out what to do

  14. I agree, it’s a lot to speak with someone a few times then essentially demand they get coffee with you. OP should not be commended for this.

  15. Frankly, I think you're both doing each other a disservice by doing this “fwb” thing. I can't think of one fwb situation that I've heard of where the two people who were not complete strangers that it ended well for both of them.

    Feelings are going to be caught and they are going to be hurt, even if it's not admitted, when one person eventually moves on to a real relationship with somebody else. The thought would be of not being good enough.

  16. Ooof, yeah, sounds like I'm right. I'm sorry, that's really rough. What he said seems to indicate that he thinks relations between men and women are transactional (money for sex). This is above Reddit's pay grade.

    You and any co-parents might want to look into psychologist that specialise in deprogramming people caught up in this kind of thing or cults (same skills apply). This kind of thinking is hard to get out of alone. I'm glad he has you. As a start you could gently (indirectly) question those beliefs. 'oh, so let's find a woman who makes more' or something. I think there are YouTube videos on helping.

    Reddit, is there a good Reddit of ex-manosphere fellows that could offer advice on how they got out and got happy?

  17. She has nowhere else to go though and a debilitating health condition that isn’t improving because she goes back and fourth between doing what her doctor says to ignoring him and telling me she’s just going to give up on getting better. How can I be a decent human being and let her go without feeling guilty and worried for her safety? She has no money because she can’t work due to her condition. She has no close family or friends. I’m all she has right now.

  18. You know, there's a fine line between a fetish and a genuinely concerning mental health condition. You've crossed that line. Hard.

  19. Your boyfriend is literally almost 30 and processes his emotions like a hormonal teenager. No bueno. He has violent tendencies and outbursts. I'd break up with his immature ass.

  20. You're saying there's no difference between being present with a loved one when they pass vs being 3 hours away?

  21. First step, if you think she may be cheating on you, Get tested for STD's. Protect yourself first.

    You have enough information to know something is going on. From here, you decide if you can move past it and try to repair what you have or go ahead and check her phone to verify what you think you know. I know many think its wrong to go thru their phone, but you have the proof that she is mass texting another guy you know nothing about.

    If you plan of trying to work this out, Than you should confront her instead of going thru her phone. See if she will show you it willingly. This will give her a heads up that you suspect her so it will be harder to catch her in the act.

    If you are just over it than you only need to find a lawyer and talk with them on your best course of action.

    No matter how you choose to go ahead, you must do something about this or it will become something you have no control over. I wish you the very best as you move forward


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